
A quick look at the news on April 8

author:Hualong Net

During the Qingming holiday, Chongqing rail transit transported more than 12 million passengers, and the top three lines in passenger flow were them

A quick look at the news on April 8

During the Qingming holiday, Chongqing rail transit passenger volume was 12.447 million. Courtesy of Chongqing Rail Group

On April 7, according to news from Chongqing Transportation Kaitou Rail Group, during the Qingming holiday, the passenger volume of Chongqing rail transit was 12.447 million, with a daily average of 4.149 million passengers.

During the Qingming period, the top five lines with the largest passenger flow in the whole line network of Chongqing rail transit were Line 3, Line 6, Line 1, Ring Line and Line 2, with passenger volumes of 2.121 million, 1.987 million, 1.943 million, 1.706 million and 1.206 million respectively.

The passenger volume of stations adjacent to transportation hubs such as Chongqing North Railway Station South Square, Chongqing West Railway Station and Chongqing North Railway Station North Square was 338,000, 287,000 and 192,000 respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 74.3%, 127.5% and 72.9% respectively.

The passenger traffic of stations adjacent to major scenic spots such as Liziba, Ciqikou and Zoo was 191,000, 171,000 and 163,000 respectively, with a year-on-year increase of 94.2%, 17.2% and 40.4% respectively.

Among the transfer stations, Ranjiaba, Lianglukou and Hongqihegou are the stations with the largest passenger flow, with passenger traffic of 410,000, 344,000 and 306,000 respectively, with year-on-year increases of 14.1%, 36.4% and 11.0% respectively.

In order to ensure the safe travel of the general public and tourists, Chongqing Rail Group carried out safety inspections in accordance with the relevant contents of the newly revised "Chongqing Rail Transit Prohibited and Restricted Items Catalogue", and investigated and dealt with 427 items that exceeded the carrying specifications such as alcohol, hairspray, fruit knives, sprays, etc.

Chongqing Railway Group reminds passengers that in order to ensure the safety of operation, do not bring flammable and explosive materials into the station, and take the train safely and civilly.

In 2024, the enrollment of the special plan for colleges and universities will start to register, and 3 universities in Chongqing are eligible for enrollment

A few days ago, China Agricultural University, Chongqing University, Northeastern University and other universities released the enrollment brochure of the 2024 special plan for colleges and universities, clarifying the enrollment plan, registration time, admission methods, etc. Before April 25, eligible candidates should log in to the registration system of the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform for the special plan of colleges and universities.

In 2024, 95 colleges and universities across the country will be eligible for enrollment under special programs. Among them, Chongqing University, Southwest University, and Southwest University of Political Science and Law are three universities in Chongqing that have the qualifications for enrollment in special programs for colleges and universities.

The special plan is targeted to recruit rural students who are diligent and studious and have good grades in high schools below the county level (including county-level cities) in remote, poverty alleviation, and ethnic areas. This special program is one of the channels opened up by the state to smooth the vertical mobility of students in rural areas and poverty alleviation areas.

The conditions for candidates in Chongqing to apply for the special plan for colleges and universities are: candidates and their parents or legal guardians have household registration in Youyang, Xiushan, Qianjiang, Pengshui, Shizhu, Wulong, Wushan, Wuxi, Chengkou, Wanzhou, Yunyang, Fengjie, Kaizhou, Fengdu, Fuling, Zhongxian, Tongnan, Nanchuan, Dianjiang, and Liangping, and the nature of household registration is "rural", and the candidates themselves have been enrolled in high schools in the above areas for 3 consecutive years and actually attended, and at the same time have a local household registration for 3 years or more [calculated according to September 30 (inclusive) of the year of application] and meet the requirements for the college entrance examination in the current year. On this basis, the relevant colleges and universities will put forward other application requirements and make them clear in the enrollment brochure, and candidates should pay attention to them.

Candidates who are selected for the special plan of colleges and universities must take the college entrance examination, apply for a single volunteer, and be admitted according to the candidates' college entrance examination results and volunteers. In principle, the admission score shall not be lower than the admission control score of the batch of general enrollment of the relevant universities. The admission method of the special plan for colleges and universities shall be determined by the relevant colleges and universities and specified in the enrollment brochure, and the method and time of voluntary filling shall be subject to the provisions of the Chongqing Municipal Education Examination Institute at that time.

Before April 25, candidates who meet the registration conditions should log in to the registration system ( of the special plan for colleges and universities on the Sunshine College Entrance Examination Platform, register and fill in various application information as required.

Details>>> 2024 University Special Program Enrollment Begins Registration 3 colleges and universities in Chongqing have enrollment qualifications-Hualong Net

In 2024, 32 technical colleges in Chongqing plan to enroll 45,290 students

On April 7, the Chongqing Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Issuing the 2024 Enrollment Guidance Plan for Technical Colleges in the City" (hereinafter referred to as the Notice). In 2024, 32 technical colleges in Chongqing plan to enroll 45,290 students, including 37,140 full-time students and 8,150 part-time students (including new enterprise apprenticeships).

A quick look at the news on April 8

Notice on the issuance of the 2024 city's technical college enrollment guidance plan. Source: Network Screenshot

The notice makes it clear that the human resources and social security departments of all districts and counties, as the competent departments of the source of students, should further simplify the work process, vigorously support the technical colleges to carry out various vocational skills training at all levels in their jurisdictions, and tilt them in the decomposition of vocational skills training tasks, and fully support the technical colleges to complete the new apprenticeship (part-time) training of enterprises. The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will randomly check the enrollment publicity of technical colleges in all districts and counties, and report the city's support for enrollment in each district and county.

It is necessary to further deepen school-enterprise cooperation, integration of production and education, actively connect with the needs of industries, industries and enterprises, set up single classes and title classes, establish and strengthen majors closely related to the "33618" modern industrial cluster, and cultivate more skilled talents to meet the needs of the city's economic and social development.

All technical colleges and universities should carry out enrollment publicity in accordance with laws and regulations, strictly abide by the relevant regulations on enrollment, do a good job in the management of the enrollment work team, strictly prohibit paid enrollment, buy and sell students, ensure standardized enrollment, civilized enrollment, orderly enrollment, and jointly maintain a clean and upright enrollment environment and order.

A quick look at the news on April 8

The number of students planned to be enrolled in each school. Source: Network Screenshot

Equipment overhaul Chongqing Lianglu intersection crown escalator suspended operation for two days from the 10th

On April 7, Chongqing Passenger Cableway Co., Ltd. announced that the crown escalator at the intersection of the two intersections will be suspended from 08:00 on April 10 to 20:00 on April 11 (two days) due to equipment overhaul and maintenance.

The crown escalator at the intersection of the two roads is expected to resume normal operation at 08:00 on April 12. Please make travel arrangements during the suspension period in advance, and apologize for any inconvenience.