
Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

author:YCRY Studios

Today, I will introduce you to 5 most suitable attractions for self-driving travel, I believe there must be one you like!

1. Zhangjiajie

Zhangjiajie is a tourist scenic spot. Its beauty is only known when you experience it. I didn't know about this place at first, but then I learned about it because I went to school.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

There are attractions such as the Glass Bridge, Tianmen Mountain, and Forest Park. In the summer, the forest park is very cool, and many Koreans come to visit it. I'm sure you won't regret it after you go.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

The best time to travel in Zhangjiajie is 3~5 months, 9~11 months. As a person who has come over, it is recommended not to go during the peak period, it is really crowded with people, and people look at people. It will be convenient to travel by car, and each attraction is far apart.

2. Yellow River

Hearing this name, everyone must be very familiar with it, not only our mother river, but also the fifth largest river in the world and the second longest river in China. The middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River are mainly mountainous, and the middle and lower reaches are mainly plains and hills.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

The Yellow River produces 1.6 billion tons of sediment every year, of which 1.2 billion tons flow into the sea, and the remaining 400 million tons remain in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, forming an alluvial plain that is conducive to cultivation. This is a great feature. Moreover, the Yellow River is located on the shore of the Yellow River, 20 kilometers northwest of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Not only does it have a unique geographical feature, but the natural landscape is also magnificent. Therefore, it is more suitable to go to the Yellow River by car, and the best time to travel is from April to October every year.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

3. Hulunbuir Prairie

The sky here is very blue, the grass is green, the clouds are endless, and the natural scenery is very beautiful. It is a relatively well-preserved grassland on the mainland, and is known as the "pasture kingdom". The geographical location is in the west of the Great Xing'an Mountains in Hulunbuir City, and it is famous for Hulun Lake and Bear Lake.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

The terrain is high in the east and low in the west, it is a more suitable place for shooting, I believe that people who have been there know that this is a good place to take pictures, and when you come here, everything can not be seen at a glance, boundless, want to make yourself an animal, run here without scruples, release yourself, which greatly satisfies your psychology and is conducive to relieving pressure. There is grass, herds of cattle and sheep, enthusiastic people, and the scenery is beautiful, which is very beautiful. After all, it is very suitable for self-driving tours, stop-and-go. The best time to visit is from April to October.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

4. Hainan

The geographical location is very superior, bounded by the Qiongzhou Strait and Guangdong Province in the north, the Beibu Gulf in the west and Vietnam, the South China Sea and Taiwan Province in the east, and the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia in the southeast and south of the South China Sea.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

In the South China Sea of the motherland, there are vast skies, blue and transparent waters, and sandy beaches. Walking in it, it is as if you are in a spotless dream, and it is beautiful and I don't want to wake up. Ideal for taking beautiful photos. Hainan is mainly a tropical coastal resource, where the climate is like spring all year round, and you can eat tropical fruits, which must be everyone's yearning. There are also unique cuisines. The editor recommends a self-driving trip to Hainan, and the best time to travel is from April to July.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

5. Shangri-La

Hearing this name is not unfamiliar at all, because Zhang Jie Xie Na held her wedding here, so she has more imagination here. Shangri-La is said to be the closest place to heaven. The weather here is fresh, and the culture is deep, there are mountains, rivers, and grasslands.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

Everyone who has been to Shangri-La is fascinated by the beauty here. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, and it is worth a visit. Xiaobian was going to go to some scenic spots in Yunnan to play again, and I heard from a friend about its beauty very early, so I wanted to go in person, but due to time problems, it was postponed. Shangri-La, a fairyland on earth, I'll tell you about it after I've been there. The best time to visit Shangri-La is from April to November. Friends who have nothing to do can also go to Yunnan to experience the Songkran Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan, which is equivalent to the Spring Festival.

Recommended 5 leisure family travel attractions in China

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