
Are you "sleepy"? Let healthy behaviors help you "break through"!

author:Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical

Recently, the temperature has risen rapidly, have you ever felt sleepy, tired, and drowsy during the day, and extra awake at night after work or school?

There is a high probability that you are "spring sleepy". There are several common causes of spring sleepiness:

1. When the temperature rises, the human skin capillaries dilate, the blood flow of the skin increases, and the corresponding blood flow to the brain decreases, and the blood supply and oxygen supply to the brain will be relatively insufficient, so there will be a protective state of fatigue and spring sleepiness.

2. The phenomenon of spring sleepiness is also related to the lack of vitamin B1 in the body. Vitamin B1 plays a role in maintaining the normal metabolism and function of the nervous system, and if its amount is insufficient, the nervous system, especially the brain, will be lazy and sleepy.

Are you "sleepy"? Let healthy behaviors help you "break through"!

3. Changes in the rhythm of the biological clock can also cause spring sleepiness. In winter, the tension of the human sympathetic nervous system is dominant, while in summer the tension of the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, and spring and autumn are the alternating periods of these two nervous tensions, which are prone to disorders.

However, it can also be caused by organic lesions. For example, sleep apnea syndrome, which causes the illusion of spring sleepiness due to lack of oxygen to the brain, and early cerebral infarction, hypothyroidism, leukopenia, etc., also have symptoms that resemble spring sleepiness. Alarm should be raised.

Are you "sleepy"? Let healthy behaviors help you "break through"!

The following points should be paid attention to in relieving spring sleepiness: (1) Timely supplementation of nutrition, such as sufficient protein, appropriate vegetables that can generate yang, such as garlic, leeks, etc. (2) Life should be regular, go to bed early and get up early, you can also do foot massage, soak your feet, listen to soothing music, dim the lights in the room before going to sleep, and strengthen exercise, running, tai chi, exercises, walking, etc.

The ancients also had the problem of spring sleepiness, the ancients liked to drink tea to relieve fatigue, to this day, spring tea is a popular drink, on the one hand, because of the fresh taste of spring tea, the smell is fragrant, on the other hand, spring tea has some special functions.

Are you "sleepy"? Let healthy behaviors help you "break through"!

For example, jasmine tea has the effect of rationalizing qi and opening depression, dispelling filth and neutralization, and paying attention to the different compatibility of people with different physiques: (1) astragalus and jasmine for qi deficiency, (2) maple bucket and jasmine for yin deficiency, (3) tangerine peel and jasmine for phlegm dampness.

The spleen likes to rise in temperature and drop cold, so the spring diet should avoid eating too cold and greasy food, so as not to increase the burden on the spleen and stomach; we should also eat less acid and more sweet, eat more fresh vegetables and juicy fruits, so as to nourish the spleen and replenish the body's water.

If you often have a bad appetite, you can also take some Chinese medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach according to the doctor's advice.

Friends who often feel tired and sleepy can also take some traditional Chinese medicine to nourish qi and nourish yin according to the doctor's advice.

The more sleepy you are, the more you need to sleep well. Raising yang in spring and summer, and hiding yang energy when sleeping, is the best way to raise yang.

The better you sleep, the healthier you are, and the less likely you are to get sleepy in spring. To get a good night's sleep, it's important to do the following:

1. Don't be too late Although young people generally go to bed late, and many kindergarten children are still playing downstairs at 10 o'clock, but don't stay up late if you don't stay up late.

2. Get ready before going to bed Wash before going to bed, comb your hair, and soak your feet in hot water to ensure that your whole body is refreshed and relaxed.

3. The environment should be suitable Try to keep the bedroom quiet, protected from light, and at a suitable temperature.

4. Comfortable bedding Choose comfortable bedding and pillows. Some people wake up with dizziness, ringing in the ears, and a sore neck, which may be related to uncomfortable pillows.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring corresponds to the liver, and the liver is prosperous in spring, and the human body is prone to spleen and stomach due to liver fire, resulting in insomnia at night, fatigue during the day, and drowsiness, accompanied by symptoms such as eye redness, swelling and pain, irritability and irritability. Folks often use some traditional Chinese medicine ingredients as the filling of pillows, which are moderately soft and hard, have good air permeability, and can also regulate sleep.

1. Cassia seed Cassia seed is a commonly used medicinal pillow filler, which has the effects of clearing heat and brightening eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative.

2. Late silkworm sand Late silkworm sand is also a commonly used medicinal pillow filler, which has the effects of dispelling wind and dehumidifying, and gastric turbidity, clearing the liver and eyes, and invigorating blood and meridians, which helps to treat neurasthenia, insomnia, hypertension, etc.

3. Prunella vulgaris Prunella vulgaris has the effects of clearing the liver and eyes, dispersing knots and detoxifying, diuretic, etc., and can treat eye redness, swelling and pain, headache, dizziness, upset and insomnia.

4. Chrysanthemums Common chrysanthemums are white chrysanthemums, yellow chrysanthemums, and wild chrysanthemums. White chrysanthemum has a sweet taste, slightly weaker heat-clearing effect, can calm the liver and brighten the eyes, and can prevent and treat dizziness and dizziness caused by hyperactivity of liver yang; yellow chrysanthemum has a bitter taste and strong heat-clearing power, and is often used to evacuate wind and heat, and is used to prevent and treat wind-heat cold; wild chrysanthemum has a more bitter taste, and has a strong power of clearing heat and detoxifying, which can be used to relieve headache, insomnia, pharyngitis, stomatitis, eye redness, swelling and pain, etc.