
The skull hurts! Isn't this a false proposition, and if you want to break your head, you can't come to a conclusion

author:Turtle lovers

What is a false proposition, as the name suggests, seems to be meaningful, but in fact, it is impossible to determine whether it is true or false. In the turtle circle, among the various issues we often discuss, there are many false propositions. The world is not actually black and white, and more areas are gray.

We have all grown up, and we are no longer simple teenagers who can only do true or false questions, and the concept of either right or wrong, in life, most of them do not work.

No, another turtle friend asked: Which is better, deep water or shallow water turtle raising? In fact, we have not only discussed this question once or twice. This is a classic false proposition.

The skull hurts! Isn't this a false proposition, and if you want to break your head, you can't come to a conclusion

In fact, the advantages and disadvantages of raising turtles in deep water and shallow water cannot be generalized. The key lies in the types of turtles we raise, their habits, and our own actual situation.

First of all, before raising turtles, we need to clarify our breeding goals and choose the right turtle species according to our own breeding environment. It is often seen that some friends blindly use shallow water to raise musk turtles, which is obviously not suitable for the water depth that musk turtles should have.

Sometimes, this is the advice of the turtle trader, and the turtle trader's advice is not entirely accurate, and we still need to set up a suitable breeding environment based on our own observations and research. After all, the customer service we communicate with often doesn't know much about turtles.

Musk turtles, for example, actually prefer deep water environments and spend most of their time underwater. From their foraging habits, we can observe that they are more inclined to eat food that sinks to the bottom.

As for Brazilian-faced turtle species such as Brazilian turtles and map turtles, although they do not belong to the same species, they all have a need for backburning. If we only follow the advice of turtle merchants, adopt shallow water to raise the back, and frequently artificially take out the sun, it may cause problems such as excessive temperature difference and fright, which will cause various diseases and even lead to the death of the turtle.

The skull hurts! Isn't this a false proposition, and if you want to break your head, you can't come to a conclusion

Grass turtles are a large number of turtle species distributed in the southern provinces of the mainland, especially in the Yangtze River basin. In fact, small grass turtles can also be raised in clear water at a depth of about 0.5 meters, while adult grass turtles can be raised in waters at a depth of 2-3 meters. Of course, the environment of our own home will not have such deep water.

Therefore, raising turtles in deep water is a false proposition for most of us enthusiasts. How many people can have a water depth of one or two meters at home. Most people are still at 20-30 cm, and the water depth is already very good. This kind of water depth is actually shallow water for water turtles.

As for what deep water causes the turtle to drown due to lack of physical strength. This kind of problem, one is whether the turtle's resting place is well arranged. Often we have a sundeck, but it is not suitable for turtles to climb up, and turtle friends do not pay attention to this. Second, if our filtration water flows too much, it will consume the physical strength of the turtle, which also has to be considered. The third is a new turtle, the degree of adaptation and physical strength have not kept up, and it is indeed recommended to recuperate for a period of time after the backwater.

There is also a common misconception that many people fear that turtles will drown in shallow water. In fact, it is very difficult for turtles to drown. In those so-called "drowning" cases, it is often because the keeper provided too shallow water, causing some turtles to drown after turning over without the help of water.

The skull hurts! Isn't this a false proposition, and if you want to break your head, you can't come to a conclusion

Therefore, the choice of deep-water turtle breeding and shallow water turtle breeding should be decided according to the species and habits of the turtle and the state of the turtle at this time. Shallow water over the back does not mean that you can't raise a turtle well, and from the perspective of pure breeding, there is no problem.

It's just that the water is deeper, and the buffering capacity of the water environment is also stronger, and there are still advantages. But the depth of the water is heavy, sometimes we raise turtles in a place that does not have a good load-bearing, so it is also helpless to raise over the back of the water, and it is not necessary.

As for raising water turtles, the water is not as deep as the back, so I really don't recommend it.

Maybe we usually read too many theories and too many arguments, and we can't make up our minds ourselves. And there are also a lot of "human desires to win" in it, which makes our brains hurt. The problem of feeding itself is not black and white, just suitable. Just like educating children, is it possible to use the same set of theories for every child?

The skull hurts! Isn't this a false proposition, and if you want to break your head, you can't come to a conclusion