
After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

author:Xiao Hou Ball

Ben, the owner of the photo studio, is not bad at work, but his business is mediocre. Unexpectedly, the appearance of a stray cat made his shop very popular, and the business volume surged tenfold. This cat named Jishi is not only a lucky cat, but also has an extraordinary sense of lens, and has become the new favorite of the guests. This is not fiction, but a miracle that actually happened.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

Some people are born to be the center of attention in front of the camera, but have you ever heard that cats can do the same? Ben, a talented photographer who has been through the ups and downs in his studio, has always had a mediocre performance. Life is like repeating a monotonous melody until the cat breaks into his world.

It all started on an ordinary afternoon, and Ben was in the studio sorting out his camera gear and preparing to close. At this moment, a blue-eyed stray cat came uninvited and rubbed into his photo studio. On that day, Ben, out of kindness, decided to adopt the cat and named it "Custard".

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

Custard seems to have an extraordinary popularity, as soon as a customer walks into the photo studio, it will come forward and "solicit" business in its own way. Its intimate gesture of rubbing and stepping on it can immediately capture the hearts of customers.

Once, when a customer was putting on makeup and preparing to take a photo, Custard jumped on the dressing table and looked at the guest with his eyes that seemed to know everything, occasionally meowing a few times, as if giving professional makeup advice. The guests laughed at it, and the time for makeup was no longer boring.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

But the biggest charm of Jishi is still shown in front of the camera. Whenever Ben starts taking pictures of clients, Custard is like a professional model, finding his own position and posing in various poses. Those photos that were "stolen from the show" by it unexpectedly became the favorites of the guests.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

As time passed, Jishi's reputation in the studio became more and more famous. Someone came here just to take a photo with this cat with a great sense of camera. Guests are invited to their birthday parties, and they even take photos with their family members in front of the camera.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

The appearance of Jishi is like a fresh wind, blowing away the depressed atmosphere of the photo studio and bringing unprecedented prosperity. As the number of customers increased, so did Ben's income, and his business skyrocketed tenfold. Ben knows that it's all thanks to Custard.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

As Custard's fame grew, Ben's studio became busier. He hired more assistants and expanded the studio. Whenever someone asks about the secret of the upturn, Ben always smiles and points to Ji Shi, who is playing with customers.

Jishi not only brings wealth to the studio, but more importantly, it brings happiness to every guest who walks into the studio. It makes people understand that sometimes, the best surprises in life often come from the most casual encounters.

After the photo studio adopted a stray cat, the business skyrocketed by 10 times because it had such a good sense of lens!

Ben knows that every little action of Jishi, every time he steals the scene, is telling its story in a silent way, and it is constantly enriching the story of the studio. These stories make the photo studio a warm place, not only a studio for taking pictures, but also a warm corner of the city.

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