
In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

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June 29, 2013, was the time of Park's visit to China.

During her visit, Park Geun-hye went so far as to ask the Chinese side to erect a monument to commemorate a South Korean in public.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

This outrageous request surprised everyone at the scene, but what was even more surprising was that the Chinese side generously agreed to Park Geun-hye's request after receiving it.

China moved more quickly to implement Ms. Park's request, erecting a memorial and building a separate memorial for the South Korean in just over half a year.

On January 19, 2014, the memorial opened its doors near the Harbin railway station.

In just three months, more than 50,000 people came to the memorial hall to pay their respects and commemorate it.

To be able to get Park Geun-hye to open his mouth, and even more so to make China act quickly to build a memorial for him, what kind of ability does this South Korean have?

His name may be remembered by the world.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

His name is Ahn Chong-geun.

In 1879, Ahn was born in Korea.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty was already in turmoil, its control of the Korean Peninsula was gradually declining, and the newly rising Japanese power on the Korean Peninsula was gradually strengthening.

In 1904, after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, Ahn Shigeun mistakenly believed that the Japanese had come to save Korea, so he strongly supported the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War.

However, reality soon hit him in the face. After Japan's victory, it turned to the brutal colonial rule of Korea.

Beginning in January 1904, over a period of two years, Japan forced Korea to sign three unequal treaties, completely turning Korea into its own colony.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

This act made An Shigegen realize the essence of the Japanese, so An Shigegen embarked on the road of resisting Japanese colonial rule again.

However, the weak Korea was no match for the rising Japanese, and Ahn had no choice but to abscond to China in November 1905 to continue the struggle against the Japanese.

At this time, China did not provide much help to North Korea, but was itself mired in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal quagmire.

Seeing that he could not get any help from the outside world, Ahn returned to China in December, ready to join his compatriots in opposing the invaders.

For Ahn Chong-geun, there were only a few options he could think of, but he decided to start with education, to promote the aggressive nature of the Japanese and awaken the Korean people's sense of resistance.

It's just that reality once again slapped Yasuzune in the face, the Japanese did not allow any non-Japanese forces to establish schools, and they had to join the Japanese-style schools of the Japanese in order to study.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

An Chonggen's method of educating and saving the country obviously will not work.

Since the communication is not good, then the only way to do it is to resist Japan with arms.

The Korean rebel army had always been active, but it was weak enough to shake the Japanese invaders.

In October 1907, at the age of 28, An Shigeun became a staff lieutenant general of the rebel army through his own efforts.

In July 1908, Yahn led his men back to Korea from Tsarist Russia to prepare for an attack on the Japanese invading army.

Reality once again shattered An Chonggen's hopes.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

The rebel contingent consisted of less than 300 men, and in the face of repeated attacks by the Japanese, only 10 men returned to their base camp in Russia.

Even at its peak, the rebel army consisted of only two or three thousand men, and such a contingent quickly perished under the attack of the Japanese.

Seeing that neither civil nor military could save Korea, Ahn decided to take another path and vowed to fight Japan to the end.

In March 1909, Ahn Chonggen convened an extraordinary meeting and decided to establish the Severed Finger Alliance.

Those who attended the meeting cut off their ring fingers one after another to show their deep blood feud with Japan.

And the form of their resistance has also changed from civil and military fighting to assassination.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

The 11-man Severed Finger Alliance, which focused on assassinating Japanese officials, targeted Hirobumi Ito as the first target.

As everyone knows, Ito Hirobumi was the promoter of the First Sino-Japanese War and even the Russo-Japanese War, and he was the executioner of the Chinese and North Korean peoples.

Therefore, Yasu's severed finger alliance gave priority to the assassination of Hirobumi Ito.

In September 1909, the Severed Fingers Alliance learned that Ito was about to go to the Harbin railway station to negotiate with Russia.

Under the leadership of Yasushigene, the assassins disguised themselves as Japanese and blended into the procession to greet Ito.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on October 26, Hirobumi Ito, who was belated, entered the station.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

Hirofumi Ito

On the train, it took only 25 minutes for Ito to reach an agreement with the Tsarist side.

When Ito, who was elated, stepped out of the carriage, he was greeted by a three-shot attack by An Shigegen.

Among them, 2 shots directly hit Ito's vital point, causing Ito to lose too much blood and die on the spot.

In addition, seeing that there was no hope of escape, An Chonggen shot the Japanese consul general stationed in Harbin.

After being arrested, Ahn Chonggen did not implicate his comrades, claiming that all actions were his ideas.

The Japanese bluffed against Ahn, who was convicted of many crimes, and finally sent him to the gallows on March 26, 1910.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

After his death, An Chonggen was buried in the cemetery in Lushun, but the passage of time and the outbreak of war made his tomb impossible to preserve, leaving only a mound of clothes.

It is natural for such a person with lofty ideals to erect a monument to commemorate him, so there is the An Chonggen Memorial Hall mentioned at the beginning of the article.

After the memorial was erected, the Japanese side raised objections, claiming that this was the connivance of China and South Korea against the terrorists.

However, the Japanese aggression has not been forgiven by anyone, and China and South Korea have scoffed at the Japanese protests and ignored them.

In 2013, Park Geun-hye asked China to erect a monument to a South Korean, and the Chinese side agreed

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