
Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

Recently, there has been an uproar in the Internet celebrity world. Wang Baoqiang, an Internet celebrity who is famous for imitating Wang Baoqiang, was sued by Wang Baoqiang for allegedly infringing on Wang Baoqiang's right to reputation and portrait, and it is rumored that he may face up to 6.5 million in compensation!

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

Wang Baoweak, this name can be described as well-known in the Internet celebrity world. Starting by imitating Wang Baoqiang's performance style and content, he has attracted the attention of more than 4 million fans with his superb imitation skills and unique sense of humor.

After becoming famous, Wang Baowan seems to have gradually lost his way, and he did not hesitate to touch the red line of the law for the sake of traffic and money.

It is reported that in the recent video, Wang Baoqiang not only connected with Wang Baoqiang's ex-wife Ma Rong, but also found actors to play Ma Rong and Song Zhe respectively, and staged an absurd drama. The content of these videos seriously damaged Wang Baoqiang's reputation and made Wang Baoqiang extremely dissatisfied.

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

Wang Baoqiang, as a well-known actor in China, has always been loved by the audience for his unpretentious image and superb acting skills. His private life, especially his entanglement with his ex-wife Ma Rong, has been the focus of media and public attention.

Wang Baoqiang took advantage of this and made a series of videos slandering Wang Baoqiang to attract attention and traffic.

Faced with this situation, Wang Baoqiang finally couldn't bear it anymore and decided to take legal measures to protect his rights and interests. occupy

According to people familiar with the matter, Wang Baoqiang has filed a lawsuit with the court, demanding that Wang Baoqiang compensate for economic losses and mental damages totaling 6.5 million yuan.

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

For this huge compensation, netizens have expressed their support. They believe that Wang Baoqiao's behavior has gone beyond the scope of imitation and is suspected of maliciously slandering and infringing on the rights and interests of others. As a public figure, Wang Baoqiang has the right to protect his reputation from being violated.

After learning the news of being indicted, Wang Baoqiao sent three videos in a row to apologize. He admitted his mistake and said that he had only acted aggressively for the sake of traffic and money. He begged Wang Baoqiang's forgiveness and promised not to make similar mistakes in the future.

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

Netizens didn't buy Wang Baoqiao's apology. They believe that an apology will not make up for the harm and loss suffered by Wang Baoqiang. Moreover, Wang Baoqiang still did not forget to consume Wang Baoqiang in the apology video, which is unacceptable.

In fact, Wang Baoqiao's behavior has touched the bottom line of law and morality. He used Wang Baoqiang's fame and private life to hype, which not only damaged Wang Baoqiang's reputation, but also hurt the feelings of Wang Baoqiang and his family. This kind of behavior is not only immoral, but also illegal.

Internet celebrity Wang Bao is suspected of being sued by Wang Baoqiang! It was revealed that he needs to pay 6.5 million!

As an influencer, you should establish the right values and attract viewers with positive and healthy content. Instead of violating the rights and reputation of others for the sake of traffic and money. Hopefully, this incident will serve as a wake-up call for other influencers to follow the law and ethics.

At the same time, we also call on the majority of netizens to rationally look at the disputes between Internet celebrities and the entertainment industry. Don't blindly chase stars or spread false statements, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble and losses to yourself and others.

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