
F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation


First, young talents are emerging

In the vast world of table tennis, a new star is rising. F. Lebrun, who is only 17 years old, has already written a legend in the table tennis world. With his outstanding skills and tenacity, he has won many honors such as the runner-up of the World Table Tennis Championships, the WTT Series Champion, the European Champion and the French National Championships. Behind these honors is the sweat and dedication of his countless days and nights of hard training.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

F. Lebrun, who is ranked 5th in the world, has become a leader among non-national table tennis players. His unique style of play inherits the essence of straight and horizontal play, and innovatively combines an advanced backhand speed flow system, which makes him always show strong strength and consistency in the game. No matter what kind of opponent he faces, he can stay calm and play at his best.

2. Take Tomokazu Zhang as an idol and draw growth momentum

There is one name that has always accompanied F. Lebrun on his growth path, and that is Tomokazu Zhangmoto. At the age of 12, when he made his debut on the stage of the World Junior Championship, he was attracted by the speed of the ball with Zhang Benzhi and his speed. Since then, he has regarded Tomokazu Haramoto as his idol and aspires to become a good player like him.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

When asked about choosing between Malone and Tomokazu Haramoto as a target, F. Lebrun did not hesitate to choose Tomokazu Haramoto. He believes that as a pioneer of the speed flow system, his ball skills and tactical concepts are worthy of his learning and reference. Therefore, he has always followed the example of Tomokazu Zhangmoto, constantly drawing inspiration and strength from his idols, and striving to improve his technical level.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

3. Similarities between technical characteristics and idols

In the technical and tactical framework of F. Lebrun, we can see the shadow of Tomokazu Zhangmoto. He excels at short forehand shots and is able to quickly launch counter-attacks at crucial moments to disrupt the rhythm of his opponents. At the same time, he is also adept at using the backhand speed flow system to control the initiative of the game by hitting the ball quickly and accurately.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

In addition, F. Lebrun's performance in the game also has many similarities with Tomokazu Zhangmoto. He also has a firm will and the spirit of not admitting defeat, no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces, he can persevere to the end and never give up any chance to win. His way of celebration and frustration are also the same as those of Tomokazu Zhangmoto, which is enough to prove his deep admiration and imitation of his idols.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

Fourth, the direct confrontation with idols shows the strength and gap

After entering the senior competition, F. Lebrun finally ushered in a direct meeting with his idol Tomokazu Zhangmoto. At the 2023 Chengdu Mixed Team World Cup, the two had a fierce battle. However, in this match, Tomokazu Haramoto relied on more experience and more solid play to defeat F. Lebrun with a score of 2-0.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

Although he lost the match, F. Lebrun was not discouraged. He knows that there is still a certain gap between himself and his idols, and he needs to continue to work hard to improve his technical level and competition experience. This fight made him more aware of his shortcomings and areas for improvement, and also made him more determined to chase his idol and surpass himself.

F. Lebrun's idol view of Ma Long and Tomokazu Zhangmoto: he chose the latter without hesitation

5. Continue to grow and transcend, and become the light in your heart

Since that encounter with his idol, F. Lebrun has not stopped. He continued to follow the example of Tomokazu Zhangmoto, constantly working hard to train and learn new techniques and tactics. He knows that only by making continuous progress can he narrow the gap with his idols and eventually achieve transcendence.

As time went on, F. Lebrun's skills became more and more sophisticated, and his performances in the game became better and better. He gradually became the light in his heart, illuminating his own path forward. Today, he has surpassed Tomokazu Zhang in the world ranking and has become a bright star in the table tennis world.

Sixth, the future can be expected, looking forward to more brilliance

For F. Lebrun, there is still a long way to go. He will continue to chase his dreams and goals, constantly improving his skills and experience. We are looking forward to his next meeting with his idol Tomokazu Haramoto, and we believe it will be an even more exciting and intense match.

At the same time, we also look forward to F. Lebrun continuing to create more brilliant results in future races. His hard work and persistence let us see the infinite possibilities and bright future of table tennis. Let's wait and see how he continues to shine in the future and brings us more exciting performances.

F. Lebrun's growth was full of hardships and sweat, but he has come to this day step by step with his love for table tennis and admiration for his idols. His story tells us that as long as we have dreams, perseverance, and hard work, we will be able to achieve our goals and dreams. Let's cheer for F. Lebrun and look forward to many more miracles in the future!

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