
The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

author:Barley said

Before reading, I would like to remind you that this article is for informational entertainment only and should not be superstitious!

"The time and people are urging each other, and the winter solstice is coming again. This poem profoundly reveals the close relationship between time, nature, and human beings.

In ancient times, it was widely believed that the time of day had an important impact on human affairs, and this concept was deeply rooted in Chinese culture.

The ancients often said: "The hour is the embodiment of the time of heaven and is closely related to the fate of man." This sentence not only reflects the reverence of the ancients for time, but also expresses their understanding of the close connection between fate and time.

In ancient societies, whether it was farming, commerce, or cultural activities, people would carefully choose auspicious days and good days to seek the help of heaven and time to achieve their goals.

Without further ado, let's talk about the mysteries of these five hours.

In traditional culture, the day is divided into twelve hours, each with its own unique meaning and symbolism. Today, let's discuss that if a child is born at these five specific hours, it is really a good omen, indicating that the child will be diligent and promising in the future.

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Hours (7 a.m. to 9 a.m.):

As the so-called "sunrise works", the hour is the time when the yang energy rises. The child born at this time is like the rising sun, full of vitality and vitality. They are inherently hardworking, and they don't need to be pushed, they will strive to move forward. Such a child will definitely be able to achieve good results in his studies and career in the future.

Those children born during this time period seem to have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and have shown unusual diligence and vigor since childhood.

Looking back on the long history, it is not difficult for us to find those outstanding people who have been associated with Chenshi. For example, the famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi in ancient times, the story of his diligent practice of calligraphy has been passed down as a good story. Legend has it that he began to study calligraphy every morning when he got up, and this perseverance and diligence were just like the qualities of a child born in Chenshi.

It is often said, "The early bird gets the worm." This sentence just confirms the hard-working nature of the child born in Chenshi.

Just like the early bird, don't wait, don't slack off, and take the initiative to pursue your goals. In terms of academics and careers, they are always able to seize the opportunity and achieve good results.

As stated in the book How Steel is Made: "A man's life should be spent in such a way that when he looks back, he will not regret that he has wasted his time for doing nothing." "The children born in Chenshi are with such a spirit of unwilling to be mediocre and courageous to create their own brilliant life.

In ancient Chinese mythology, there is the story of "Kuafu chasing the sun", Kuafu kept running in order to catch the sun, and although he died of thirst in the end, his spirit will forever be recorded in history.

This spirit is complemented by the diligence and relentless pursuit of the children born in Chenshi, and both demonstrate the human desire for light and progress.

There is a saying in the ancient book "Zengguang Xianwen": "The plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning." This sentence emphasizes the importance and planning of the morning, which coincides with the diligence and planning of children born at the time of the hour.

Born with the knowledge of how to plan your time and future, you will be on the road to achieving your dreams.

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Hours (9 a.m. to 11 a.m.):

A child born at this hour has a gentle temperament and a delicate mind. Although they are not as sharp as the children born in Tatsuki, they have great insight and patience. They know how to wait for the right moment and seize it when it comes. Such a child, on the road of life, can always be steady and steady, step by step.

The child born at this hour, with a gentle temperament like a spring breeze and a delicate mind like silk, may not be public, not as sharp as a child at the hour, but it contains a different kind of wisdom and patience.

This kind of child has excellent insight, and has a bit of tenacity and resourcefulness of "lying on the salary and tasting guts, and three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu".

They understand the principle of "a gentleman hides his weapon in his body and moves when the time comes", and they are not in a hurry, but wait for the opportunity. This kind of calmness and wisdom reminds people of the teachings in the "Three Character Classic": "If jade is not cut, it will not be made; "Just like an uncarved jade, after the polishing of time and its own efforts, it will eventually bloom.

Children born at the same time also have the health regimen of "harmony, tranquility, smoothness, and softness" emphasized in the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing". They have a gentle temperament and do not get angry easily, and this peace of mind helps them to remain calm and rational in the face of difficulties and challenges.

There is no shortage of outstanding figures born in history, such as Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. Although he is not as brave and good at fighting as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, he is known for his wisdom and strategy. He strategized and won a decisive victory thousands of miles away, becoming a famous politician and military strategist in history. This is a typical embodiment of the characteristics of a child born at the right time: unassuming but full of wisdom, waiting for the right moment and succeeding in one fell swoop.

said: "The devil is in the details. This sentence just confirms the delicacy and insight of the child born at that time.

Let's take a look at a story about the Jin general Tao Kan:

He is a very detail-oriented person. While building ships, he ordered his soldiers to collect the remaining sawdust and bamboo, which at the time might have seemed insignificant. Later, however, the sawdust was used to pave the road after the snow and the bamboo was used as a bamboo nail. Tao Kan's attention to detail led to great success in his military campaigns.

They pay attention to detail and are good at finding problems and opportunities in the smallest details. This keen eye for detail has allowed them to achieve great results in a variety of fields.

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Afternoon (11 noon to 1 pm):

Noon is the time when yang energy is at its highest, and children born at this hour have a passionate and unrestrained personality and act decisively. They have a strong sense of initiative and competition, and are not willing to be left behind. Such children will always be able to face difficulties and climb new heights in their future studies and work.

The child born at this hour acts decisively, like a quick knife cutting through the mess, and does not drag mud and water.

A strong sense of initiative and competition is burning in their hearts, and the belief that they are not willing to be left behind pushes them forward.

The ancients once said: "Heaven is strong, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." "A child born at noon is an example of this spirit of self-improvement.

They not only inherited the tenacity and perseverance of the ancients, but also showed infinite vitality and passion in modern society.

As Victor Hugo said in Les Misérables: "In the face of adversity, the grief of looking down on the tomb is transformed into the hope of looking up at the stars." "In the face of difficulties, these children always meet challenges with a positive attitude, turn grief into strength, and bravely climb new heights.

There are many words and phrases in "Three Hundred Song Songs" that depict pride and ambition, and the child born at noon is a portrayal of this pride.

It has the heroism and passion of "being hungry for Hulu meat, laughing and thirsty for Hun blood". This innate enthusiasm and courage make them always forge ahead and overcome difficulties in their future studies and work.

"The sun always shines after the storm. "Children born at noon seem to be born with an understanding of this truth, and they are brave enough to face every challenge without fear of difficulties and obstacles.

And the proverb "strike while the iron is hot" aptly describes their style of action – decisive, swift and powerful.

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Hour (3 p.m. to 5 p.m.):

Children born at the time of Shen are naturally smart and quick to react. They are good at observation and thinking, and are always curious and eager to explore new things. Such children are always able to draw inferences from each other in their learning and bypass the analogy. Their achievements in the future are immeasurable.

O children born in the time of Shin, you have a nimble mind and quick reflexes, as if you have an innate magic that allows you to swim in the ocean of wisdom.

You are good at observing and thinking, your eyes are like torches, and you are perceptive. You always have a strong curiosity and desire to explore new things, and this passion for knowledge makes you invincible on the road to learning.

Drawing inferences from one case to another, your wisdom is like a bright starlight, illuminating the way forward.

However, remember: "If you don't cut jade, you can't make it." "Even if you are gifted and intelligent, you still need to work hard and keep refining yourself to become a great thing. Don't be complacent because of your talent, but pursue a higher level with humility.

In this world, there is nothing more precious than wisdom. As Shakespeare said in Hamlet, "Wisdom is the conqueror of fate." "Your wisdom will be your weapon to conquer your destiny and lead you to a more brilliant future.

"Knowledge is the ladder of human progress. "And you are the explorers who are stepping on this ladder and moving forward bravely, and every step of growth is inseparable from the nourishment of knowledge and the guidance of wisdom.

There is a folk proverb: "Wisdom lies in learning, genius lies in accumulation." "O children born in Shenshi, may you cherish this talent, continue to learn, accumulate, grow, and give full play to your wisdom and talents.

The road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, but your wisdom will be your most powerful weapon. Go ahead, the world of the future is waiting for you to conquer!

Finally, I would like to present you with an ancient poem: "I am born to be useful." "Believe in yourself, your future is limitless!

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Unitary time (5 p.m. to 7 p.m.):

The unitary hour is the time of sunset, and the character of a child born at this hour has both the brightness of the day and the depth of the night. They are adept at balancing relationships and dealing with complex issues. Such children will always be able to cope with various challenges with ease in their future lives and careers.

Children born at this time are born with a unique sense of balance, good at finding the best balance between light and darkness, reason and emotion.

Such children are like the wise men of ancient times, who are well versed in the golden mean and can keep a clear head in a complex and changing environment.

They are adept at dealing with all kinds of relationships, whether it is family, friendship or love, and they can easily maintain harmony and stability. When faced with life's challenges, they always analyze the problem with a calm attitude and find the most suitable solution.

"Xu Xiake's Travels" records what Xu Xiake saw and heard when he traveled to famous mountains and rivers, and he was good at observing nature and understanding life. Children born at the time of unitary time have similar qualities, they are good at drawing wisdom from their daily lives and growing up.

As the ancients said: "Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles." "In the journey of life, these children not only pay attention to the accumulation of knowledge, but also pay more attention to the experience of practice.

There is a description in ancient poems that "the sunset is infinitely good, but it is just near dusk", and the child born in the unitary time is just like this sunset, which not only carries the warmth and light of the day, but also contains the mystery and profundity of the night.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next piece will taste like. However, children born at the time of unitary time can find their place and direction in this uncertainty.

They have keen insight and judgment and are able to quickly adapt to changes in their environment and make the right decisions.

The baby in the family is born at these 5 hours, and the adults and children are blessed, successful in their studies, and worry-free about food and clothing

Of course, the above is not absolute, and every child's growth and development is affected by a variety of factors.

However, if our child happens to be born at one of these five hours, it might as well be regarded as a beautiful meaning and expectation!

After all, every child is a gift from God, and they are all worthy of our cherishing and care.

Finally, I have to say a word: no matter when the child is born, what kind of personality, what kind of talent, as parents, the most important thing for us is to give them enough love and support. Only in this way can our children grow up healthily and thrive!