
Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

author:People and things that can


Recently, a news about Yang Liwei's astronaut emergency equipment list of a 64 pistol has become a hot topic. As soon as this news came out, it immediately aroused widespread heated discussions and attention, and many people were puzzled and curious about the practice of astronauts carrying firearms. Why do astronauts carry guns on space missions? What are the reasons and considerations behind this? What kind of historical and cultural background makes astronauts even include guns in their safety and security equipment? Let's take a closer look at this mysterious topic and uncover the various possible reasons and considerations behind astronauts carrying guns.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

1. The reason and significance of astronauts carrying firearms

From the perspective of tradition and self-defense, astronauts carry guns in space missions, on the one hand, to continue and inherit the tradition of astronauts' emergency equipment, and on the other hand, to deal with possible emergencies, such as wildlife threats or other unexpected ground threats after crashes and landings. Whether it is the former Soviet Union or the current Chinese and Russian cosmonauts, carrying firearms will be included as part of the emergency equipment, and it is also an important measure to ensure the survival and safety of astronauts.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

When astronauts return to the ground after completing a space mission, because the crash landing site is difficult to completely determine in advance, and various terrains and landforms on the earth may become "potential threats" after the astronauts land, carrying firearms can help astronauts resist these possible ground threats to a certain extent and ensure their survival and personal safety.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

In addition to this, astronauts carrying firearms can also be used as a weapon of self-defense to protect themselves from external threats. In the space environment, astronauts face a variety of unknown risks and challenges that may pose a potential threat to their personal safety, so there is a firearm as a self-defense weapon, which can provide certain help and guarantee for the safety and security of astronauts in space missions.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

However, it is precisely because astronauts carry guns on space missions that some people have also sparked conjecture and concern. After all, in the space environment, the effects of a shot can pose a potential threat to the safety of astronauts and other spacecraft, such as bullets traveling along unpredictable trajectories that could injure astronauts or other spacecraft.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

In addition, due to the special environment in space, the velocity attenuation of the gun is low, and the bullet can fly farther, which also increases the difficulty and potential safety hazards of the gun in the space environment. Therefore, while ensuring the safety of astronauts, it is also necessary to make certain regulations and restrictions on the use of firearms carried by astronauts to avoid unexpected surface effects and potential safety hazards.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

2. Differences in emergency equipment for astronauts in different countries

Although astronauts face the same space environment and unknown challenges in their space missions, there are certain differences in the selection of emergency equipment for astronauts in different countries. For example, in the United States, astronaut emergency equipment does not include guns, but some other emergency tools and equipment, such as knives, medical first aid kits, etc.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

This has a certain relationship with the characteristics of the space mission and the choice of landing site for American astronauts. Under normal circumstances, American astronauts will choose to land in the ocean after the end of the space mission, so as to avoid some complex ground environment and ground threats, such as enemy-occupied areas, etc., and the "ground threat" they face may mainly come from sharks and other marine creatures, and guns do not have a great deterrent effect on these creatures, so American astronauts choose not to carry guns, but choose other tools and equipment to deal with possible emergencies.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

In contrast, Chinese and Russian astronauts are equipped with guns in their emergency equipment, which is also related to the choice of where they land. Since most of the Earth's land area is still to be explored and the astronauts who appear in these places cannot be known in advance, Chinese and Russian astronauts may need to face some extreme ground environments and threats, such as enemy-occupied areas or wild animals, and firearms can provide certain guarantees and help for their survival and safety in these places, and become an important "survival weapon" in the face of various unknown challenges.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

3. The deep thinking behind the astronauts carrying guns

In addition to traditional and self-defense considerations, there are some deep historical and cultural and security meanings behind the astronauts' carrying firearms. First, from a historical perspective, the practice of astronauts carrying firearms may be related to earlier astronaut recovery missions.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

In the early astronaut recovery missions, astronauts may encounter some unknown ground environments and threats in the process of returning to Earth, such as crashing in remote areas or enemy territory, and firearms can help astronauts protect themselves and ensure their smooth return, and in some special cases, they can also become important equipment for astronaut rescuers, providing them with certain protection and assistance.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

Today, although the astronauts' recovery mission has been relatively safe and smooth, such historical and cultural significance may still affect the astronauts' choice of emergency equipment, making them feel that carrying a firearm can provide some help and guarantee for their own safety.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

Secondly, the fact that astronauts carry guns also reflects the coexistence of human beings towards the space environment. Space is undoubtedly a "new continent" for human exploration, and in this mysterious field, human beings can obtain many unprecedented scientific achievements and understandings, but at the same time, the space environment is also full of various unknown challenges and threats, such as cosmic rays, microgravity, extreme temperatures, etc., which have a certain impact and challenge on the physical and mental health of astronauts.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

Therefore, on the road of human space exploration, in addition to being full of passion and curiosity, it is also inseparable from the "worry" and awareness of the unknown environment, and the astronauts carrying guns can be understood as a kind of "prevention" of human beings against various unknown challenges in the process of space exploration, and they hope that in the face of various unknown threats and challenges, they can have a "foolproof" response ability and courage, and provide certain "psychological comfort" and support for their own safety and the smooth development of space exploration.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten


The practice of astronauts carrying guns has undoubtedly brought people a lot of unexpected thinking and inspiration. On the road of human exploration of the unknown, the challenges and choices may be far more complex and difficult than we imagine, and the choice of emergency equipment for astronauts is also a "micro choice" in this sense, and the cultural, historical and safety significance behind it is worthy of our in-depth thinking and discussion.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

Perhaps, one day in the future, with the continuous development of human space exploration, we can find more scientific and reasonable ways to deal with the challenges and threats in various space environments, and the emergency equipment of astronauts can also appear some new "looks" to better adapt to the needs of future space exploration, and provide a more comprehensive and reliable guarantee for the safety of astronauts and the smooth development of space exploration.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten

Finally, when we are faced with such a news, in addition to thinking and discussing from the surface phenomenon, we can also try to understand the meaning and value from a deeper perspective, which can bring a broader vision and inspiration to our thinking, and also allow us to have a clearer and deeper understanding of the choices and challenges we face, so that we can make more informed and meaningful decisions.

Why did Yang Liwei take a pistol into space? Not to guard against aliens, but the lesson must never be forgotten