
If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

author:Dr. Shen popularized science

LDL cholesterol levels are often seen as a key reference indicator in controlling blood lipids, however, other lipid markers are also important, especially triglycerides, an often overlooked component of fat.

Triglycerides, which may sound unfamiliar, are what we commonly call fats, or, more colloquially, the scientific name for oils.

It is an indispensable part of the blood lipid profile, and it reflects our blood lipid profile along with indicators such as total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

Worryingly, the data show that the prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia in mainland China is on the rise, covering almost all age groups.

In particular, the prevalence is as high as 22.4% in people over 40 years of age. More worryingly, many people do not know or do not pay enough attention to hypertriglyceridemia, which undoubtedly increases health risks such as cardiovascular disease.


What are triglycerides and where does it come from?

Triglycerides, as the name suggests, are esters formed by combining glycerol with three fatty acid molecules. In living organisms, it mainly plays the role of storing energy.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

When our body consumes too many calories, those extra calories are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells. Therefore, triglycerides can be said to be the "reserve bank" of energy in our body.

So, where do triglycerides come from? Actually, there are two main sources of it. First of all, triglycerides can be ingested through our daily diet.

When we eat foods rich in fat, such as fatty meats, fried foods, etc., the fat in these foods will be broken down into triglycerides and absorbed and utilized by our body.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

Secondly, triglycerides can also be synthesized in our body. When the body needs more energy, it uses nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins to synthesize triglycerides to store energy through a complex series of biochemical reactions. However, excessively high triglyceride levels can also lead to some health problems, such as cardiovascular disease.


If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

For patients with isolated triglyceride elevation but no other cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease and good vascular status, we suggest a first trial of nonpharmacologic therapy if the triglyceride level is less than 2.3 mmol/L.

This includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in moderate physical activity on a regular basis, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying away from bad habits like tobacco and alcohol.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

With these lifestyle modifications, many patients are able to effectively control their triglyceride levels and see significant improvement after regular follow-ups.

However, if triglyceride levels remain high after a period of non-pharmacological treatment, then pharmacological treatment becomes necessary.

When triglyceride levels are between 2.3 and 5.6 mmol/L, we also need to refer to the value of LDL cholesterol.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

If this number also has an upward trend, then the use of statin lipid-lowering drugs may be a suitable option. At the same time, lifestyle adjustments are still not relaxing, and they are an important part of non-pharmacological treatments.

For patients with triglyceride levels above 5.6 mmol/L, especially if LDL cholesterol is also markedly elevated above 2.3 mmol/L, fibrates may be a more appropriate option.

In addition, depending on the patient's specific situation, a combination of medications may sometimes be considered. However, no matter which medication is chosen, lifestyle modifications remain a critical part of the treatment process and are indispensable.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first


How to lower triglycerides? In addition to medication, lifestyle interventions are also important

First of all, from the perspective of diet, people with high triglycerides should follow the principles of healthy eating. Foods high in salt, oil and sugar, such as barbecue, desserts and animal liver, are all "boosters" of triglycerides, so we should try to avoid them.

Conversely, nutritious and low-fat foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and dietary fibre can effectively reduce the source of exogenous triglycerides, which can greatly benefit in lowering triglycerides.

In addition to diet, we cannot ignore the impact of emotions on the body. Studies have shown that long-term anxiety, depression and other bad emotions can affect the body's lipid metabolism, which in turn leads to elevated blood lipids and triglycerides. Therefore, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude and reducing internal friction is also an important way to reduce triglycerides.

If the triglycerides are high, do you need to take medicine? Doctor: If it does not exceed this value, you can skip the medicine first

Finally, exercise is also an effective way to lower triglycerides. Through exercise, we can not only increase the amount of activity in the body, but also effectively regulate blood lipid metabolism, thereby reducing triglyceride levels.

It is recommended to maintain a moderate amount of exercise for a long time, starting with simple aerobic exercise and slowly increasing certain strength training to better achieve the purpose of regulating blood lipids.