
Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed


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The online pharmacy market has entered a period of rapid development. According to data from Minenet, in 2023, the sales of terminal drugs (chemical drugs + Chinese patent medicines) in China's online pharmacies will exceed 60 billion yuan, with continuous double-digit growth, and the market share of prescription drugs will rank first; 5 varieties of over 1 billion will lead the TOP20 chemical drug products, minoxidil tincture, the "miracle drug for baldness", will become the first 1 billion brand, and East Sunshine Pharmaceutical's oseltamivir phosphate granules will soar by 416%; 10 exclusive varieties will rank among the top 20 Chinese patent medicine brands, and China Resources, Yiling, Taiji, etc. will be on the list.

Exceeded 60 billion! The market share of prescription drugs ranked first

With the continuous development of online consultation and drug purchase business, the opening of online medical insurance payment channels, and the gradual liberalization of hospital prescription outflow, physical pharmacies continue to increase the layout of online channels, and consumer groups based on Internet and mobile terminal shopping methods have gradually formed, and the online pharmacy drug market has entered a period of rapid development.

According to data from Minenet, the market size of terminal drugs (chemical drugs + Chinese patent medicines) in China's online pharmacies has shown a rapid growth trend in recent years, with sales exceeding 60 billion yuan in one fell swoop in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 28.46%, and continuing double-digit growth. Among them, the market share of chemical drugs is more than 60%, and the proportion of Chinese patent medicines is more than 30%.

Sales of chemical drugs and proprietary Chinese medicines in online pharmacies in China (unit: 10,000 yuan)

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Rx (prescription drug) products are the largest sellers, with the largest market share for five consecutive years, OTC (over-the-counter) products continue to expand, with a market share of more than 40% in 2022 and 2023, and the overall market share of double-cross products shows a downward trend.

Distribution of Terminal Prescription Drugs/OTC Drugs/Double-cross Varieties in China's Online Pharmacies (Chemical Drugs + Chinese Patent Medicines)

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

TOP20 chemical drugs: 5 major and more than 1 billion varieties lead, and the "flu miracle drug" soared by 416%

Chemical drugs cover 14 therapeutic categories, and sales will increase by more than 15% in 2023, and systemic anti-infective drugs will increase by 48.99%. Digestive system and metabolic drugs ranked first with a market share of 26.82%, while genitourinary system, sex hormone drugs and dermatology drugs ranked second and third respectively, accounting for 15.89% and 14.90% respectively. It is worth mentioning that the total market share of the TOP3 treatment categories has exceeded 57%.

In 2023, it will be ranked TOP5 in the category of terminal chemical drug treatment in China's online pharmacies

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Among the TOP20 products, sildenafil, orlistat, minoxidil tincture and other Internet celebrity drugs are among the best; sildenafil citrate tablets, orlistat capsules, and tadalafil tablets are among the top three, with sales of more than 1.6 billion yuan; minoxidil tincture and dapoxetine hydrochloride tablets rank fourth and fifth respectively, with sales exceeding 1 billion yuan for the first time.

2023 Top 20 products of terminal chemical drugs in China's online pharmacies

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Among the top 20 brands, Zhejiang Wansheng Pharmaceutical's "anti-baldness" minoxidil tincture once again ranked first, with sales of more than 1.2 billion yuan, and is the first 1 billion yuan big brand in online pharmacies; state-controlled star shark's vitamin D drops ranked second for three consecutive years, with sales of more than 800 million yuan; Pfizer's sildenafil citrate tablets ranked third, and Shandong New Era Pharmaceutical's orlistat capsules ranked fourth.

2023 Top 20 brands of terminal chemical drugs in China's online pharmacies

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Sildenafil Citrate Tablets and Orlistat Capsules each have 3 brands on the list, and tadalafil tablets have 2 brands on the list. There are 12 domestic brands and 8 imported brands, involving multinational pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, and Bayer.

In terms of sales changes, Bayer's multivitamin tablets fell by 22.71%, and Oz Pharmaceutical's calcium carbonate D3 chewable tablets (III.) fell by 13.21%, and the sales of the remaining 18 brands increased to varying degrees.

The sales of 5 brands rose by more than 100%, with East Sunshine Pharmaceutical's oseltamivir phosphate granules soaring by 416.24%, Wuhan Jieshibang's tadalafil tablets soaring by 300.97%, Shandong New Era Pharmaceutical's orlistat capsules soaring by 238.16%, Zhongshan Wanhan Pharmaceutical's orlistat capsules soaring by 132.49%, and Novo Nordisk's semaglutide injection soaring by 123.21%.

TOP20 Chinese patent medicines: 10 exclusive varieties are eye-catching, and China Resources, Yiling, and Taiji are on the list

Proprietary Chinese medicines cover 13 treatment categories, including common diseases, chronic diseases, and andrological diseases, with drugs for urinary diseases, respiratory diseases, and digestive diseases ranking among the top three, with a total market share of nearly 50%, and the fourth place in the qi and blood replenishment market, with continuous expansion in the online pharmacy market in recent years, with sales exceeding 2 billion yuan for the first time in 2023.

In 2023, the pattern of Chinese patent medicine treatment in China's online pharmacy terminals

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Among the top 20 brands, Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical's Pien Tze Huang has won the "sales crown" for three consecutive years, with sales of more than 400 million yuan, Dong'e Ejiao's compound Ejiao paste and Ejiao ranked second and third respectively, Yiling Pharmaceutical's Lianhua Qingwen Capsule ranked fourth, and Jianmin Group's Longmu Zhuanggu Granules ranked fifth, with sales of more than 200 million yuan.

2023 Top 20 brands of Chinese patent medicine in China's online pharmacy terminals

Breaking through 60 billion! The top 20 online pharmacy sales: 1 billion brands were born, and the miracle drug for influenza skyrocketed

Source:, China's online pharmacy drug terminal competition landscape

Among the 20 brands, 10 are exclusive varieties, including Pien Tze Huang of Pien Tze Huang Pharmaceutical, compound Ejiao Paste of Dong'e Ejiao, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule of Yiling Pharmaceutical, Longmu Zhuanggu Granules of Jianmin Group, Shujin and Waist Strengthening Pills of Baiyunshan Chen Liji, Kidney Treasure Tablets of Huiren Pharmaceutical, and Lung Tonifying Pills of Licai Gansu Xifeng Pharmaceutical.

The sales of 11 brands increased by more than 30%, among which the bear bile powder of Changbai Mountain Wildlife Breeding Experimental Farm soared by 264.44%, the compound Ejiao paste of Dong'e Ejiao soared by 103.7%, and the Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid of Chongqing Fuling Pharmaceutical of Taiji Group soared by 96.64%. In addition, Liaoning Chaohua Pharmaceutical's Waist Strengthening Kidney Pills, Shaanxi Gongda Pharmaceutical's Compound Huangbai Ringworm Removal Liniment, and Jiangxi Half the Sky Pharmaceutical's Kidney Tonifying Pills will all make efforts in online channels in 2023 to achieve rapid sales volume.

Data source: Minenet database

Note: The statistical scope of "China's Online Pharmacy Drug Terminal Competition Pattern" by Minenet is: all drug data of online pharmacies in China, including all online pharmacy drug data on third-party platforms such as Tmall and, as well as all online pharmacy drug data on private domain platforms, and the above sales are calculated based on the average retail price of products in online pharmacies.