
Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

author:Sister Min talks about pension

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

On April 6, a harrowing video was widely circulated on the Internet, in which several minors in Xiaoyi City, Shanxi Province, violently beat up a girl of the same age, causing widespread concern from all walks of life. In the video, several abusers not only physically tortured the victim, but also insulted and injured her with extremely cruel means such as picking up her clothes and burning cigarette butts. When the victim girl is subjected to violence, she keeps apologizing, but the abuser shows no mercy and continues to commit violence, which is an outrageous act of inhumanity.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

After the incident, the Information Office of the Xiaoyi Municipal People's Government quickly reported the handling of the case, and all the minors involved in the case have been controlled by the police and dealt with in accordance with the law. The deep-seated problems exposed by this incident are worthy of deep consideration by each and every one of us. Why do minors commit violence so unscrupulously, how are their behavioral norms and moral concepts formed, and what problems do family education, school education, and social environment reflect behind this?

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

First, family education should solve the root causes

Family is the cradle of children's growth, and parents are children's first teachers. In modern society, some parents pursue their children's academic performance too much and ignore their children's moral education and the cultivation of behavioral norms. They often only focus on their children's scores and rankings, but are indifferent to their children's moral cultivation and mental health. This kind of education method leads to some children lacking basic moral concepts and sense of responsibility, and are prone to form selfish and indifferent personalities, and even embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes. Will such a child treat his parents as parents when he becomes an adult? When he is old, will he still be able to rely on him in old age?

Second, school education should become the main starting point

As an important place for minors to grow up, schools should assume more responsibilities. In the context of test-oriented education, some schools place too much emphasis on scores and grades, and neglect the cultivation of students' moral and moral values. Teachers are so busy with teaching tasks and exam pressure that they have little time to focus on students' mental health and moral growth. This educational model leads students to only focus on their own grades and rankings, lack respect and care for others, and are prone to form a cold and selfish mentality. What is the use of such a student, even if he graduates from "985" or "211"? No matter how high his academic performance is, will it create value for the progress of society?

Third, the social environment, including the network environment, needs to be purified urgently

With the rapid development and change of society, some bad tendencies and values are also eroding the minds of minors. Violence, pornography and other negative information on the Internet are rampant, which has a great negative impact on the psychology and behavior of minors. At the same time, some undesirable phenomena in society, such as bullying and violence, also contribute to the bad behavior of minors to a certain extent.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

In response to these problems, I believe that we need to strengthen the cultivation and education of minors' behavioral norms from multiple aspects.

First of all, family education should not be neglected. Parents should change their educational concepts, no longer overly pursue their children's academic performance, but pay attention to cultivating their children's moral cultivation and moral concepts. They should establish a good communication and interaction relationship with their children, pay attention to their children's mental health and growth needs, and guide them to establish correct values and outlook on life. At the same time, parents should also strengthen the supervision and education of their children, discover and correct their children's bad behaviors in a timely manner, and prevent them from embarking on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

Second, schools should attach importance to students' moral education and moral cultivation. Schools should change the teaching mode of examination-oriented education and focus on the all-round development of students. Teachers should pay attention to students' mental health and moral growth, and focus on cultivating students' teamwork spirit and mutual help spirit. Schools can also carry out various forms of moral education activities and social practice activities, so that students can experience the power and value of morality in practice, and cultivate their sense of collective honor and social responsibility.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

In addition, the government and all sectors of society should also strengthen the protection and care of minors. The government should increase investment in and support for the education of minors, improve relevant laws and regulations, and severely crack down on conduct that infringes on the rights and interests of minors. All sectors of society should also actively participate in the education and guidance of minors, and provide them with more care and support. Media and online platforms should also strengthen self-discipline and management, avoid disseminating negative information and values, and create a healthy and harmonious online environment for minors.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

At the same time, traditional education must keep up. As a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, courtesy, righteousness, and honesty should become an important part of our modern education. Schools should integrate these traditional moral concepts into their daily teaching, so that students can continue to understand and practice them in the process of learning. Through study and practice, students can gradually develop correct moral concepts and behavioral habits, and lay a solid foundation for future growth.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

In addition, it is particularly important to transform the cramming test-oriented education into a quality education that is based on solidarity and mutual assistance. Traditional test-oriented education pays too much attention to the inculcation of knowledge and the pursuit of scores, and ignores the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability. On the other hand, the quality education of solidarity and mutual assistance pays more attention to the all-round development of students, emphasizing the cultivation of teamwork and mutual assistance spirit. Through organizing a variety of team activities and collaborative projects, students can learn to respect and help each other in practice, so as to improve their comprehensive quality and social adaptability.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

To achieve this transformation, education policymakers need to focus on it and put it into action. They should re-examine the existing education system, think about how to better balance knowledge transfer and moral cultivation, how to more effectively promote the all-round development of students, actively promote educational reform and innovation, and provide the necessary conditions and guarantees for the reform of quality education in schools.

Of course, education is not an overnight process, it requires the joint efforts and continuous investment of families, schools, society and other parties. Only when we truly put the education of minors' behavioral norms in an important position can we truly cultivate a moral, educated, and disciplined new generation.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

Looking back on this violent incident in Xiaoyi City, we should deeply understand the urgency and importance of education on the behavioral norms of minors. Although this incident is an isolated case, it reflects problems that need to be addressed urgently. We cannot ignore the attention and guidance of the entire group of minors because of individual incidents. Only through the joint efforts and continuous attention of the whole society can we create a healthier and more harmonious environment for minors to grow up, so that they can thrive in the sun.

Juvenile violence rings the alarm again: where is the way forward for family education and school education?

Minors are the future and hope of the motherland, and their healthy growth is directly related to social harmony and stability. Let us work together to contribute to the education of minors' behavioral norms and to the harmony and stability of society.

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