
Do women want to be polyandry?

author:Yan Ling【Special Topic】

Netizens asked: Assuming that there are no legal and moral constraints, will women be polyandry?

Do women want to be polyandry?

Let's take a look at history: After Wu Zetian became emperor, she slept with many men: Feng Xiaobao, Shen Nanxuan, Zhang Changzong, Zhang Yizhi...... The list is long.

Among them, the latter two men are two brothers, and she slept at the same time.

After songs such as "Dig Ya Dig" and "Rakshasa Haishi" became popular, a lot of imitations and covers popped up on the Internet, which is a strategic mistake, because the general direction is wrong: no one can rely on plagiarizing other people's works to become famous. Copying someone else is parasitic behavior, a strategic mistake, and this kind of thing should not be done in the first place.

Besides, many Internet celebrities and online anchors are actually legally blind, they don't know that commercial behaviors such as covering other people's songs to attract fans and monetize them constitute infringement, not to mention whether they can become popular, even if they are popular, they will have to eat lawsuits. (The Rising Sun Masculine sang Wang Feng's "In the Spring" and became popular, and he made money by singing this song for commercial performances, but was stopped by Wang Feng's lawyer's letter, and since then the Rising Sun Masculine has no songs to sing and disappears)

Netizens often use the wrong word: reservation, reservation.

Booking refers to a pre-decision, for example, the singing talent show has a shady scene to book the champion, Mr. Chen said that he must go according to the scheduled plan, and the leader is scheduled to launch the rocket at 20:00 on August 19, etc., these situations are "scheduled".

Reservations refer to pre-orders, such as hotel reservations, restaurant reservations, flight ticket reservations, birthday cake reservations, usually related to spending money, these situations are referred to as "reservations".

Friends who are reporters know that interviewing celebrities, scholars, and celebrities like Li Yinhe has to be paid. If you presuppose that celebrities are saints, then you will be disappointed, and the three views will be ruined: I can't imagine that the idol I have admired for many years turned out to be a "villain" who talks about money.

In fact, celebrities are not wrong, but the public's perception is wrong, and the personality is wrong.

For example, Han Hong is a good person and a big philanthropist in the entertainment industry, but if you hold an event to invite her, the appearance fee will be 1.5 million, and you say on the phone: Isn't Teacher Han very kind-hearted? Why did the lion open his mouth? Her agent will hang up the phone and be too lazy to talk nonsense with you.

Do women want to be polyandry?

If a person has three wrong views, he will run into walls everywhere and be ridiculed by others.

Remember: everyone is charged. Including US Presidents Clinton and Obama, the "beacon of democracy" and the "godfather of freedom" that you have admired for many years, you invite them to attend the event, and they also have to pay a fee, and they don't pay for it, and they don't bother to look at you. (According to the open market quotation, Obama's speech is 400,000 US dollars, equivalent to 2.92 million yuan, pay first, and the person will arrive later)

Finally, let's say the truth of the scolding: your wife also charges you, but in a different form.

Many netizens asked me: What should I do when the economy is bad?

First of all, the future cannot be accurately predicted, as good citizens, we are like duckweed, drifting with the tide, there are not many things that can be done, the following points can be referenced:

First, you need to have some cash at home. The economic downturn increases the risk of social unrest, and once it is turbulent, the Internet will inevitably be cut off for the sake of stability, and mobile phones will not be able to pay at that time.

The second one, you have to prepare dozens of catties of rice and flour at home, these are to be eaten anyway, and it is harmless to prepare a few more packets in the utility room at home, and food is a basic strategic reserve, so be prepared.

Third, all things related to money should be switched to low-risk mode, such as: try not to quit your job, try not to start a business, and try not to buy medium-risk or higher financial management.

Generally speaking, a person of the opposite sex is dead set on you, in order to get benefits from you, not for your good, if you don't believe it, you break a leg and try, and the truth will be immediately revealed.

Do women want to be polyandry?

When Wang Baoqiang was playing tricks, he actually knew a lot of celebrities, but the stars were nodding friends with him, and circle activities would not call him, but later Wang Baoqiang became famous, and he was also the same group of stars, and he began to invite him to what activities were held in the circle.

Yu Minhong was studying at Peking University, as a child from the countryside, almost no one played with him, everyone looked down on him, but he didn't say anything, and then Yu Minhong became famous, turned into an outstanding alumnus, and everyone rushed to take a group photo.

Human society is very realistic, on the table it is said that equality and fraternity are lovely, but under the stage, you have no ability, everyone avoids you, you have the ability, everyone is looking for you to play, on the surface say one thing, in fact do another, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, you have to understand this as soon as possible.

You can use the "dismantling method" to do things: if a locksmith wants to earn 400,000 yuan next year, then dismantle 400,000 yuan to 365 days, and only need to earn 1095 yuan a day, and charge 550 yuan for unlocking a household, and only need to find two customers every day to achieve the goal.

Another example: You see a girl you particularly like and want to rush up to get to know her, but you are afraid of rejection and afraid that she will scold you for being a stinky hooligan? You can also use the "dismantling method" to disassemble this matter into three steps, the first step: find an intermediary. Step 2: Hire an intermediary. Step 3: Intermediary matchmaking. Suppose it is in a residential area or an office building, then you give 500 yuan to the security guard, and ask the security guard to help you deliver a letter, pass a message, and introduce it.

Now that society has progressed, torture is rare, and it has been replaced by some methods that make you unable to detect injuries, such as:

Trick 1: Let you take a cold shower in winter, give you a bar of soap, and tell you to run out.

Method 2: For various reasons, don't let you sleep.

Method 3: Turn the light to your eyes and turn it on to the brightest to make you feel very uncomfortable.

Method 4: Let you take off your shirt and turn on the air conditioner to the maximum.

Musk once said in public that a company's legal department, public relations department and other auxiliary departments are all made up, of course it is better to have them, but it is not a big problem if they are not, such as the legal department, even if it is abolished, it is not impossible to hire a lawyer temporarily.

When a company dismisses the public relations department, the public relations department will desperately argue the "necessity" of the existence of its own department from top to bottom, but in fact, it is just to keep the job, when the economy is good, it can breed a lot of jobs, and when the economy is bad, many jobs can actually be cut.

Don't think that you are a character, everything is just the dividend of the times.

Do women want to be polyandry?

What you do satisfies the needs of the members of the society, and the members of the society are willing to pay for you.

The willingness of members of society to pay for you proves that what you are doing meets the needs of members of society.

If the members of the society are not willing to pay for you, then it proves that what you are doing is wrong, it does not meet the needs of the members of the society, and the members of the society would rather see your product disappear than pay for it, indicating that your product is dispensable and has no value.

Therefore, under the premise of legality, if you make money, you are contributing to society, and conversely: if what you do cannot be realized, it means that what you are doing does not contribute to society.

Some people are superstitious about the phrase "choice is more important than hard work", and mistakenly think that as long as they choose the right track, they can do it once and for all, which is also false.

In fact, the track is important, but so is the rider. The track was right, but the racers didn't work hard, and it was in vain.

White-collar workers, in order to raise salary, change jobs once every one to two years, seems smart, but in fact stupid, because from the perspective of employers and headhunters, you have never worked in the same company for more than 5 years, there is no loyalty (loyalty), your resume is actually ugly, it is difficult for you to find high-end positions in the future, and your development will be limited.


Looking for a partner, you will change it when you see it, you are not changing people, or you are on the way to change people, it seems to be smart, but it is actually stupid, because you can always know better people, if the purpose of your relationship with the opposite sex is to find the best person, then, you have been changing objects all your life, you can never stabilize, you can never organize a family, and from the perspective of outsiders, you have no loyalty (loyalty), you are a scum, and eventually everyone spurns.

Therefore, the really sensible and feasible strategy is the "80-point doctrine", that is: whether it is a job or an object, as long as there are 80 points, it is enough, and it is the correct strategy to stop the heart, manage it well, and turn the 80-point business into 100 points.

Sometimes, you resent someone because you held them to a high standard, and they didn't do what you asked them to do, so you were disappointed and resentful.

In fact, if you try to demand TA with the standards of ordinary people, mediocre people, laity people, and ordinary people, you can often gradually understand TA behavior, and then dissolve your resentment.

Do women want to be polyandry?

In life, even if you avoid all the risks, you will eventually die.

A person is born with the death penalty, but with a 70-year reprieve.

Anyway, it's a death, so sometimes, you might as well be brave.

Three capabilities are crucial:

First: the ability to collect and analyze information.

Second: the ability to judge the pros and cons, good and bad, success or failure of a thing.

Third: the ability to execute after deciding to do something.

Women who wear makeup just look good on their skin, often not really on good skin. A woman with really good skin doesn't wear makeup because she doesn't need to.

In the same way, those men in suits and leather shoes who haunt office buildings are usually middle-class, and the really top rich people usually don't wear suits because they are uncomfortable, such as Jobs, Musk, Ma Yun, Yu Minhong, these people don't like to wear suits.

Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Here's a simple example:

You ask someone of status to have dinner, and as a sign of respect, you order a large table of delicacies from the mountains and seas, and it turns out that he only eats sweet potatoes and does not touch other delicacies.

You asked TA why, and TA said: I am tired of eating those good dishes, and I have high blood lipids recently, so I just want to eat sweet potatoes.

Many people are not satisfied with Taobao's goods, but for the sake of 5 yuan to post a red envelope, they will send five-star praise against their will. People say that money can make ghosts push ghosts, and I say that money can make ghosts push ghosts.

Do women want to be polyandry?

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