
Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

author:Longnan Liangdang released

As the old saying goes: "A thousand cold is easy to remove, but a wet one is difficult to go." Wet and sticky, such as oil entering the surface. ”

The reason why moisture is so difficult is because it does not heal itself regardless of season, physique, men and women, and can enter at any time, and "ten people and nine wet" is also the reason.

Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

What is moisture?

Dampness is one of the six diseases of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire, and is the most important common sense in Chinese medicine. Wet is the garbage of the body, it is a sticky dirty thing, and there is garbage in the body, which will inevitably affect the health of the body.

There are two kinds of dampness, one is the dampness evil in nature, such as rainy climate and long-term humidity (external dampness), and the other is the dampness evil (internal dampness) caused by the slow and slow operation of the body's qi organs.

What are the symptoms of heavy dampness?


  Generally speaking, if you have a lot of dampness in your body, then the most obvious symptom is that you will feel that your whole body is very tired, even after a long rest, the whole person is still not energetic, and you have no energy at all.

Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

  There are tooth marks on the tongue

  For people with heavy dampness in the body, the edge of the tongue will be prone to tooth marks, and the tongue coating will become thicker, you may wish to check the condition of your tongue.

  Fecal unformed

  A normal person's poop should be formed, while a person's stool with heavy moisture in the body is generally soft and unformed.

  Poor appetite

  People with heavy dampness in the body are more likely to have a bad appetite, so when you feel that you are very tired, and have no energy and no appetite, then it is most likely that the dampness in the body is very heavy.

  Oily face

  In fact, many people will have such troubles, that is, their face is always oily, or their hair is oily after a few days of washing, in fact, it is all because of the moisture in your body is too heavy!

  Itchy skin

  Many people will feel that their skin is itchy for some reason, but they have not been bitten by insects, what is going on? In fact, it is caused by the heavy moisture in your body.

Teach you 3 tricks to force out the moisture in your body

1. Find the body's moisture discharge port

Chengshan acupoint, also known as jade pillar, is located in the middle of the back of the lower leg of the human body, between the middle and the Kunlun acupoint, when the calf is straightened or the heel is raised, the sharp angle depression that appears under the abdomen of the gastrocnemius muscle is.

Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

The name Chengshan refers to the solidification of the spleen and soil particles that travel with the bladder through the water. The substance of this hole is a mixture of spleen soil and water liquid that comes with the bladder through the water, after going to this hole, the water liquid vaporizes and the dry spleen and soil particles settle around the hole, and the settled spleen and soil are piled up like a mountain, so it is called Chengshan.

Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

Therefore, you can usually rub this acupuncture point, and each time you pluck or tap no less than 49 times.

2. Drink barley and red bean porridge

Barley, called "Coix Seed" in traditional Chinese medicine, is listed as the top grade in the "Shennong Materia Medica". It can cure dampness, benefit the stomach and intestines, eliminate edema, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and benefit the body and qi for a long time.

Slap here 49 times, and the whole body is emptied of moisture!

Red adzuki beans can nourish the heart and blood, and it is recorded in ancient books that it "makes people thin for a long time", that is, eating red adzuki beans often has the effect of weight loss. It also has obvious effects of diluting water, reducing swelling, and strengthening the spleen and stomach.

These two herbs can play a role in nourishing blood and dispelling dampness. Not only that, barley and red bean porridge also has a good weight loss effect, which can not only lose weight, but also do not hurt the body.

3. Eat less raw and cold

In such a humid environment, do not eat food that hurts the spleen and stomach. People with a sweet tooth also need to pay attention, because "sweet and greasy dissolves dampness".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raw and cold food, ice products or cold fruits and vegetables will stagnate the digestion and absorption function of the stomach and intestines, so it is not suitable to eat unlimited amounts. For example, lettuce salad, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, bitter gourd, etc., it is best to add green onions and ginger when cooking to reduce the cold nature of vegetables.

Source: Maimai Health