


Beta watches the game

2024-04-07 22:59Published in Hubei game creators

After 3 rounds of the two sides, TES swept JDG with a 3-0 record and advanced to the upper bracket finals, while JDG fell into the lower bracket and is about to face NIP.


In the first game, TES top-laner Crocodile, jungler Foyego, mid-laner Fox, lower laner Verusga Titan, JDG uplaner Jace, jungler blind monk, mid-laner Niko, lower laner Zeligariel. At the beginning of the game, the four TES ambushed the road, killed missing Ruier, and the meiko titan won a blood. 3 minutes of 2V2 in the lower lane, JKL Varus killed Ruler Zeli on the line. 7 minutes of 2V2 battle in the lower lane, and the TES lower lane duo got the line kill again. In the 11th minute, JDG pushed off a blood tower on the road. In the early stage, the economies of the two sides were basically flat. In the middle 23 minutes, the two sides fought for the dragon, the holy gun brother Jess was seconded, and TES won the draw dragon. In the 29th minute, the two sides pulled in the middle, and Toothpaste Niko was hit by creme fox E, and TES took the first big dragon after killing the JDG four. In the last 30 minutes, the two sides competed for the dragon, although the kanavi blind monk won the dragon, but Ruler Zeli was opened, the TES team destroyed JDG, and JKL Varus scored 4 kills. In the 35th minute, JDG also won the draw dragon. In the 36th minute, TES won the second big dragon. In the final 38 minutes, 369 crocodiles cut Ruler Zeli to death in the high ground, and TES played a team to win the first game. In the first game, JKL Varus threw the most damage in the game.


In the second game, JDG top-laner excavator, jungler monkey, mid-laner Annie, lower lane Ze Liga Ruier, TES top single sword demon, jungler Wei, mid-laner fox, lower lane Verusga bull head. In the 13th minute, meiko went around the bull's head, but was counter-killed by JDG's bottom lane duo, and Missing Ruier took a blood. In the early stage, the economies of the two sides were basically flat. In the mid-18 minutes, TES pushed off a blood tower in the lower lane. In the 29th minute, the Saint Gun Excavator was killed, and then TES chased to the wild area to play 1 for 5, and the 369 Sword Demon Hao won 4 kills, and TES won the draw dragon. In the late 31 minutes, JDG chose to fight the big dragon, TES rushed to stop it, first killed JDG Nosuke 2 people, and then JDG chased and killed TES 4 people, choosing to fight the big dragon, and as a result, creme fox grabbed the first big dragon. In the 37th minute, the two sides competed for the small dragon, although kanavi won the draw dragon, but the 369 river sword demon harvested, and the TES team won the second game after destroying JDG. The MVP went to the creme fox.


In the third game, JDG top laner excavator, jungler monkey, mid laner Annie, lower lane Ze Ligariel, TES top laner Orn, jungler Wei, mid laner Fox, lower lane Verus plus Rambo. At the beginning of the game, the TES trio ambushed and killed the Saint Gun Excavator on the upper road, and JKL Varus took a blood. In 11 minutes, TES pushed off a blood tower in the lower lane. In the early stage, TES economy is ahead of 3K. In the middle 19 minutes, the two sides competed for Xiaolong, TES took the lead in killing the lone ruler Zeli, but JDG Nakano harvested, 4V5 team killed TES, and won Xiaolong. 25 min: TES wins the draw dragon. In the 27th minute, TES Ueno grabbed the Holy Spear Excavator and killed it, but the four people in front of JDG stole the first big dragon. In the later 30 minutes, TES started the group in the lower lane, and the damage was too high, and after TES played 1 for 4, he won the water dragon soul. In the 34th minute, TES won the second big dragon. In the final 37 minutes, TES started the team on the top road and won the victory after killing the four JDG players!


So, do you have anything to say about this game? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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