
More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old

author:Health Hangzhou

Stomach acid coming out of your ears?

Recently, the expert outpatient clinic of Chen Zhiling, director of the Department of Otolaryngology of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, came to such a patient.

The patient complained that he usually had high work pressure, irregular diet, and just ate two bites when he was busy, and when he was busy, it was late at night, and he had already missed the meal.

He was diagnosed with laryngeal reflux!

Don't multitask

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is a common condition that is usually caused by an abnormal backflow of stomach contents into the throat.

In recent years, there has been an increasing number of patients with laryngolaryngeal reflux in outpatient clinics, and there is a clear trend of younger people. Laryngeal reflux can occur in people of all ages, and stomach acid can rise up and even reach the eustachian tubes, leading to otitis media.

"One thing these patients often have in common is that they are busy with work and eat irregularly. Director Chen said.

More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old


"Whether it is dealing with things while eating, or lacking rest after eating, the ability of the stomach to transport food downward will become worse at this time, and at the same time, excessive pressure can easily make people stagnate liver qi and liver fire depression, which is also what Chinese medicine calls 'liver and stomach disharmony, stomach loss and decline'. ”

Therefore, don't multi-purpose when eating, let the stomach and intestines slowly digest and absorb the food. You can also take a short nap or take a walk after a meal, and it will help your stomach to digest in a relaxed state.

Throat reflux, susceptible to hypopharyngeal cancer?

Director Chen said that the more common esophageal cancer is also inseparable from the reflux of gastric contents. The most typical symptoms are a foreign body sensation in the throat, a burning sensation, etc., and some people have a persistent dry cough.

More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old

"In my outpatient clinic, the youngest patient with gastroesophageal reflux was a 12-year-old girl. If left untreated, symptoms can last for more than a decade. ”

It should be noted that about 40% to 60% of patients with gastroesophageal reflux have no typical symptoms and have symptoms such as tinnitus, asthma, rhinitis, etc., and there is no confirmed cause, until the relevant tests are performed incidentally, and the presence of esophageal ulcers or gastric ulcers is not found.

People with laryngeal reflux eat less of these things

More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old

Raw and cold food

Many people often eat raw and cold foods such as fruits and salads to lose weight, believing that these foods are low in calories. In fact, raw and cold foods can also cause laryngeal reflux disease.

Crude fiber foods

In fact, foods such as bamboo shoots and sweet potatoes can cause increased stomach acid and easily cause reflux.

Desserts, high-oil, high-fat foods

Eating cakes, drinking milk tea, coffee and other sweets can also cause an increase in stomach acid, leading to reflux. Foods high in oil and fat are the most likely to cause acid reflux.

Glutinous rice-based foods

Glutinous rice foods can easily lead to excessive stomach acid. During the Qingming Festival, there is a custom of eating Qingming dumplings in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and if you have patients with throat reflux, it is recommended to eat less.

Several methods self-test for regurgitation

Director Chen explained, is there any laryngeal reflux?

More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old

➤ Do you often have a radioactive, hot sensation in your neck?

➤ Do you have symptoms of acid reflux, heartburn, and food regurgitation into your mouth?

➤ Did you go to the cardiology department repeatedly because of retrosternal discomfort, and you did many heart tests without finding any problems?

➤ Have you ever had recurrent asthma, chronic cough, etc., and the symptoms cannot be controlled by conventional asthma medications?

If you answer "yes" to one of the four questions, you should consider the possibility of laryngeal reflux.

  • Supervisor of this issue: Chen Zhiling, Director of the Department of Otolaryngology, Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Contributed by: Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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More and more people are being recruited, and the youngest is only 12 years old

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