
【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

author:Maker IP Lao Liang

Every year, Qingming Festival is a day for Chinese people to remember their ancestors and remember their relatives and friends. It just so happened that a few of my friends who were working in other places returned to their hometowns to worship their ancestors, and we all made an appointment to get together.

"Brother, you talk about Chinese culture every day, and I'll tell you about it today!" Lao Zhang took the lead in provoking the conversation. He worked for an influential magazine in Beijing and was a former colleague of mine.

"Let's talk about the Qingming Festival today!" I defined the theme.

"Everyone here is a master, and I can be regarded as a brick thrower. Lao Zhang cleared his throat.

"The origin of the Qingming Festival is Jin Wengong, one of the five tyrants of the Spring and Autumn Period. When Jin Wengong was still called Chong'er, he was in exile abroad, and one day when he was in a hurry, he missed the village and was hungry. At this time, his subordinate Jie Zitui offered to go hunting and get some game to come back for the lord to eat. Jie Zitui rode out with a knife and returned half an hour later. He carried a large piece of meat in his hand, saying that he had beaten a wolf and cut a piece of wolf meat and came back. Chong'er didn't suspect that he had it, and after cooking it, he devoured it and finished eating, but found that the left thigh of Jie Zitui was bloody, and his pants were soaked, so he hurriedly asked what was going on. At this time, Jie Zitui said, 'There is nothing here. The subordinates were worried that you would be hungry, so they cut off the meat on their thighs and gave you to eat. Chong'er was greatly moved, and swore an oath: 'If I am not abandoned by God, I will surely share the glory and wealth with my brothers when I will come out!'

Later, Chong'er returned to the Jin Kingdom and ascended the throne, known as the Duke of Jin Wen in history. He was rewarded for his meritorious deeds, and everyone else who followed him into exile was rewarded, but Jie Zitui got nothing. Jie Zitui was not noisy, returned home to pack his luggage and ran to Mianshan with his old mother to live in seclusion. After Jin Wengong found out that Jie Zitui was missing, he led people to track them all the way to Mianshan. But there was nowhere to search for the vast mountain, so Duke Wen of Jin ordered the mountain to be set on fire, trying to force Jie Zi to push down the mountain. But the fire burned for three days and three nights, and countless wild beasts fled down, and they did not see Jie Zitui. After the fire was extinguished, Jin Wengong went up the mountain to look for it, and found Jie Zitui who had died hugging the tree under a large willow tree. The willow tree had a large hollow in which a bloody letter was hidden, and when it was taken out and looked at, it read:

Cutting meat is dedicated to the king, and I hope the lord will always be clear.

Liuxia is a ghost and never disappears, and it is better to accompany the king as a minister.

If the Lord has me in his heart, remember me and reflect on myself often.

The minister has a clear heart in Jiuquan, and he is diligent and clear.

Jin Wengong recalled the past, thought about the present, was extremely remorseful, cried a lot, and ordered a thick burial of Jie Zitui and his mother. The Mianshan Mountain was changed to Jieshan, and the three days of burning the mountain were changed to the Cold Food Festival, and the people were not allowed to make fires to cook to show respect for Jie Zitui. In the second year, Jin Wengong went up the mountain again and came to the old willow tree, and found that the willow tree had been resurrected, with thousands of green branches, fluttering in the wind. In addition to gratitude, Jin Wengong named this willow tree Qingming Willow, and ordered that the last day of the Cold Food Festival be changed to the Qingming Festival to pay tribute to Jie Zitui!

"Since the Jin State is a vassal state surnamed Ji, it is also a giant in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it has a great influence. Later, it was divided into three powerful countries, Han, Zhao and Wei, so the Qingming Festival gradually spread throughout the country!"

Lao Zhang told the story eloquently, with a crisp Beijing accent!

"Editor-in-chief Zhang said it well! However, at our age, we must not only push through the old, but also bring out the new. Qingming Festival is not only the ancestor worship festival and Thanksgiving Day, but also something deeper. A friend surnamed Huang, who works in a food company in Shanghai, said.

"Yes, the Qingming Festival is a time to think about life and death again. We have lacked this level of education since childhood, and everyone is very taboo to talk about this topic. In fact, this is the great philosophy of life!" Lao Zhang echoed.

"Okay! Confucianism has already answered the question of life, death, and wealth that Jie Zitui is facing!

The following is the Confucian discussion of life and death in the Analects.

【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

1. Death and life are life, and wealth is in the sky

The Analects of Confucius records the following passage:

Sima Niu and Zixia were both disciples of Confucius. Sima Niu has an extraordinary background, and his five brothers were originally all dignitaries of the Song State, especially his elder brother Huan Wei, who was the favorite minister of Song Jinggong and controlled the Song army. But Huan Wei was not greedy enough, and kept reaching out to Song Jinggong to ask for benefits, and finally the monarch and ministers turned against him, and Huan Wei attempted to kill the king, so he fled to Cao Guo and Wei Guo to hide. The younger brother Sima Niu was afraid of being implicated, so he did not dare to continue to stay in the Song Kingdom, and also fled.

Zi Xia, who is Bu Shang, as we originally said, is a super bull among Confucius's disciples, and has received many famous disciples in the world, including the famous Wei Wenhou.

This sentence translates as:

Sima Niu said worriedly: "Everyone has brothers, but I don't. ”

Zixia comforted him and said: "I heard: Death is destined in life, and wealth is arranged by heaven. If a gentleman is cautious and has no faults, and is respectful and polite to others, then there are good brothers everywhere in the world!

Sima Niu's worry is that his brother Huan Wei has committed the crime of killing the monarch, and he is afraid that his life will not be guaranteed. His other brother Xiang Chao and his two younger brothers, Zixin and Ziche, also fled in all directions, so that the five brothers would never see each other again.

Zi Xia's insight is higher than Sima Niu's: Your worries are too wide! Your mind is too narrow! Now that your brothers have run out, you are all fine for the time being! As for life and death in the future, it all depends on your own personality and luck, don't worry about it all the time.

And even if your brother with the same surname is gone, as long as you act correctly and sit upright, then "virtue is not lonely, there must be neighbors", and the world is full of good brothers with different surnames!

Zi Xia's words are commanding and extraordinary, and the core idea must come from his master Confucius.

When Confucius traveled to the Song Kingdom, Song Jinggong wanted to reuse Confucius's master and apprentice very much, but Sima Niu's elder brother Huan Wei was worried that his power would fall, so he sent people behind Song Jinggong's back to threaten to drive Confucius away. But Confucius did not anger Huan Wei's younger brother Sima Niu, and still taught him wholeheartedly. This kind of mind, Zixia knows, Sima Niu should know even more! If you learn from Master Confucius to behave like this, why worry about not having a good brother?

The core of this passage is "life and death are life, and wealth is in the sky"!

Carefully analyzed, these eight characters represent the Confucian essence of life and death, wealth and nobility, and have the following three meanings:

First, life and death, investigation and wealth;

Second, only ask about hard work, not about harvest;

Third, forge the mission and accept the mandate of heaven.

Let's start with the first layer. Life and death are inherently beyond human control. For things that are beyond the scope of human ability, the most correct attitude is to follow fate, accept it, and let it go. Wealth and nobility, although everyone pursues, but there are also some factors to the inside, and some factors to the outside.

Therefore, when we face the big test of life, we must be able to be self-consistent and not drill the horns. When you are proud, don't get carried away, remember that there is still providence, and when you are disappointed, you don't have to sink, and remember that there is still providence.

Let's talk about the second layer. Since we can't control life and death at all, and we can't completely control wealth and wealth, the most correct attitude is to put all our energy in the process and in our efforts, rather than always suffering from gains and losses. Gains and losses don't change because you're worried.

This is the best emotional manager that Confucianism has given us. Once you understand this, most of your anxiety, fear, and regret will disappear.

Finally, the third layer. "Life and death have fate, wealth is in the sky", it is definitely not a strategy of lying flat with three or six or nine, but while chasing his mission without hesitation, he accepts his destiny open-mindedly and openly.

We must spare no effort to make the use of our controllable time and energy, and strive for perfection; we must be comfortable with our uncontrollable results, successes and failures, and look down on gains and losses.

Next, let's take a look at how one of the top masters in history who can best "temper his mission and accept the mandate of heaven" achieved step by step and reached the great peace of life.

【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

2. The essence of virtue is like the length of the sea

Guo Ziyi, born in 697 AD, was a native of Zheng County, Huazhou (now Huazhou District, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province). Guo Ziyi was born in a family of eunuchs, and has been graceful and generous since she was a child, with noble ambitions. In his early years, he participated in the martial arts examination, and because of his excellent results, he was appointed as the chief of the left guard.

At this time, the Tang Dynasty was in its heyday, Guo Ziyi relied on his own ingenuity and ingenuity, and promoted all the way in a decent manner, until the 13th year of Tianbao (754 AD), Guo Ziyi had served as the governor of Jiuyuan County (Fengzhou), the envoy of the city of Xishou, the Taishou of Jiuyuan County, and the envoy of the right wing of Shuofang Jiedu.

If history had continued to develop calmly, Guo Ziyi might have come to the end of her career. He will retire peacefully in a few years, and return to his hometown to entertain his grandchildren and enjoy his family.

But here is where history turns abruptly!

In November of the 14th year of Tianbao (755 AD), the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty came to an abrupt end! In the face of the rebellion of hundreds of thousands of fierce troops of An Lushan and Shi Siming, the Tang Dynasty was in chaos. The various contradictions that had accumulated before erupted rapidly. The rebels slaughtered Chang'an like a whirlwind, and for a time Shenzhou sank and the Central Plains shook.

From the beginning of his appointment as Wei Weiqing, Guo Ziyi led the army to fight in the south and the north, blocking the east and killing the west, and after countless arduous battles, he successively defeated An Lushan, An Qingxu, Shi Siming, the rebellious Fugu Huai'en, Tubo, Dangxiang and other forces, turned the tide from the past, supported the building to the general, and finally pulled the Tang Dynasty back from the danger of dying and rebuilt the world.

Guo Ziyi's enemies not only included the rebels and the Tubo, Dangxiang, Hui, Tuyuhun, etc., but also the eunuchs Cheng Yuanzhen and Yu Chaoen, who were powerful in the court. But Guo Ziyi is at ease on both fronts, and the dragon and tiger have gone through the four dynasties of Xuanzong, Suzong, Daizong, and Dezong, and he has relied on the open-minded spirit and fighting spirit of "life and death, wealth and prosperity in the sky".

Let's look at a few examples:

【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

1. Mutual rescue between civil and military, righteousness and thin clouds

Li Bai, the first poet of the Tang Dynasty and even China, had a life-saving friendship with Guo Ziyi.

Li Bai was born in 701 AD, 4 years younger than Guo Ziyi, and the two were contemporaries.

In 735 AD, Li Bai, who was already famous all over the world, traveled in Bingzhou and met Guo Ziyi, who was not very famous at that time. Later, Guo Ziyi was implicated and convicted of an incident, and her life was worried under the strict legal system of Datang. But Li Bai knew that Guo Ziyi was wronged, so he used his fame to run up and down to exonerate Guo Ziyi. In the end, with the great help of Li Dashi, Guo Ziyi was released.

This matter was planted in Guo Ziyi's heart.

After the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Guo Ziyi recovered the two capitals, made great achievements, entered the Zhongshu Order, and was crowned the king of Fenyang, and was a very popular minister. At this time, Li Bai, because he had been a staff member of the Yongwang Li Lin, wrote a hymn for Li Lin. Then Li Lin was killed for rebellion, and Li Bai became a death row prisoner because he had stood on the wrong side.

Participating in the rebellion is a felony, and Li Bai's good friend Gao Shi can't help it.

At the critical juncture, Guo Ziyi stepped forward. He personally explained the situation to Suzong, interceded on behalf of his benefactor, and was willing to resign all officials to atone for Li Bai's sins.


On Li Bai's way to Yelang, it coincided with the great drought in Guanzhong, and Suzong decided to grant amnesty to the world, so Li Bai, who had walked to the White Emperor City, was also released. Li Bai was ecstatic, and wrote the "Early White Emperor City" that has been passed down through the ages:

Between the white emperor and the clouds, thousands of miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day.

The apes on both sides of the strait could not stop crying, and the light boat had already crossed the ten thousand mountains.

"The power is not taboo in the world, and the power covers a generation and the Lord is not suspicious." In this event, both the great poet and the great general reached the peak of morality.

2. Don't miss old grudges and fight hand in hand

There is another Tang hero who pacified the Anshi Rebellion, and there is another one named Li Guangbi. Guo Ziyi is 11 years older than Li Guangbi.

The two used to serve as generals in the same military camp. But Li Guangbi was not very convinced by Guo Ziyi, and he didn't bother to talk to Guo Ziyi on weekdays. Regarding the hostility of this little brother, Guo Ziyi has always laughed at it.

Later, Guo Ziyi was promoted to the envoy of the festival and became Li Guangbi's top boss. Li Guangbi was even more indignant, and he had been planning to leave Guo Ziyi and go elsewhere. At this time, the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and Tang Xuanzong ordered Guo Ziyi to lead his troops to the battle. And Li Guangbi was seen through because of his small abacus, and asked to see Guo Ziyi and apologized for his attempt to leave the team. Li Guangbi cried and said, "Lord Guo, I am willing to die, please forgive my wife and children." ”

Guo Ziyi also cried, walked down the hall and hugged Li Guangbi and said: "In the autumn of national crisis, you and my brothers can only retreat from the enemy by working together, don't worry about those past events." Li Guangbi was greatly moved. When Xuanzong asked for a general who could take on the big responsibility, Guo Ziyi did not hesitate to recommend Li Guangbi.

Li Guangbi also lived up to expectations, fought side by side with Guo Ziyi on the battlefield, and finally quelled the Anshi Rebellion.

【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

3. Turn enemies into friends, and have a magnificent belly

Yu Chaoen is a famous eunuch in the Suzong Dynasty. Due to the Anshi Rebellion, he followed Xuanzong and the crown prince Li Heng (Suzong) into Sichuan, and later served Li Heng with meritorious service, and won Li Heng's trust, so that the power leaned towards the government and the opposition.

When Guo Ziyi led the army to quell the rebellion, Yu Chaoen slandered Guo Ziyi in front of Suzong many times and deprived him of his military power. But Guo Ziyi didn't care, let him do his best when he took office, and let the leisure be light.

Due to Yu Chaoen's perverse actions, the originally smooth counterinsurgency war situation has been repeated many times. Both the government and the opposition hated it.

Once when Guo Ziyi went to war, Yu Chaoen sent someone to dig Guo Ziyi's ancestral grave out of jealousy. This was a big deal in those days. When Guo Ziyi returned victoriously, Su Zong himself felt that it was difficult to explain, and Ai Ai said this matter, hoping to get Guo Ziyi's understanding.

Unexpectedly, Guo Ziyi fell to the ground and cried, and said to Su Zong: "The ministers led the troops to fight outside, resulting in the destruction of lives, and the soldiers cannot be forbidden to dig other people's graves." The ancestral grave of the minister was dug up, I think it is God's punishment for the minister!"

In this way, Guo Ziyi not only did not pursue the matter, but also pulled the fault on herself. Both Suzong and Yu Chaoen breathed a sigh of relief.

Out of guilt, Yu Chaoen sent Guo Ziyi an invitation card to have a banquet in his mansion. Guo Ziyi's sons and his generals all thought it was a Hongmen banquet and asked Guo Ziyi to either refuse or lead the guard troops to the banquet.

Guo Ziyi laughed and only brought a few servants to the banquet. Yu Chaoen, who was standing at the door to greet him, was taken aback when he saw Guo Ziyi bringing so few people, and asked, "Why are there so few of your entourage?"

Guo Ziyi replied: "Outsiders have rumored that Lord Yu is not in harmony with me. But as an important minister of the country, I am a military general, and discord will be detrimental to the country. And Lord Yu is open-minded, why do I bring so many people to the banquet?"

Even a treacherous villain like Yu Chaoen was moved to cry when he heard Guo Ziyi's hot and hot words. He took Guo Ziyi's hand and said, "If it's not a loyal elder, can you not be suspicious?"

Since then, Yu Chaoen has never stumbled Guo Ziyi.

【Zen wisdom】Controllable, desperate! Uncontrollable, accept fate!

Fourth, take risks alone and repel strong enemies

Fugu Huaien colluded with Tubo and Hui to attack Chang'an, and Guo Ziyi sent troops to resist the enemy. Guo Ziyi saw that the enemy was strong and decided to divide them. He led only a few dozen cavalrymen to the camp of the Hui and asked for consultation with the other party.

The Hui generals saw that the person who came was Guo Ziyi, a general respected by their side, and they saluted one after another. Guo Ziyi said loudly: "In the past, you helped Datang recover the two capitals, and we shared weal and woe and formed a deep friendship. How can you forget this friendship now?"

The Hui generals were ashamed and bowed down one after another. Guo Ziyi drank with them, gave them silk, and swore reconciliation. The Uighurs immediately agreed to get along amicably and withdrew their troops to return. When the Tubo people saw that the Hui soldiers had withdrawn, they had no intention of fighting and retreated.

Guo Ziyi despises life and death, and despises wealth and wealth, but enjoys a long life and enjoys all the glory! His legend is the best practice of "life and death have life, and wealth is in the sky".

"The story is over!, what do you think?" I teased, taking a sip of water.

"Got it, got it. Just like Zixia said, be respectful and courteous, do your best, you can turn hostility into jade, and all brothers in the four seas! Moreover, think through what you can't manage, do what you can manage, look down on life and death, work hard, and the sky has eyes!"

"Hahahaha, this is the unity of heaven and man!" The air was filled with the smell of joy.