
Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

author:Everyone's Medical Association
Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

Some people think that donating blood is harmful to their health and is not worth it; some people think that donating blood is easy, but it is too difficult to wait for them to "use blood for free"; some people think that they donate blood for free, but they are used by hospitals to "generate income...... There are many similar controversies, and today I will seriously "reveal" some of the truths about blood donation.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

Why is unpaid blood donation promoted?

Human blood is abundant, and once an accident such as heavy bleeding occurs, if it cannot be treated with blood transfusion in a short period of time, it may induce life-threatening conditions. When patients need blood transfusion, most of the blood sources come from unpaid blood donations, and many experts say that regular blood donation can also accelerate blood flow, prevent cardiovascular diseases, improve their own hematopoietic function, and have a certain role in helping physical health.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

Under the normal state of the human body, how many milliliters of blood is the most appropriate to donate at a time?

According to Article 19 of the Blood Donation Law of the People's Republic of China, it is clearly stipulated that under the state of human health, the best amount of blood collected at one time is 200 ml, and the maximum amount of blood collected shall not exceed 400 ml, and the interval between two collections is 6 months. Adhering to professional legal knowledge and referring to the fundamental principles of medicine, in order to better maintain personal health, in the process of blood donation, we should also follow the guidance of medical staff, relax our mood, and avoid excessive tension.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

1. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseasesBecause of poor diet and long-term inactivity, most people in middle age will face cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as excessive blood lipids and blood pressure in the body, and new blood production will be generated after donating blood. It virtually reduces the concentration of blood, which is equivalent to awakening the vitality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, making the brain and heart more energetic, and reducing the risk of disease.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

2. Prolong life

After donating blood, the blood in the body decreases, at this time, it will stimulate the hematopoietic function to start working, producing some new, young blood cells, such blood cells engulf viruses, and the ability to fight diseases will be stronger, so regular blood donation can play a role in prolonging life.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

3. Reduce the occurrence of cancer

Too much or too little iron in the body can cause health problems, too low can lead to iron deficiency anemia, and too high can increase the risk of cancer. Regular blood donation can keep iron in the normal range, reduce the number of cases that are too high, and can reduce the incidence of cancer.

Donating blood should be based on these precautions:

1. Diet

In order to ensure the quality of blood donors before donating blood, it is necessary to eat more vegetables and less greasy food in the days before donating blood. Foods that are too greasy tend to cause fat to adhere to the walls of blood vessels. In addition, before donating blood, you should eat some protein-rich foods to replenish energy, and you should not go to blood drawing on an empty stomach. In the process of blood donation, if you feel dizzy and sweaty, you can drink more sugar water or lukewarm water to avoid energy.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

2. Pay attention to the first two days after donating blood, you should rest more and get at least eight hours of sleep every day. At the same time, in order to make the body better adapt, do not do strenuous exercise, as well as overly tired physical and mental work. A few days after donating blood, you should also read less electronic products and books to avoid affecting your sleep quality due to mental injury, drink more water, replenish lost body fluids in time, or drink some brown sugar water to replenish blood.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

3. Avoid strenuous exerciseAfter donating blood, you should avoid strenuous exercise so as not to increase the burden on your body. It is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise such as running, swimming, weightlifting, etc. for 24 hours after donating blood. It is possible to do some light exercises such as walking, yoga, etc. 4. Don't be anxious and nervous during the blood donation process

During the blood collection process, the whole body should be relaxed to avoid excessive pain caused by skin or muscle contraction that affects the needle insertion, and at the same time, you can take the initiative to consult the nurse about blood donation knowledge to enhance the understanding of blood donation. It is important to maintain a moderate amount of quiet during blood donation to reduce unnecessary irritability. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't think of these preparations as a particularly heavy burden.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

5. Skin cleaning before blood donationIn summer, you should pay attention to skin cleanliness when donating blood, generally pay attention to the cleaning of the blood donation site before blood donation, do not sweat locally, ensure that the skin is clean and hygienic, and avoid local infection. Therefore, in the case of frequent sweating in summer, it is necessary to immediately sweep the body and keep it clean and hygienic. If possible, wipe the needle inserted with iodophor to prevent infection and reduce inflammation.

If you want to replenish your blood, you might as well try diet therapy and eat 5 more foods

1. SpinachSpinach is one of the most famous blood-tonic foods because spinach contains a lot of iron, which is one of the most important elements in the composition of red blood cells. Therefore, for patients with anemia, it is very necessary to eat more spinach at ordinary times.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

2. Longan

Longan is also dried longan, longan as a kind of blood-tonic Chinese medicinal materials, its blood-tonic effect is well known. Longan is warm and sweet, can replenish qi and blood, benefit the heart and spleen, and can play a good role in alleviating forgetfulness, insomnia and dizziness caused by insufficient qi and blood. Longan can be eaten with some ingredients in soup, can also be eaten with red dates and other porridge, and can also be brewed with boiling water to drink tea, these eating methods can play the role of longan to replenish qi and blood, but it should be noted that longan is easy to get angry if you eat too much, so the amount of food you eat every day should be controlled.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

3. Black fungusBlack fungus is a very good fungus food, its iron content is higher than many foods, it is very suitable for anemia people to eat blood tonic food, can effectively prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia. How to nourish blood: black fungus pork liver and spinach soup. People with anemia often consume this soup, which has a very good blood tonic effect.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

4. Apples

Apples are one of the healthiest fruits and are rich in iron. If it's an organic apple, you can use the peel together to ensure that the nutrients are not lost. Apples are easy to oxidize and turn yellow when cut, because apples are rich in iron, which is a good treatment for anemia. It is not recommended to juice or cut the plate when eating to avoid the loss or loss of iron.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

5. Animal liver

In the case of severe anemia, you can eat more animal liver, animal liver is relatively nutritious, and proper eating is good for health. In addition to supplementing amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, it can also consume enough iron to help improve anemia. Therefore, people with severe anemia can eat foie gras, pig liver, duck liver and other animal livers appropriately to meet the nutritional needs of the body.

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you

Finally, I would like to appeal to more people to actively participate in the cause of blood donation. Whether it's a regular blood donation or a one-time blood donation, as long as we are able to make informed choices based on our physical condition and health, we are able to bring hope and vitality to others. Let us work together to light up the light of hope in life with love and blood! Source: Dr. Jiongshen chat

Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you
Is blood donation good or bad? These are three truths that doctors may not tell you