
It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

author:Guangdong Health Information

"Southern ginseng"




Hua Tangerine is a kind of precious Chinese medicinal material, for the special product of Huazhou City, Guangdong Province, Zhao Xuemin's "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Qing Dynasty recorded that it "cures phlegm disease like a god"; in the Guangxu period, "Huazhou Chronicles" recorded that "each piece of truth can be worth a gold", since ancient times, it has been called "southern ginseng". It is also known as pomelo peel orange red, grapefruit peel, hairy orange red, light seven claws, light five claws, and Huazhou orange red.


The difference between orange and orange

Huazhou is known as the "hometown of orange red", and Huazhou orange red is also known as Huazhou orange red, so the orange red produced in Huazhou is orange red, in fact, it is not.

Orange red and orange red are not the same thing. The confusion was discovered in ancient times. Kou Zongshuang of the Song Dynasty said in "Materia Medica" "Materia Medica": "A piece of orange grapefruit in this herb, cover misinformation, and later generations do not know, using pomelo peel as orange red is an endless trouble." In modern times, this confusion persists. It was not until the 1995 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia that orange red and orange red were included separately.

The main differences between the two are:

Sources are different

Orange red is the peel of the pomelo, but orange red is a part of the orange.

化橘红的来源为芸香科植物化州柚Citrus grandis‘Tomentosa’或柚Citrus grandis (L.)Osbeck的未成熟或近成熟的干燥外层果皮。 主要含柚皮甙。

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Grapefruit plant (picture from the Internet)

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Grapefruit plant (picture from the Internet)

Tangerine is derived from the dried outer peel of Citrus reticulata Blanco and its cultivated variety. To put it simply, orange peel is called tangerine peel after drying, if the white part of the orange peel is removed and then dried, it is called orange red, that is, "orange peel is white and red." "Orange-red is orange-red flakes, densely covered with yellow-white translucent dots, with the aromatic smell of tangerine peel, slightly bitter and numb. The main active ingredient contains hesperidin.

The features are different

It is used to relieve phlegm stagnation in the chest, cough and asthma, etc., and is used to relieve cough and phlegm and food accumulation without heat and other symptoms.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Orange red publishes to disperse cold, and it is appropriate to use it for those who feel wind and cold and cough and phlegm more", "Orange red has no divergence, and can also eliminate food, and it is more suitable for those who cough and phlegm and have food accumulation." "The orange peel is warm, and the orange and pomelo peel are cold, you must know." It can be seen that there is a difference in the use of orange red and orange red in the past dynasties, and the two cannot be mixed.


Decoction piece traits

The traditional processing method of orange red is to pick the unripe fruit, put it into boiling water, immediately remove it, cut the peel into 5~7 petals, remove the fruit pulp and mesocarp, and then dry or dry.


Huazhou pomelo is often called hairy orange red because of the fluffy outside of the fruit. The characteristics of the decoction pieces are folded in half or unfolded five-pointed stars, and the single piece is willow-shaped. The outer surface is yellowish-green. It is brittle, easy to break, the section is not neat, and the inner side is slightly soft and elastic. The smell is aromatic, bitter and slightly pungent.

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

(The picture comes from the Internet)


The pomelo peel is cut into 5 or 7 petals, the fruit sac and part of the mesocarp are removed, pressed into shape, and dried, which is called "light seven claws" and "light five claws".

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Light Seven Claws (picture from the Internet)

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Orange red decoction pieces (picture from the Internet)


After the young fruit of Huazhou pomelo is dried, it is called "orange red tire" or "orange red bead", which is also used for medicinal purposes, and the effect is the same as that of "orange red".



The orange red taste is pungent, bitter and warm. Return to the lungs and spleen meridians.

It can regulate the qi and widen the medium, dry and damp and dissolve phlegm. It is used for coughing and phlegm, eating and drinking, vomiting and stuffiness. In daily life, it has the best effect on cold cough caused by cold, manifested as frequent throat itching and cough, thin sputum, and it also has a good therapeutic effect on diseases commonly suffered by middle-aged and elderly people such as prolonged cough, tracheitis, and asthma.

【Chemical Composition and Pharmacology】

There are mainly flavonoids, polysaccharides, volatile oils and coumarin compounds. Among them, naringin and maremin, which are flavonoids, are the main active ingredients of orange red, and the main components of naringin are dihydroflavonoids, also known as naringin, citrus glycoside or isohesperidin, which have antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The naringin content in orange red variety, with different varieties and origins, was usually higher in unripe fruits.

Its pharmacological effect is to dissolve phlegm and relieve cough; antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory; antibacterial, antiviral; Antioxidant; immunomodulation; Prevention and treatment of diabetes, myocardial damage, etc


The use of orange red needs to distinguish the severity of the syndrome and select the dosage. It is not suitable for those with qi deficiency, yin deficiency and internal heat, and those who are on fire and coughing. It is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

It has the best effect on cold cough caused by cold, manifested as frequent throat itching and cough, thin sputum, and also has a good therapeutic effect on diseases common in middle-aged and elderly people such as prolonged cough, tracheitis, and asthma.

Dietary prescriptions

1. Orange red drink

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Use 10 grams of orange red, add a little rock sugar, and add water to stew the juice. It is multi-effective for those with cold and dampness of tracheitis.

2. Stewed partridge with orange and red apricots

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Use 10g of orange red, 10g of southern apricot, 10g of northern apricot, 1 partridge, 50g of lean pork, 2 slices of ginger. Simmer for 2 hours and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste. It can dispel dampness and phlegm, stop asthma and qi, and moisten yin and lungs. It is suitable for cool and dry cough in autumn.

3. Stewed Sichuan shellfish in orange and red

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

Use 10g of orange red, 10g of banxia, 10g of Chuanbei, 3g of licorice, 50g of lean meat, steam and stew for 2 hours in water, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste. It can regulate qi and dissolve phlegm, promote lungs and relieve cough. It is suitable for patients with chronic brondrage and emphysema, which is characterized by phlegm turbidity and upward disturbance, and the sputum is white and viscous.

Source: Comprehensively from Beijing First Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor: Chen Jia

Editor-in-charge: Chen Guangtai

Do you know that orange red has so many effects?

It is called "Southern Ginseng", and one piece is worth one gold!

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