
SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower

author:SGS certification and audit services

Recently, SGS, Trina Solar, and Jiangsu Ninghai Trademark Office held the "Brand and Innovation Service Management Forum" in Shanghai to discuss how to achieve high-quality development through brand and after-sales. The Director of the North Central Region of SGS Management & Assurance Business Group attended and delivered an opening speech.

SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower


Background of the meeting

SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower

Under the trend of globalization in the high-tech product market, the profits generated by manufacturing are getting lower and lower, forcing the manufacturing industry to develop towards both ends of the industrial chain with higher added value, that is, strengthening innovation, R&D and design in the upstream, and strengthening customer-oriented marketing, service/after-sales service and brand in the downstream. As a key link in the downstream of the industrial chain, brand building is an important channel to achieve profit growth again.

The "Outline for the Construction of a Quality Power" released at the beginning of this year mentions "improving the brand value evaluation standards, promoting the brand value evaluation and application of results", which puts forward higher requirements for the brand development ability of enterprises.

In this forum, experts with rich experience and background in brand building will deeply interpret domestic and foreign standards, and discuss how to apply standards to sort out work logic and enhance the influence and value of organizations to achieve sustainable operation through the analysis of typical practical cases.


Meeting site

Mr. Cheng Xinyuan, Head of Brand Strategy of Trina Solar, put forward ten thoughts and proposals for the high-quality brand construction of Chinese enterprises, such as brand is personality, brand strategy is the strategy of personality, brand is the asset and strategic resource for the company's long-term development, brand is the operation and continuous improvement process, and brand is the system, which is the ability to establish the brand system around the brand evaluation criteria.

SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower

Wu Qun, Secretary of the Board of Directors and Assistant Vice President of Trina Solar, Director of Jiangsu Ninghai Trademark Office, The event was attended by Wang Yang, General Manager of Pinyou Design, Gu Bo, Chairman of Omnicom Brand Consulting Group China, Shi Geliang, Guest Strategic Partner of Kantar Think Tank, Cheng Xinyuan, Head of Brand Strategy of Trina Solar, Zha Fengping, Director of PwC Strategy& Consulting, Tang Zhengkai, Strategic Product and Marketing Director of Trina Solar China, Fan Linlin, National Manager of SGS Service Quality Optimization Team, and many other guests with rich experience and background in brand building and after-sales service.

SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower

In the roundtable forum, industry experts made a unique output around the theme of "how brands can help enterprises achieve high-quality development", and the venue applauded again and again. The experts vividly shared and discussed from multiple dimensions such as how to build excellent brand certification, cases of enterprise best practices, typical paths of enterprise practice results, how to build a brand management system, and trademark management and strategic layout.

In view of the topic of brand and innovative services, a multi-dimensional and systematic three-dimensional sharing was carried out around the personality attributes, asset attributes, operation attributes and system attributes of the brand, helping enterprises to create a channel from product-solution-brand management.


About brand evaluation certification

SGS jointly held a brand and innovative service management forum to help enterprises empower

GB/T 27925 brand star rating certification is one of the few authoritative certifications that can prove the brand strength of an organization. In order to help organizations better demonstrate their brand strength, SGS has developed the "Star Brand Evaluation Certification" based on GB/T 27925-2011 "Guidelines for Brand Evaluation and Corporate Culture Construction of Commercial Enterprises", which has been filed with the CNCA, and the certification certificate can be found on the official website of CNCA.

ISO 20671-1 is the world's first international standard for brand evaluation, covering all the factors that affect a brand's success.

The two standards establish a feedback loop for brand continuous improvement through a more comprehensive and scientific brand evaluation method, which can not only reasonably reflect the brand-building achievements of the organization, provide guidance for future brand development, but also provide assistance for capturing consumer trust and participating in international market competition.

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