
Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

author:Yan Haiyan

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, Ink and Color on Paper, Bookmarked Annotation, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

The old biography of "Eight Immortals in Drinking" was drawn by Ren Ren in the Yuan Dynasty. The content of the scroll is based on the poetry of Du Fu's "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking", which depicts the drunken mood of eight famous men of the Tang Dynasty: He Zhizhang, Li Jin, Li Shizhi, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Li Bai, Zhang Xu, and Jiao Sui.

The characters are elegant and interesting, and the picture is simple and elegant. However, the pen and ink are slightly weaker, or they are written by a wise person. This volume is now in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

The Eight Immortals in the Drink refer to the eight celebrities who drank the good wine of the Tang Dynasty. This statement was once mentioned in Du Fu's poem "Song of the Eight Immortals in Drinking", and it was also mentioned in the biography of Li Bai in the "New Tang Dynasty Book".

The first of the Eight Immortals was He Zhizhang. He was the oldest and oldest of them all. In Chang'an, he once "dissolved the golden turtle for pleasure in exchanging wine" (Li Bai's "Memories of Wine").

The poem says that when he was drunk, he swayed like a boat on horseback, and his eyes were hazy and dazzling, and he fell into a well and fell asleep. According to legend, "Ruan Xian tasted drunk, rode a horse and poured it", and people said: "A Lao Tzu is like a boat swimming in the waves" (Ming Wang Hei Zheng "Du Zang" volume 1).

Du Fu made full use of this allusion to exaggerate the drunkenness and drunkenness of He Zhizhang's drunken horseback riding, which was filled with a humorous and cheerful mood, vividly expressing his expansive and indulgent character traits.

The second character to appear is Li Jin, the king of Ruyang. He is the nephew of Tang Xuanzong, and he is very favored for a while, the so-called "Lord Grace Meets Frequency", "Double than Flesh and Blood" (Du Fu's "Gift to the Prince and Prince Ruyang County Wang Jin"), therefore, he dared to drink three buckets before going up to worship the Son of Heaven.

His alcoholic psychology was also different, and he drooled when he saw koji cars (i.e., wine cars) on the road, and he was eager to move his fiefdom to Jiuquan (now part of Gansu). Legend has it that "there is a golden spring under the city, and the spring tastes like wine, so it is called Jiuquan" (see "Three Qin Records").

In the Tang Dynasty, the emperor's relatives and nobles were qualified to attack the fiefdom, so only Li Jin among the eight would evoke the idea of "moving the feud", and the others would not think of it like this. The poet grasped the characteristics of Li Jin's royal family, delicately described his hedonistic psychology and drunken state, and wrote truthfully and measuredly.

Next came Li Shizhi. In the first year of Tianbao (742), he was the prime minister of the left on behalf of the cattle cyclamen, a good guest, and the night was a swallow reward, and the drinking day cost 10,000 yuan, and the amount of alcohol he drank was like a whale swallowing the water of a hundred rivers, which pointed out his luxury and luxury.

However, the good times did not last long, Kaibao five years suitable for Li Linfu to squeeze out, after the resignation, at home with relatives and friends will drink, although the wine is not reduced, but can not help but complain, Fu poem: "Avoid the virtuous at the beginning of the phase, Le Sheng and the cup, in order to ask the guests in front of the door, how many are there today?" ("Old Tang Dynasty Book, Li Shizhi's Biography") "The cup is called to avoid the virtuous" that is, to use Li Shizhi's verses.

"Lesheng" means that he likes to drink sake, and "avoids sage", that is, he does not drink turbid wine. Combined with the fact that he dismissed the prime minister, the pun on the meaning of "avoiding the virtuous" has a sarcastic connotation of Li Linfu. Here we grasp the important aspect of the gain and loss of power to portray the character of the character, and carefully depict the portrait of Li Shizhi, which contains profound political content and is very intriguing.

After the three dignitaries were revealed, they were followed by two dashing celebrities Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin. Cui Zongzhi is a dignified, free-spirited, handsome young and romantic character. When he was drinking, he raised his glass and looked up at the sky with his white eyes, and looked at everything as if there was no one beside him.

When drunk, it is like a jade tree swaying in the wind, unable to control itself. Du Fu used "Yushu Linfeng" to describe Zongzhi's handsome and plump posture and chic drunkenness, which is very charming.

Then write Su Jin. Sima Qian wrote "Historical Records", and was good at expressing the thoughts and characters of the characters with contradictory and conflicting plots. Du Fu is also good at grasping contradictory behaviors and describing the character traits of characters.

Su Jin was in Zen on the one hand, fasting for a long time, and on the other hand, he was addicted to drinking, often drunk, and was in the contradictory struggle between "fasting" and "drunk", but the result was often that "wine" defeated "Buddha", so he had to "love to escape Zen while drunk". In just two lines of poetry, it humorously expresses Su Jin's character traits of being drunk and getting carried away, indulgent and unscrupulous.

Next is the famous poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty. Poetry and wine and Li Bai have formed an indissoluble bond, Li Bai himself also said, "A hundred years and 36,000 days, a day must pour 300 cups" ("Xiangyang Song"), "Swing the pen and shake the five mountains" ("Song on the River").

Du Fu described a few lines of Li Bai's poems, which highlighted Li Bai's hobbies and poetic talents in relief. Li Bai is addicted to alcohol, and when he is drunk, he often sleeps in a restaurant in Chang'an City, which is not surprising. The sentence "The Son of Heaven can't get on the boat" suddenly made Li Bai's image tall and wonderful.

After Li Bai was drunk, he was even more arrogant and uninhibited, even if the Son of Heaven summoned him, he was not so respectful and honest, but proudly shouted loudly: "The minister is a fairy in wine!" strongly shows Li Bai's character of not being afraid of the powerful.

"The Son of Heaven can't get on the boat", although it may not be a fact, it is very in line with Li Bai's ideological character, so it has a high degree of artistic authenticity and strong artistic appeal. Du Fu was Li Bai's close friend, and he grasped the essential aspects of Li Bai's ideology and character and exaggerated it romanticism, shaping Li Bai into such an unruly, arrogant and indulgent artistic image that defied feudal princes.

This portrait is full of energy, both form and spirit, and radiates the ideal brilliance of beauty. This is exactly the romantic image of Li Bai that has been loved by the people for thousands of years.

Another important figure who appeared side by side with Li Bai was Zhang Xu. He was "good at cursive writing, good at wine, and every time he got drunk, he called out and walked wildly, and the pen was swaying, and the changes were endless, if there was divine help" (Du Zhen, vol. 1).

At that time, it was called "Grass Saint". After Zhang Xu got drunk with three glasses of wine, he was unrestrained, and the wonderful cursive script would flow out of his pen. Ignoring the majesty of the magnates, he took off his hat in front of the illustrious princes, exposed the top of his head, and wrote hard, swaying freely, and his handwriting was as free as a cloud. "Take off your hat and show your crown in front of the prince", what arrogance and informality are this! It heartily expresses Zhang Xu's uninhibited, arrogant and independent character traits.

The last character in the song is Jiao Sui. Yuan Jiao called Jiao Sui Buyi, which shows that he is a commoner. Jiao Sui was drunk after drinking five buckets, and at that time he looked even more surprised, talking loudly and endlessly, alarming the people present at the banquet. The poem depicts Jiao Sui's character traits, focusing on his excellent insight and eloquence, and his pen is precise and rigorous.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

The Eight Immortals in Drinking are drawn by the people of the Moon Mountain Road in the poems

The first of the eight rules of Qianlong's inscription (line book).

Du Fu drank the song of the eight immortals. Zhizhang rode a horse like a boat. Dazzled and fell asleep at the bottom of the well.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

The second

Ruyang three buckets began to face the sky. The road is salivating at the mouth of the koji car. Hate unswervingly sealed to Jiuquan.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

The third

Zuo Xiangri spent 10,000 dollars. Drink like a long whale sucking a hundred rivers. The title of the cup is called the avoidance of the virtuous.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking


Zongzhi is a chic and beautiful boy. Raise your eyes and look at the sky. Bright as a jade tree before the wind.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking


Su Jin Changzhai embroidered Buddha in front of it. When drunk, he often loves to escape Zen.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking


Li Bai wrote 100 poems. Chang'an City on the restaurant sleeps. The Son of Heaven couldn't get on the boat. The self-proclaimed minister is a fairy in wine.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

Rule 7

Zhang Xu's three cups of grass holy biography. Take off your hat and expose your crown in front of the prince. Falling paper is like a cloud of smoke.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

Rule 8

Jiao Sui Wudou Fang Zhuoran. Talking about the four feasts. Qianlong Bingwu Mengdong under the imperial pen

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Eight Immortals in Drinking

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Yu Ji inscription (Lishu): Drink the song of the eight immortals

Zhizhang rode a horse like a boat. Dazzled and fell asleep at the bottom of the well. Ruyang three buckets began to face the sky. The road is salivating at the mouth of the koji car. Hate unswervingly sealed to Jiuquan. Zuo Xiangri spent 10,000 dollars. Drink like a long whale sucking a hundred rivers. The title of the cup is called the sage. Zongzhi is a chic and beautiful boy. Raise your eyes and look at the sky. Bright as a jade tree before the wind. Su Jin Changzhai embroidered Buddha in front of it. When drunk, he often loves to escape Zen.

Eight Immortals in Drinking, Old Chuanyuan, Ren Renfa Painting, ink and color on paper, Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei

Yu Ji inscription (Lishu): Drink the song of the eight immortals

Li Bai wrote 100 poems. Chang'an City on the restaurant sleeps. The Son of Heaven couldn't get on the boat. Claiming to be a minister is a drunkard. Zhang Xu's three cups of grass holy biography. Take off your hat and expose your crown in front of the prince. Falling paper is like a cloud of smoke. Jiao Sui Wudou Fang Zhuoran. Talking eloquently, shocking. Taiding Yichou July. Leisure scrolls. Because the book is later. Shu County Yuji.

Ren Renfa, the word Ziming, the word Ziyao, a native of Yueshan Road, a native of Qingpu (now part of Shanghai). Yuan Dynasty painter, water conservator, calligraphy Li Beihai, painting Li Gonglin. He is good at figure painting, and the characters he paints are smooth and vivid.