
Throughout my life, I've been looking for a balance

author:Yi Jin returned
Throughout my life, I've been looking for a balance

349. Throughout my life, I have been looking for a balance.

I found a pattern:

Whether it is life, health, work, reading, writing, practice, sports, or practice, they are all sailing against the current, and if they do not advance, they will retreat. Even if you've achieved a perfect score of 100 on something before, it will degrade as long as it is abandoned for a while.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a one-and-done thing in life, success and honor are always in the past, and there is always a new starting point under your feet.

When I realized this, I began to have a kind of humility and humility in everything, whether it is what I am good at or what I have just come into contact with, humility can always have strength, and being complacent with past achievements is to rest on my laurels and will only get weaker and weaker.

Throughout my life, I've been looking for a balance.

I like it, but I don't like it,

disgusted, but also bearable,

Emotional, but unmoved,

As soon as it is closed, all the conditions are extinguished,

As soon as it opens, Vientiane is renewed.

Serious, but not serious,

Attentive, but not attached,


Relax, but not indulge,

Enjoy, but not sink,


In life, I was always looking for a dynamic balance.

After that, I will relent;

If it is insufficient, I will refuel;

If there is more, I will lighten the burden;

If I have less, I will increase.

This kind of balance is the golden mean, which is easy to say and everyone understands, but difficult to say, and very few people can do it.

Throughout my life, I've been looking for a balance

350. The more you respect yourself, the less you will imitate and worship others.

The standard of good or bad is to have the final say, not others. Because, if someone else is not you, how do you know how much is suitable for you.

Some people are full after eating half a bowl of rice, while others have to eat three bowls to be full.

You don't say that eating half a bowl of rice is less, eating 3 bowls of rice is more, for the parties, it is just right.

For some people, the amount of exercise is 1000 is enough, and for some people, 100 is enough.

You don't say that the former is diligent and the latter is lazy, their physique is different, so their needs are different, for them, it's just just right.

The more you respect the uniqueness of each person, the less you will judge others by your own standards.

The more you respect yourself, the less you will imitate and worship others.

Because what suits you may not necessarily suit others, and what suits others may not necessarily suit you.

He is not wise that is not wise for himself. Always choose, the part you need, if you have less, you will strive for more, and if you have more, you will give up.

Unfortunately, many people can't tell whether they need it or what they want. The demand for desire is endless, and you often regard the desire of desire as your own demand, so your internal friction comes from this, because the self is always coerced and crushed by desire, and what you live out is not the real you, but the desire to be dissatisfied.

Throughout my life, I've been looking for a balance

351. The fate of repetition is karma.

One thought is born, and all causes arise;

If one heart is closed, all fate will be destroyed.

When I didn't realize it before, I always felt that fate was a mysterious thing.

After I became enlightened, I realized that the fate that came passively showed that I still had unclear karma.

In this way, if you fail in subject 3, then you can only repeat the exam until you pass.

Love robbery, financial robbery, it's all the same, you are somewhere, and your ability is not up to par, then, you will encounter similar situations repeatedly, not so much fate, but re-exams. When you pass the level, the people and things that bother you will disappear in an instant.

The initial stage of practice, as well as the intermediate stage, is very difficult because it is all at the level of quantitative change.

The higher level of cultivation will suddenly become easier, because there will be a qualitative change in quantitative changes, and there will be leaps and breakthroughs.

It's easy because everything lies in your heart. If you think about it, your whole life will change dramatically. The difficulty is that I have not realized this for a long time.