
Learn Chinese and open up "new horizons"

author:Juye County Rong Media Center

"Learning Chinese is difficult, but it's very fun. Cheng Soma, who works as a tour guide in Bhutan, told reporters that she was curious about everything here before coming to China.

Cheng Soma was joined by six other trainees, all of whom were coming to China for the first time and were attending a 64-day "China-Bhut Chinese Training Seminar at the Beijing Chinese Language and Culture Institute. During the period, the students will also go to Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shanghai and other places for field trips and cultural exchanges, learn the essence of Chinese and Chinese Chinese culture through rich and diverse forms, and feel the customs and customs of different regions.

April 3 is the birthday of Cheng Soma and Gui Duojia, participants of the workshop. When the interpreter said that "longevity noodles" means good wishes to birthday bearers in China, Cheng Soma's eyes were moist and he said excitedly in Chinese not yet fluent .

Although learning Chinese for only a few days, the students were able to briefly introduce their Chinese names and careers. Yang Dongsong, a Bhutanese media reporter, pointed to a painting on the wall, "This is the Temple of Heaven, sugar gourd, roast duck" during recess to tell reporters about her impressions of Beijing. "Which zoo has giant pandas, when do the cherry blossoms bloom in Beijing, how far is the Summer Palace from the school?" are all topics of interest to the students.

At the "Chinese Language and Music - Chinese Culture Experiential Teaching Center", students immersed themselves in the costumes of the Chinese nation, Chinese character art, Chinese martial arts, folk music and ceramic art.

Learn Chinese and open up "new horizons"

On April 3, three Bhutanese students from the "Sino-Buric Chinese Training Workshop" of Beijing Chinese Language and Culture Institute wore Hanfu to experience the catwalk. (Photo by Chinanews reporter Han Hui)

Also studying Chinese at the Beijing Chinese Language and Culture Institute are 47 Thai government officials. They started training in September last year and are now proficient in Chinese.

Learn Chinese and open up "new horizons"

On April 3, Thai students studying at the Beijing Chinese Academy were taking a calligraphy class. (Photo by Chinanews reporter Han Hui)

Wang Junfei is an immigration police officer in Bangkok, Thailand, who often interacts with Chinese colleagues and Chinese tourists for his work, and it is important for him to be able to speak Chinese. "Before I came to the training, I didn't speak Chinese, but now I can not only speak, but also write some Chinese characters. Wang Junfei said and showed the reporter the work he had just completed in a calligraphy class.

"Of course, I can make such great progress in Chinese, and I have to thank my classmates for their help. Talking about how to overcome the difficulties in learning Chinese, Wang Junfei said with a smile, "Our Thai classmates now communicate in Chinese, which creates a good language learning environment for me." Wang Junfei's classmate is Wang Ledan, who works in the Thai government department and has reached HSK level 3 before participating in the training.

Learn Chinese and open up "new horizons"

On April 3, Thai student Wu Jiali, who attended a Chinese class at the Beijing Chinese Language and Culture Institute, practiced calligraphy. (Photo by Chinanews reporter Han Hui)

In Wang Junfei's view, language skills and communication skills are very important for immigration police, and learning Chinese well can better serve Chinese tourists. "Since the visa waiver between Thailand and China, more and more Chinese tourists have visited Thailand, whether in Bangkok or Phuket, and only one of my colleagues can speak Chinese, and when I go back, I can be like him." Wang Junfei said.

It is reported that in order to enhance students' understanding of Chinese language and culture, Beijing Chinese Language and Culture Institute has carefully designed Chinese courses for students with different cultural backgrounds, and set up cultural experience courses and cultural special lectures. Participants will also take advantage of the holidays to conduct visits and field trips to learn about China's historical context and social development. (Reporter Han Hui)

(Editors: Li Fang, Hao Mengjia)

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