
People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

author:Dr. Leah

In February 2022, data published in the Journal of the National Cancer Center showed that in 2016, the group older than 60 years old became the most common group of cancer patients in mainland China, and it is also the age group with a higher cancer mortality rate.

This reminds us that after the age of 60, we need to be more vigilant and pay attention to our health. However, the formation of cancer cells does not happen overnight, but is a long and complex process.

From healthy cells to cancerous cells, it can be as short as a few months, as long as years or even decades. This means that the carcinogens we were exposed to when we were young may not become harmful until decades later, leading to the development of cancer.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it


Why are older people more likely to get cancer?

According to authoritative data, the annual probability of cancer in people under the age of 30 is about 0.06%, and once the age of 70 years old, the risk of cancer will surge to more than 100 times that of young people in 20.

First of all, tumor formation is a long and complex process that usually takes 10 to 30 years. In this long process, our body is constantly attacked by various chronic irritants and carcinogens.

These carcinogens may come from many aspects such as environment, diet, lifestyle habits, etc. As we age, the longer we are exposed to these cancer-causing factors, the higher the risk of cancer.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

Secondly, about 80% of cancer triggers come from external carcinogenic factors, most of which are chemical carcinogens. People in certain occupations will undoubtedly have a higher risk of cancer due to long-term exposure to these harmful substances, such as chemical workers, miners, etc.

Finally, what we can't ignore is the factor of immunity. Immunity is the patron saint of our body, it constantly monitors and removes abnormal cells from the body, including cancer cells.

However, with age, the body's organs and immune function gradually decline, which makes the immune system's ability to monitor cancer cells decrease, giving tumors a chance to grow in the body.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it


The director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

Professor Shen Zan, chief physician of the Department of Medical Oncology of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, has conducted in-depth research on the nature of tumors. He pointed out that in the medical classification of tumors, there is a clear distinction between benign and malignant.

In malignant tumors, they can be subdivided into carcinoma and sarcoma according to their cell composition. Carcinoma is mainly formed by abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells, while sarcoma is caused by malignant transformation of mesenchymal cells.

According to Professor Shen, the incidence of cancer far exceeds that of sarcoma in the world, becoming a major killer of human health. Regarding the causes of cancer, Professor Shen Zan emphasized that although cancer may sound like a "sudden attack", in fact, it often has deep internal and external causes.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

First of all, eating habits are a factor that should not be ignored. Long-term intake of high-calorie, high-fat, low-fiber foods, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables and adequate dietary fiber may provide a "breeding ground" for cancer cells to grow.

Secondly, genetic factors also play an important role in the occurrence of cancer

。 Many cancers, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, etc., have obvious familial clustering. High-risk genes in these families may be passed down from generation to generation, increasing the risk of cancer in offspring.

Finally, environmental factors are also an important cause of cancer. Long-term exposure to polluted environments, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, etc., may cause damage to cells, which in turn can lead to cancer.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

Professor Shen Zan called on the public to raise their awareness of cancer prevention and jointly build a solid line of defense against cancer from various aspects such as lifestyle habits, dietary structure, and environmental protection.


How can cancer be prevented in daily life?

Cancer prevention is a crucial task in everyday life. If we want to stay away from the clutches of cancer, we need to start from the details of life.

Quit smoking and drinking

Tobacco and alcohol, two common consumer products, have huge health risks. The nicotine and other harmful substances in tobacco can damage our lung health and increase the risk of lung cancer;

Alcohol, on the other hand, can irritate the liver, and long-term excessive intake can easily lead to liver cancer and other malignant diseases. Therefore, staying away from tobacco and alcohol is the best health protection for yourself and your family.

People don't get cancer for no reason, and the director of the oncology department told the truth: there are three reasons behind it

Eat a balanced diet

Modern life is fast-paced, and people often ignore the balance of nutrition in pursuit of taste and convenience. High-calorie, high-oil foods are delicious, but long-term intake will increase the risk of obesity, vascular disease, and diabetes, which in turn will lay the hidden danger for the occurrence of cancer.

Therefore, we should reduce the intake of these foods, increase the proportion of fruits and vegetables, and control the intake of salt and sugar. In this way, we can enjoy our food and maintain a healthy body at the same time.

Exercise more to strengthen your physique

WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week. Whether it is running, swimming or yoga, as long as you stick to it, it can effectively improve the body's immunity and resistance, and help us stay away from the invasion of cancer.