
There are ways to grow and succeed, and there are no shortcuts

author:Chang'an Weihai

 Young cadres are the new force in the development of the cause of the Party and the country, and the successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. On the occasion of the opening of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "five conscious" requirements for young cadres, full of concern and ardent expectations for young cadres. Young cadres should keep in mind the entrustment, stick to their original mission on the new journey, work tenaciously and forge ahead, and strive to run the baton of history.

There are ways to grow and succeed, and there are no shortcuts

Source: People's Daily Online

  "Consciously be a believer in the party's innovative theory".

  In terms of the theoretical literacy of young cadres, the party's innovative theories are "hard core" in some cases, and "hard wounds" in other ways. An important reason why individual middle-aged and young cadres are not good at acting, cannot do anything, dare not do anything, find it difficult to gain insight into the current situation, and cannot control the overall situation, is that they lack the support of innovative theories, and fall into the predicament of being confused by little knowledge, cowardly by thinking less, blind by ignorance, and confused by ignorance.

  There is no shortcut to theoretical study, and it is necessary to put in more painstaking work of "digging deep wells" and slow work of "grinding through iron inkstones". If there are defects of "formalism," "vanity," and "utilitarianism" in the process of studying, it will be difficult to be sober theoretically and politically firm. Only by persisting in comprehensive and systematic study, in-depth thinking and study, and learning in connection with practice, so that we can do things while studying, make changes while doing things, and water practice with the living water of theory, can we continue to taste the sweetness of truth.

  Action is the most effective grinding. The study of the party's innovative theories focuses on application, not only to read the original works, learn the original texts, understand the principles, grasp the essence and practical requirements, but also to seek practical results in transformation and application. During the most difficult period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, countless people read Mao Zedong's "On Protracted War" to see clearly the law of development of this war, and strengthened their determination to protract the War of Resistance and strive for the final victory. It is precisely because of the transformation and application of innovative theories that the party's great cause can constantly overcome all kinds of hardships, hardships, risks and challenges, and constantly move from victory to greater victory. Party members and cadres in the new era should continue to apply what they have learned, promote learning with use, and learn from each other, deeply grasp the positions, views, and methods that run through them, and enhance the scientificity, foresight, and initiative of their work, so as to "use knowledge and action".

There are ways to grow and succeed, and there are no shortcuts

  "Consciously be a model practitioner who is loyal and honest to the party".

  Loyalty to the party is the most important political quality of the Chinese Communists. Chen Yi took "revolution and firmness" as his life's motto. Liu Guojun, the prototype of Liu Siyang in the novel "Red Rock", was arrested and imprisoned for betrayal by a traitor, and in the face of persuasion, he replied categorically: "If I betray the organization, what is the point of living." ”

  "There is no greater virtue in the world than loyalty. "Along the way, our party has gone through countless hardships and tribulations, but no difficulties have crushed us, and no enemy has been able to defeat us, relying on the loyalty of thousands of party members.

  Maintaining the same heart and direction with the party's historical mission is an inevitable choice for young cadres in the new era. At a time when China is booming and thriving, young cadres have an incomparably broad stage to display their talents, and the prospects for growing up and achieving their careers are incomparably bright. Young cadres "listen to the party and follow the party" is the best manifestation of their loyalty to the party. However, this political character will not naturally retain its quality and freshness, and if it is not nourished for a long time, it may be dusty and faded, and if it is not nourished for a long time, it will dry up and wither, and it is easy to forget why you set out and where you are going, or even get lost. It is precisely because some comrades have lost their way and run counter to the party in the process of growing up that they have suffered from such pains as "being born to compare themselves and going astray and falling into the abyss without knowing how to converge" and "indulging drivers to be brokers and not distinguishing between the evil and the consequences."

  Young cadres should especially bask in the glory of party spirit in constant study and constant innovation, consolidate their roots and cultivate their yuan in the process of repeated "recuperation" and continuous "quenching", truly achieve "loyalty and inch, and fill the two rooms with great enthusiasm", integrate "a clear-cut stand on politics" into their blood and soul, faithfully perform their duties in their respective posts, work hard, give full play to their own enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity, and achieve the value of life in the general trend of the country's progress.

There are ways to grow and succeed, and there are no shortcuts

  "Consciously be a selfless devotee who is committed to the benefit of the people".

  The way of government is to conform to the will of the people, to improve the people's livelihood as the foundation, so that "the people are good, the people are evil", and the benefit of the people is the greatest political achievement. The concept of political performance is like a fill-in-the-blank question, and "mass satisfaction" is the standard answer.

  Only by "putting the interests of the people at the top" and going to the masses to "roll in the mud" can young cadres catch "live fish" and obtain the "true scriptures," find out what the grassroots expect and what the masses want, and ensure that the problems are accurately identified and the countermeasures are put forward. It is necessary to make a list of the "old and big difficulties" in the "shady alleys", consolidate responsibilities, put the ability to improve the well-being of the masses, and turn what the masses think and hope into what the party and the government discuss and do. We should hand over our achievements to the masses for evaluation, let the masses score them, and use the "faces" of the masses to test the success of our achievements.

  During the years of the revolutionary war, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that it is necessary to always pay attention to "solving the problems of clothing, food, housing, firewood, rice, oil and salt, diseases and hygiene, and marriage." "It is required to show concern for the pain and itch of the masses and pay attention to solving the problems of the vital interests of the masses. In the new era, major changes have taken place in the main contradictions in mainland society, but the red line of "people first" should always be firmly stationed in the hearts of every party member and cadre.

  "Consciously be a tireless fighter who has the courage to take responsibility".

  The new era is the era of strivers. There is a good saying: "The most romantic thing in life is that when the motherland calls, we are in our youth." "Young people are the new force on the new journey of Chinese-style modernization, and they must stand up and take responsibility, be willing to pick up the heaviest burden, be able to gnaw the hardest bones, and be good at picking up hot potatoes, bravely undertake the mission of the times, and integrate their personal ideals into the cause of the party and the country.

  "GDP exceeded 126 trillion yuan, an increase of 5.2%" "Per capita disposable income increased by 6.1%...... In this year's government work report of the State Council, a group of data reflects countless hot scenes of entrepreneurship. Standing at a new starting point, "vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces", "focus on expanding domestic demand and promote the economy to achieve a virtuous cycle", "unremittingly grasp the 'three rural' work, and solidly promote the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside" and other goals and tasks are by no means easy and can be achieved by beating gongs and drums. "The journey is long, but there is only struggle". It is necessary to rivet the tenacity of "the more difficult and dangerous the more forward", water the dream with sweat, move forward with hard work, accept the roasting and smelting in the hot melting pot of practice, sharpen the iron feet to overcome difficulties and the iron shoulders to achieve things, and do good and good deeds in serving the masses and promoting high-quality development.

   Huang Wenxiu, "National Model of Poverty Alleviation," took the initiative to invite Ying to serve as the first secretary of Baini Village, which is located in a remote area and under difficult conditions; looking through the more than 70 work record books of Yu Yuanjun, a "model of the times," during his lifetime, most of the handwriting was not very neat...... They are well-deserved role models for young cadres.

There are ways to grow and succeed, and there are no shortcuts

  "Consciously be a powerful promoter of a good political ecology".

  General Secretary Xi Jinping once said earnestly: "If the political ecology is dirty, the political environment will be bad, and if the political ecology is clear, the political environment will be good." Political ecology, like natural ecology, is easily polluted if it is not careful, and if there is a problem, it will be very costly to restore it. ”

  The cultivation of a good political ecology is inseparable from strict political discipline and political rules, which are the basic principles for young cadres to follow in politics, the bottom line, and the floodgate, which must be adhered to and guarded. Young cadres must be honest and self-disciplined, be self-respecting, constantly build a solid ideological foundation for resisting unhealthy tendencies, maintain the consciousness of self-examination and prudence in treading on thin ice in the face of all kinds of "hunting" and "corrosion," practice the hard work of "seeing through and being able to endure it," build a strong ideological dam against corruption and never get wet, and always maintain the political nature of the communists who are honest and honest.

  A fallen cadre once repented like this: After there is a loophole in the ideological defense line, this kind of thing is like taking drugs, as long as it starts, it will become addicted, and if you make a mistake, it will become a hatred for eternity. Mr. Lu Xun once reflected on "the 'small' hidden under the leather robe". Young cadres in particular should constantly examine themselves to prevent anomie in their behavior and ideological pathology.

  In this respect, the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation set an example for future generations. Zhou Enlai set seven rules for self-cultivation, Chen Yi "tasted self-examination in the middle of the night", and Xie Juezai often "litigated with himself"...... It is precisely this attitude of constant self-examination and self-vigilance, and the practice of contending with oneself everywhere, that sets the high standards of communists.

  If the direction is clear, the step is firm. On the new journey, young cadres must bravely take over the baton of history, bravely stand at the head of the tide, bravely shoulder heavy burdens, work tenaciously, work the track of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, make meritorious contributions, and strive to achieve the best results.