
After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

author:Stay King Xixi

For the quality judgment of a program, it is often necessary to comprehensively consider the ratings and market reputation, of course, there are some programs produced based on a sense of social responsibility, and the requirements for broadcast performance of this type of program are not so strict, so they do not participate in the discussion.

As for variety shows and entertainment programs that serve the audience, the ratings and word-of-mouth need to be included in the quality assessment, and from the original intention of program production, those programs with unsatisfactory results may seem more reasonable to leave the variety show market, after all, there are not a lot of resources needed to produce a program, if you can't gain recognition, it's better to leave resources to other stages.

Viewers say that programs such as "Avenue of Stars" and "Departure to Happiness" are of poor quality, so it is better to discuss them in detail from the aspects of ratings to analyze the real feedback of these programs.

After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

In terms of word-of-mouth, "Avenue of Stars" has indeed been unable to be recognized by the audience: the cliché competition process, the uneven quality of the contestants and the unpromising host, how can these conditions be stacked on a stage, how can they gain the audience's affirmation?

So much so that the host Zhu Xun began to be questioned by the audience about his business ability because of the stage of "Avenue of Stars".

In terms of audience feedback, whether it is "Avenue of Stars" or Zhu Xun, the market reputation is declining, and there is no trend of recovery at present.

After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

If each viewer's taste is different, and the feedback on the program's word-of-mouth will also be different, then the ratings as the standard for judging the quality of "Avenue of Stars" naturally seems more objective, and from the analysis of the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, the position of "Avenue of Stars" is also not ideal.

The position of 28 can even be described as backward, and even this is based on CCTV's own influence, it can be said that compared with other variety shows, "Avenue of Stars" has been completely eliminated.

After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

In fact, from CCTV's point of view, I am afraid that I have also found the evaluation of this program by market audiences, so I will continue to try to adjust the host and guest lineup to solve it, but it is just that the fundamental problem has not been solved, resulting in the program's broadcast performance is still not ideal.

even adjusted the broadcast time and took the initiative to reduce its own influence to increase the market share of other programs, which is the program team's adjustment attempt to "Avenue of Stars".

From this, it can also be seen that the bottom line of the producer is that the show will not be suspended.

After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

After all, as a phenomenal program, "Avenue of Stars" is also discussed by the audience under the spotlight of the variety show market.

After watching the ratings ranking of CCTV programs on Saturday, I knew that "Avenue of Stars" had been completely eliminated

This is the producer's expectation for the show, and from a realistic point of view, the current "Avenue of Stars" has been surpassed by other variety shows, and the market share, ratings, and word-of-mouth are all declining, and I am afraid that only the nostalgia of the old audience and the expectations of the program team are left to support it.

If the problem of the program cannot be effectively solved, the only way left for the ending of "Avenue of Stars" is to stop broadcasting.

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