
The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

author:High Letters

Today, many years later, when Dai Jiaoqian sits in her small courtyard to tidy up the garden in the warm sunshine, she always involuntarily recalls her past.

, who was praised as "the cleanest actress in the entertainment industry", went through many ups and downs and tribulations before finally finding today's happy and stable life.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

Back more than a decade ago, a lingering wealthy businessman was like a hovering moth, tirelessly surrounding her. At that time, Dai Jiaoqian had no interest in this wealthy suitor, and she coldly regarded him as a "godbrother", hoping to dispel his obsession.

But the wealthy businessman regarded her rejection as nothing, and always insisted on staying by his side, never giving up.

In this way, a whole decade passed quietly in the infatuated waiting of the rich businessman. As the time of getting along grew, the rich businessman's deep affection for Dai Jiaoqian finally touched the last bit of defense in her heart.

She revisits the relationship and remembers that when she needed help the most, the wealthy businessman gave up her job to go to the hospital to focus on caring for her elderly father. A person who can treat her parents as if they were her own parents is rare in today's society.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

So, in 2014, Dai Jiaoqian finally made the decision to marry this wealthy businessman who had been pursuing her for 10 years. Although the wealthy businessman wanted to have a dream and romantic wedding for her, in fact, the two finally chose a simple ceremony that was unpretentious and unpretentious, inviting only the closest family and friends to attend.

For Dai Jiaoqian, who pays attention to the essence, mutual understanding and companionship with her husband and family are far more meaningful than vanity ceremonies.

In 2016, the two ushered in the birth of their beloved daughter An Xin, and since then, the warm little family life has opened a new chapter around them. Now, whenever Dai Jiaoqian sees the warm picture of her husband doting on his daughter, she will sincerely thank fate for favoring her, so that she finally found her own happy paradise.

A history of acting careers

Counting her past, Dai Jiaoqian is often filled with an unprecedented sense of glory.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

It all started when I was 13 years old. Despite her ordinary background and poor family background, Dai Jiaoqian has a high-spirited heart. When the "Chinese Young Star Competition" was held in Shanghai, she mustered up the courage to secretly sign up for the competition, which also officially opened the prelude to a new chapter in her life.

No one expected that among the thousands of contestants, Dai Jiaoqian would be able to pass all the way and finally reach the finals, and even achieved the "top ten" excellent results. As she proudly waved a triumphant gesture to the audience, the parents behind her were all shocked by their daughter's unexpected performance.

From that moment on, the ordinary parents realized for the first time that their daughter was born with a talent and passion for art.

After that, Dai Jiaoqian has been working tirelessly. When she was in junior high school, she won the role of heroine in the crew "Flower Season and Rainy Season" with her excellent acting skills, and won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress nomination in one fell swoop.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

Immediately afterwards, she entered the Chinese Department of East China Normal University for further study, hoping to enrich her inner cultivation.

The turnaround was not long in coming. Dai Jiaoqian was appreciated by director You Xiaogang for her wonderful performance in "Flower Season and Rainy Season". After careful consideration, the big name in the entertainment industry finally extended an olive branch to her and invited her to join his company, officially opening a new chapter of Dai Jiaoqian's ambition in the entertainment industry.

Since then, Dai Jiaoqian has played many works such as "The Secret History of the Crown Prince", and the history of acting has also kicked off. She is always grateful for the courage to sign up for that audition in the first place, otherwise she would have been just an ordinary girl who is unknown forever.

The struggle is bumpy

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

On the road of brilliant art, Dai Jiaoqian is not as smooth as she imagined. You must know that she has been an ordinary girl since she was a child, an ordinary family, no stage talent, and a carefree life.

However, it is such an ordinary girl who has made up her mind to break through the resistance and walk on the stage in person.

The family couldn't believe it at first. For the mother, her daughter's dream of learning art has been completely killed by the violin that was shattered back then. So, when Dai Jiaoqian decided to sign up for the selection competition, her parents did not show much interest.

They even scoff at their daughter's dreams, telling her in a comforting tone that even if she fails, it's not a big deal.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

However, Dai Jiaoqian does not think so. In the face of her family's doubts and doubts, she became more and more determined in her heart, eager to prove something to the world through her own strength.

So, she secretly signed up for the competition and began a long road of artistic practice.

Of course, this road is not always smooth sailing. Dai Jiaoqian clearly remembers how she appeared alone and poorly dressed in a crowd of contestants who attended in full costume and accompanied by their parents at the preliminary competition.

And she, standing alone in the crowd, has a firm belief in the future in her heart.

The "cleanest actress" in the entertainment industry, a wealthy businessman chased for ten years before getting married, and now she and her daughter are spoiled

After half a year of hard work, Dai Jiaoqian finally made it all the way to the finals. As she proudly waved her winning gesture in front of a crowd, the parents behind her were finally struck by their daughter's unexpected performance and realized for the first time their daughter's artistic talent.

After that, Dai Jiaoqian did not forget her original intention and continued to forge ahead on the road of art. She won the heroine of "Flower Season and Rainy Season" with her outstanding acting skills, and was nominated for Best Actress at the Golden Eagle Award; Entering ECNU for further study, I hope to enrich my inner cultivation.

It was her persistence and hard work along the way that finally made her meet the favor of her career - she was appreciated by director You Xiaogang and joined his company, officially starting the road of acting.

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