
The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

author:Erl micro-reading

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The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

In the era of rapid industrialization, the working class could be said to be the masters of that era. "We workers have the strength to be busy every day!" This is undoubtedly the truest cry in the hearts of countless Chinese industrial workers back then.

Energetic workers can be found in every corner of the city, and with their industrious hands and wisdom, they have become the mainstay of social progress.

Workers symbolize advanced productive forces and the virtue of industriousness, and what they have won is widespread respect from all walks of life. Especially those workers with high-end skills, they are highly praised and envied.

As long as a worker reaches the level of an eighth-level technician, he can earn the admirable reputation of "master craftsman". This title is the highest recognition of their lifelong pursuit and excellence.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

In that special era environment, the younger generation had an extremely strong yearning for the profession of technician. They have been forged since childhood, with the dream of becoming a true master.

At that time, the children's eyes sparkled with fighting spirit, and they longed to one day realize the value of life by creating breathtaking products with their own hands by using sophisticated machinery and equipment.

Unfortunately, as the times changed, this reverence for the working class gradually disappeared. Today's young people are generally obsessed with pursuing the dream of becoming a modern white-collar worker and living a privileged lifestyle.

Since childhood, they have been baptized by various training courses and tutoring, just so that they can be admitted to prestigious universities in the future and have a stable and high-income job in the future.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

In such an environment, the profession of traditional manufacturing workers has gradually become pale and weak, and has largely lost its past luster and honor. The demand for so-called "decent" work, in turn, exacerbates the neglect and disregard for the profession among workers.

However, the reality is harsh. The situation in the job market has become so severe that even highly educated people are not immune. Astounding data shows that among the 7 million food delivery boys in the country, 70,000 hold master's degrees, and 260,000 are undergraduate graduates! As a profession that is generally regarded as a low-threshold job, such a large scale of highly educated people flock to the profession, which undoubtedly reflects the severity of the current employment situation.

This frenzy of "employment involution" has spread to all industries and fields of society, and even the "high-paying and noble" jobs in the minds of many people, such as civil servants and public institution establishment positions, are now extremely competitive.

It is not uncommon for PhD students who have graduated from top universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University to end up having to choose to become ordinary city managers or primary school teachers.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

Professions that were once highly prized are now available to only a small number of the lucky ones, and the vast majority of highly qualified people are competing with each other for limited job opportunities.

Even some graduates of ordinary second- and third-class colleges have to deign to engage in high-intensity, low-income sales work, and are under tremendous mental pressure.

The career outlets and positioning of outstanding and highly educated talents have declined in an all-round way, as if this society can no longer accommodate them. The majority of students try their best to study and study, just to get a good job in the future, but when they really stand in the workplace, they find that their dreams are getting farther and farther away from them.

There is too much gap between the good life that young people sincerely aspire to and the cruel reality. Such an employment environment is leaving countless young people feeling lost and helpless.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

Nevertheless, I would like to draw attention to a sad fact - when the whole society is engaged in such fierce competition for so-called "decent" jobs, there is a gap of more than 22 million senior technicians in the traditional manufacturing industry on the mainland.

However, at the moment, no one is willing to devote themselves to filling this gap. It is a shame that the once highly regarded position of skilled worker is now unfilled.

Is it true that technicians have no future at all, as the young people of the present day imagine? Of course not! In fact, excellent technicians will become the backbone of supporting the mainland's march toward becoming a manufacturing power.

The manufacturing industry is inseparable from the hard work and sweat of these senior technicians. No matter how perfect the engineer design, no matter how advanced the machinery and equipment, without a group of excellent technicians to operate and implement, those products will not really come out and be brought to the market.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

Unlike ordinary workers who repeat monotonous actions day after day on the assembly line, modern senior technicians need to master difficult skills such as maintenance, programming, and manipulation of advanced equipment, and they are the key talents to adapt to technological innovation and lead new trends.

The global manufacturing industry is transforming and upgrading in the direction of intelligence and automation, which has been a new severe test for the comprehensive technical level of technicians. In the future, what is needed is not only to alleviate shortages, but also to face greater demand pressure, and at the same time, it will also face more stringent technical requirements.

In the face of these many contradictions and predicaments, should we arouse sufficient vigilance and attention? Young people have lost interest in technical schools, and industrial production urgently needs a large number of senior technicians to supplement them, and this has become a serious stumbling block on the road to the take-off of the mainland's manufacturing industry, and we must find ways to solve it.

Technical school education is related to the cultivation of vocational and technical talents in the mainland, but unfortunately, technical schools have fallen into a predicament. In the traditional concept of the Chinese nation, studying to make a career and gain fame has always been regarded as the supreme pursuit, and other professions are degraded as the fate of losers.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

This concept has been exacerbated by the contemporary college entrance examination system. The students of Guangzhou University squeezed through the examination checkpoints with great difficulty, just to get the opportunity to enter a prestigious university.

But in the end, those "985" and "211" engineering universities that can really enter key universities are only rare.

For those children who can't even enter ordinary colleges and universities, the expectations of society and parents for them are instantly shattered, and they are destined to be silently abandoned in this corner of the technical school.

As a result, the technical school was equated by the world with "a place for poor students".

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

Once they are labeled as "technical school students", all kinds of negative impressions and prejudices fall on these children: chaotic and noisy schools, student behavior problems, smoking and addiction to games, and so on.

Entering a technical school is tantamount to being abandoned by mainstream society, and even parents' ardent expectations for their children have to be abandoned.

On the other hand, the environment of the factory is also intimidating for young people. While some of the larger factories are relatively good, others are just as bad as they are: dusty and noisy.

Working in such a harsh environment is simply a kind of mental torture for those who have lived in the sunshine greenhouse since childhood.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

They don't see any appeal as a mechanic. How can young people, who have long been accustomed to a privileged life, endure to be in such a dirty and messy environment? In their eyes, the profession of a technician is completely synonymous with dirt and lowliness.

In stark contrast to the current situation in China, in Germany, a manufacturing powerhouse, the career path of a skilled worker is seen as bright and dignified. The Germans established a model of vocational education known as the "dual system" very early on, which allowed skilled workers to raise their eyebrows along the way.

The core of the "dual system" is that students not only learn theoretical knowledge in the professional field at school, but also go to the company for a three-year internship. During the three-year internship, students will not only receive a substantial salary ranging from 500 to 1,500 euros per month, but also enjoy various statutory benefits such as health insurance.

After completing the three-year internship, these students will be officially promoted to the highly skilled senior technicians required by the company, and join the company's permanent positions to be responsible for realizing the grand blueprint for the future.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

It can be said that the reason why Germany's "dual system" is so attractive is precisely because it paves a bright career path for technical trainees.

In fact, more than 430,000 companies in Germany are already actively involved in this vocational development program.

Young people with the dream of becoming a technician only need to devote themselves to this education model, and they can obtain the meticulous training of the enterprise, thoroughly master a solid practical skill in 3 years, and gain rich practical experience in the enterprise.

And when they actually become technicians, the level of remuneration they can get is absolutely enviable. Taking an ordinary technician as an example, his monthly salary in Germany can be as high as 3,000 euros, which is converted into about 2 yuan. 20,000 yuan.

The current situation of China's senior technicians: the talent gap has reached more than 22 million, but there are many technical schools

In contrast, the average starting salary of the average university graduate in Germany is only about 2,500 euros, which is significantly lower than the income of a technician. It can be seen that German society attaches great importance to the group of technicians.

And for those experienced and highly skilled senior technicians, the remuneration they receive in developed countries such as Germany is even more substantial. For example, in the city of Berlin, the monthly salary of a senior technician can even reach a staggering 4,000 euros, which is equivalent to about 3 yuan. 70,000 yuan.

This level of income is already far higher than the salary standard for German civil servants or university teachers. It can be seen that the German government and enterprises attach great importance to and affirm these senior technicians.