
Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

Qingming Festival, also known as the "Cold Food Festival", many areas still retain the habit of eating cold food during the Qingming Festival, but it is very unfriendly to some people with poor spleen and stomach. Moreover, in spring, we pay attention to "saving acid and increasing sweetness", and you can eat more warm and sweet foods to strengthen the spleen and protect the stomach, such as: pumpkin, glutinous rice, red dates, yams, apples, etc.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

By 豆果美食达人 宝宝辅食微课堂

Today, Douguo Food Expert @ Baby Complementary Food Micro Classroom teaches everyone to make red dates and apple cakes, apples are sweet and cool, and have the effects of invigorating, moistening the lungs, strengthening the spleen, and benefiting the stomach, while red dates have the effect of replenishing qi and benefiting the stomach, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and the combination of the two can play a role in strengthening the spleen and stomach. Moreover, Qingming eats more cold foods, and it is also a good choice to use it as a snack or staple food.

Cooking Tips:

1. A piece of silicone oil paper is paddled in the mold, which can be better demolded, and if there is no silicone oil paper at home, mothers can also brush a thin layer of cooking oil at the bottom of the mold and around it. 2. When the jujube and apple paste is loaded into the mold, you can use a spoon to dip it in a little cool and white, so that the spoon will not stick to the paste, and it can better flatten them. 3. The size of the cut can be decided according to the baby's grasping ability.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

By 豆果美食达人 宝宝辅食微课堂

· Food Supplies List ·

Apples 80 grams 40 grams of pitted red dates
70 grams of cake flour 1 egg (about 50g)

· Practices ·

1. Pour diced red dates into a cooking cup,

diced apples and eggs,

Whipping delicately,

It is recommended to peel the jujubes for small month-old babies.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

2. Pour the cake flour into the beaten jujube and apple paste,

Stir well with a spoon.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

3. Pour into the mold with silicone oil paper,

Flattened, cold water steamer,

Cover a plate on top and steam over high heat for 30 minutes,

Cover a plate to prevent moisture from entering and affecting the molding.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

4. Remove the mold after remowing, tear off the silicone oil paper and cut into small pieces.

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!

5. Sweet but not greasy, people can't help but want to eat a few more pieces,

It's great as a staple or as an add-on!

Eat often before and after Qingming! Soft and glutinous and sweet, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and randomly cry a sweet head!