
Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

author:Ball in the opposite direction

This morning, the Chinese League A team Liaoning Iron Man officially announced that Fan Zhiyi served as the head of the coaching staff and technical director, which means that the national football legend, who has been away from professional football for 14 years, has finally returned.

As a traffic star in recent years, Fan Zhiyi is known for his various golden sentences about Chinese football, and his participation in various entertainment programs has also caused a lot of controversy. But standing outside, he can complain as much as he wants, and now it is Fan Zhiyi's turn to go into battle by himself, and he is coaching an old team like Liaozu, which is unprecedentedly hot, so Fan Zhiyi became the coach of Liaoning Iron Man and quickly appeared on the hot search list.

Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

However, for Fan Zhiyi's return, all walks of life have expressed their dissatisfaction, and even many media people complained about his decision on social media.

Fu Yayu, editor-in-chief of Football Weekly, believes that "if he can succeed in coaching, it is the biggest insult to those dedicated coaches, and it also completely subverts the industry's perception and common sense." Good luck with him overtaking in corners and redefining coaching. ”

The well-known blogger "Selling Cute" also expressed a similar opinion, he said on social media that the theoretical "giant" and the practice of "dwarf", the strongest prophet in Chinese football, finally came out after 14 years. A person who has not led a team in the first line for 14 years can still be strongly recommended by the senior management of the Football Association to become the head coach of the Chinese League A team, which is in itself an insult to the coaching industry. I boldly predict that within three months, Director Fan will be able to go back and continue to shoot Wuha.

Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

Sports big V Pan Weili believes that Fan Zhiyi taking over the professional team is a more risky choice with losses. The loss is mainly in money, this year has the European Cup and the Copa America football year, with General Fan's current value, earning 18 million is the same as playing, and the coach of the Chinese League obviously can't give him so much. In terms of public opinion, after Fan Zhiyi took over the team, as long as he didn't win three or five rounds, he would be scolded and dismissed.

Judging from the arguments of fans, most people expressed their incomprehension, because Fan Zhiyi was still recording the popular variety show "hahahahaha" at the previous stage, which was very popular and impressive. Therefore, for Fan Zhiyi's coaching, many fans expressed the hope that Fan Zhiyi can rely on his own resources to bring over entertainment stars such as Lu Han and Chen He to bring more heat to professional football.

Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

It is worth noting that as Fan Zhiyi's mentor, Xu Genbao has remained silent so far and has not expressed any views on Fan Zhiyi's departure to coach, which is a bit abnormal. After all, Fan Zhiyi had been doing youth training with Xu Genbao before, and later Fan Zhiyi gradually stepped into the entertainment industry, Xu Genbao also publicly shouted, hoping that Fan Zhiyi could take care of himself and still be a good coach, but Fan Zhiyi didn't pay attention to it and still went his own way. It is said that Fan Zhiyi chose to go out of the mountain, and Xu Genbao should be the most supportive, but his silence may be an attitude in itself.

Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

In all fairness, Fan Zhiyi's trip to the mountain is more like a move to attract attention, not only did he have no achievements when he coached, but also stayed away from the professional football circle for 14 years, and even in recent years, he has not even done youth training, in this case, if he can still coach successfully, it is indeed an insult to people who have been engaged in the coaching industry for a long time, coupled with Fan Zhiyi's hot temper and unwilling to be lonely in the entertainment industry, no wonder media people predict that he will be out of class in less than three months.

If it comes to Fan Zhiyi's greatest merit, I am afraid that in addition to bringing traffic to Chinese football, it can also give the national football team a clean public opinion environment. Fan Zhiyi has complained about the practice of the current international players many times, which has been controversial, and the life-and-death battle between the national football team and Thailand in June, Fan Zhiyi's big mouth is intimidating. Now that he is a coach, it is inconvenient to complain about the national football team, of course, provided that Fan Zhiyi can hold out until that meeting and has not yet finished class.

Fan Zhiyi went out of the mountain to be on the hot search! Many celebrities said that this move was an insult to the coach, and Xu Genbao was rarely silent

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