
"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

author:Little Orange Says Things

It all started with a sudden fire. At that time, Shen Tunan was under the close surveillance of the Kuomintang and was in a dilemma. At this moment, a raging flame appeared in front of him, creating a perfect opportunity for him to escape.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

At first, Shen Tunan thought it was just an accidental fire. But soon, he discovered the strangeness of the matter -- it turned out that this fire was actually a good play carefully planned by Comrade Lei Ming on the inside line of the revolution! Just when Shen Tunan was full of doubts, Lei Ming suddenly appeared and personally opened the way for him.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

It's like a dewy and natural movie, full of wisdom. Shen Tu Nan suddenly woke up like a dream, and realized that what he was looking for was nothing else, it was a fellow revolutionary traveler like Lei Ming! It was only at this moment that he was truly sure that he had not taken the wrong path.

At that moment, the ideal sail hunted again in Shen Tunan's heart, urging him to move forward...

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

At that time, Shen Tunan, who was shouldering a heavy responsibility, led a Kuomintang army and went to the Soviet area to suppress bandits with the determination to cut the grass and eradicate the roots. He was extremely disdainful and hostile to the Communists, who were regarded as the "red scourge."

Who would have thought that this sweeping trip would completely change the trajectory of Shen Tunan's life. Along the way, he saw the scene of the people in the Soviet area living in a healthy and orderly manner, and lived freely, which was like a cloud of mud from the previous proverbs that "bandits were rampant."

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Shen Tunan, who was originally full of murderous energy, set off a monstrous wave in his heart after witnessing the real situation with his own eyes. He began to question the regime he had been following, and he developed a new understanding of the achievements of the revolutionary ranks.

The simple, kind, and mutually helpful lifestyle of the people in the Soviet area was like a clear mirror, which completely washed away Shen Tunan's prejudice against them. In these ordinary people, he saw the brilliance of humanity and a nobler and more dignified state of existence.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

After visiting the Soviet area, Shen Tunan witnessed with his own eyes the real life of a faction that did not conform to the propaganda of the Kuomintang. In this land, which is regarded as the "bane of redness", ordinary people live a quiet and healthy life, there is no barrier between you and me, and people take care of each other and love each other, rather than "red bandits" as the propaganda says.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

After the peasants here worked hard to get rich, they were not exploited and encroached upon as the Kuomintang claimed, but lived a carefree life. The streets and alleys are filled with laughter and laughter, and every family greets each other, just like a warm family.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Faced with such a living fact, Shen Tunan couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart. He began to question the regime he had been following, and he had a new understanding of the achievements of the revolutionary ranks. He was originally full of prejudice against the "red bandits", but now he sees a peaceful and peaceful scene.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

His former beliefs began to waver during his trip to the Soviet zone, and Shen Tunan deeply reflected on the rights and wrongs of the regime to which he was loyal. Is it true that the revolutionary contingent has brought only "calamity" to the people? An unprecedented doubt arose in his heart.

Just when Shen Tunan was struggling and in a dilemma, a sudden fire suddenly ignited a raging flame somewhere in the Soviet area. In the smoke of gunpowder, Shen Tunan saw the opportunity and quickly seized this golden opportunity, quietly left the encirclement of the Kuomintang army, and joined the ranks of the revolution in one fell swoop.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Speculation quickly spread about the fire that shocked the audience. According to the cable newspaper, the fire is likely not an accident at all, but a well-planned show. The main messenger behind the scenes turned out to be Comrade Lei Ming, an insider of the Red Army and a veteran of the revolution, who personally handled it!

It can be imagined how much effort Comrade Lei Ming has spent tirelessly on Shen Tunan's return to the revolutionary camp. He arranged this drama with precision and detail, just to open up a way for Shen Tunan to survive at a critical moment, so that he could smoothly get rid of the encirclement of the Kuomintang and realize his ideals and ambitions.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

It was with this careful calculation that Comrade Lei Ming created an excellent opportunity for Shen Tunan's escape. A burning flame turned out to be the fuse of the revolutionary belief and the prairie fire, guiding Shen Tunan to a road to freedom.

After this twists and turns, Shen Tunan has completely transformed and become an undercover spy hidden in the top echelons of the Kuomintang. He wore the mask of the Kuomintang, but secretly had revolutionary ideals and aspirations in mind, and became an extremely valuable intelligence informant for our side.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Under the careful deployment of the revolutionary team, Shen Tunan even shouldered a heavy responsibility. He will make use of his special status to make suggestions for the construction of the Soviet zone in the financial field and contribute his meager strength to the current difficult situation.

As a revolutionary defender lurking in the enemy camp, Shen Tunan needs to be vigilant at all times to avoid revealing his true identity. He had to be careful to move in the upper echelons of the Kuomintang, waiting for an opportunity to profit the revolutionary cause.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

At the same time, Shen Tunan also shouldered the heavy responsibility of transmitting intelligence. As soon as he gained something, he needed to quickly report it to the leaders of the Soviet districts through secret channels, thus providing valuable information for the revolutionary comrades to gain insight into the enemy's situation.

Finance is undoubtedly a major area of focus in front of Shen Tunan. As a spy lurking in the financial core of the Kuomintang, he would do his best to make suggestions for the construction of the financial cause in the Soviet area, and secretly run and shout for his fellow revolutionary travelers.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Throughout history, we often find some unexpected reversals. Shen Tunan's experience is a vivid portrayal. It is admirable that a person who was originally hostile to the revolutionary line finally changed his beliefs because of what he saw with his own eyes.

This shows that the power of truth is unstoppable, and as long as people are given full and true understanding, it will surely touch the hearts of most people. The revolutionary contingent should be good at speaking with deeds and conquering the enemy with practical results, rather than relying on slogans and empty talk.

"Wind Chaser" It wasn't until Lei Ming suddenly set fire to it himself that Shen Tunan realized that he didn't go the wrong way this time

Of course, at the critical moment of the revolution, there is still a need for some brilliant strategists, and figures like Lei Ming are excellent examples. His meticulous planning directly created the conditions for Shen Tunan's submission, which can be said to be indispensable. This speaks volumes about the importance of wisdom in the war years.

This incident reflects the multiple wisdoms of revolution: the power of truth, the power of action, and the power of strategy. Only by combining these three can the revolution achieve its ultimate victory. Let's look forward to Shen Tunan's wonderful performance on the financial front!