
6 summaries of the work of class representatives

author:Small cloth security

Summary of the work of the class representative 1

Dear Leaders and Colleagues,

Happy New Year!

The year's work is coming to an end, I believe that at the end of the year, everyone has their own words to say, that's for sure, everyone's ideas are different, which requires continuous efforts to recall the work of the year. Summing up the work of the past year is also a kind of motivation for myself.

The year 20xx has passed, today is the beginning of a new year, I take this opportunity to summarize my work in the past year, and plan for the new year. First of all, I would like to thank several leaders for their support and help in our work, and I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders through the warm applause of your colleagues! Thank you!

Is this part of the transition between the old and the new, the end of the year, or the prelude to the new year, the end or the beginning? It doesn't matter. The important thing is that in the old year, I have experienced so much, I have lost and regretted, and I have gained and fulfilled ...... And for the new year, I still have dreams in my heart.

I'll give you an example, like when I was doing business, it was very hot in a hospital, in the summer, I used to bring them a watermelon or something fruit every time I went, and then it was a long time, they said Xiao Tao, don't be so polite next time, but when I saw them eating watermelon, I had to look for knives everywhere, I used to only know how to eat every time, anyway, I brought it, you got it, I will eat some, I think I buy watermelons every time, why don't I bring them a knife, and then I go to help them bring it, in fact, it's not very expensive, but he brought me somethingSince then, I have become a regular customer of their place, and I don't have to buy food every time, I have to eat some food by myself. Kill two birds with one stone, although it's just a small thing, but it's a big thing for them!, the fourth mouth is to think of seeing, to say that the end is going to do, people always like to listen to nice words, you say a few more words is nothing, but he feels comfortable psychologically, here I want to be wordy again, for example, we often go to other places, just buy local specialties to bring back to important customers, then as for how to say I don't say that everyone knows.

I remember every time I went to the pharmacy department of a hospital, I would never go empty-handed, even if it was a bottle of drink, I would bring it, because I liked these little things very much, I basically went once a week, but every time the director was there, she didn't want it, and she didn't give me anything nice. Although he said no, he finally accepted it. A few days ago, I went again, I don't know what to buy, I heard a friend say that there is a shop in Ningbo to buy Huangyan oranges is very good, I ran over to buy two boxes of past, the director is also in me I went in, he saw me take things again, he said you are like this, next time you don't come, I took it and said that the director is a little bit of my mind, I went to Taizhou to bring you some Huangyan oranges are very good, you bring back to reward, she looked at it at the time and said you don't want to be so polite every time, your medicine has been selling well recently, as long as you have normal sales, nothing is wrong。 You don't have to come often, I'll call you if there's something, or you call me.

Whether he said this or not, but my psychology has collapsed a lot, I will dare to communicate with him boldly next time, and I brought her two boxes of dried radishes back last time I went back from Xiaoshan. Sometimes, these lies are white lies. No way, for work! In is the hand service, usually when there is nothing to send more messages to customers, some words can not be expressed in words, it will be better to express in words, what holiday greetings, information dime may also play a result you expected, at Christmas I sent a message to all customers, although only 30% of customers sent me a message back, but I am already very satisfied. Finally, the five fast is the front of the five diligence, think about it to do, we will make persistent efforts if we succeed, failure is not terrible, I remember I read a sentence of a successful person; strong, with the strength of the heart to cheer for yourself; people's life can not be smooth sailing, so from the moment you have self-awareness, you must have a clear understanding, that is, a person's life must have wind and waves, it is absolutely impossible to be a good day every day, every year is a good year, so when we encounter setbacks, do not feel surprised and frustrated, but should try to take it for granted, and then calmly look at it to solve it。

Although I haven't had a lot of success in my work in the past year, that's what I've learned from my leadership. In the new year, I want to use a little skill I have mastered, I hope that with the support of your leaders, and the help of your colleagues, I have assigned myself a plan, in the completion of the current sales of our main products at the same time to develop some new products, the current hospital I do have a certain sales, try to increase sales, in the hospital that I have not developed, I will try to develop as soon as possible, in the development of new varieties, the specific plan I will report to my direct boss。

I hope that in the new year, with the support of the leadership, let us go to the next level, for the individual, for the company we work together, all the colleagues who are fighting in the front line of medicine, do not feel at a loss for the difficulties they are currently facing, believe in their own efforts, and create a brilliant tomorrow.

The year's work has ended, and in the upcoming year, we will continue to work hard, this is a question that has been unable to refuse, and this is our summary at the end of the year. Every year has its own progress, every year will have its own growth! I believe that everyone will achieve the most complete success in the coming year!

Thank you!

Summary of the work of the class representative 2

In the blink of an eye, 20xx is about to wave goodbye, on the occasion of the New Year, thinking back on the road they have traveled for more than half a year, the things they have experienced, there is not too much emotion, there are not too many surprises, there are not too many achievements, and there is more a calm and calm mentality.

In the past 10 months, there have been failures and successes, but unfortunately, my business knowledge and capabilities have improved. First of all, I have to thank the company for providing me with such good working conditions and living environment, there are so good, experienced bosses to give me guidance, take me forward, their practical experience allows us to benefit for life, from them to learn not only the way to do things, but more importantly, the truth of life, being a man is the premise of doing things.

I joined the company in February, and before I knew it, a year had passed in a flash, and during this time, I changed from a newcomer who didn't know anything about product knowledge to a salesman who could operate the business independently, completed the role change of career, and adapted to this job. The performance is not outstanding, the following is a year of work and business breakdown: entering a new industry, everyone must be familiar with the knowledge of the industry's products, familiar with the company's operating model and establish a customer relationship group. In market development and practical work, how to position the market direction and product direction, focus on key customers and track customers, how to arrange the time and products in the off-peak season, of course, this is far from enough, we should continue to learn, accumulate, and keep pace with the times.

At work, although I have wasted time and wasted time at work, I am serious and responsible for my work. After the baptism of time, I believe that I will be better, as the saying goes: only experience can grow. There is no perfect thing in the world, everyone has their advantages and disadvantages, once you encounter a lot of work, it is easy to make noise, or you will not take the time to check, and you will be careless. When I work a lot, I think more about getting him done by myself, and I want to run every link by myself, and I want to correct this mentality, and then give full play to my own advantages: trade knowledge, learning and acceptance. Constantly summarize and improve to improve quality.

Self-analysis: Judging from the current behavioral situation, I am not a qualified salesman, or just a beginner salesman, who speaks and eloquently is not good, and his expression ability is not outstanding enough. Roots: I haven't broken through my own shortcomings, my skin is not thick enough, my psychological quality is not up to par, this is not like myself at all, and I am far from exploring my own potential and a leap in personality. In my heart, I have always believed that I can become a good salesman, this motivation, this belief has always been stored in my chest, ready to explode, and my heart has always been eager to succeed. "I'm going to fight like a real man and surpass myself. I said to myself.

Summing up the work of the past year, there are still many problems and deficiencies in their work, in terms of working methods and skills to learn from other salesmen and peers, xx years of their own plans to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses on the basis of last year's work gains and losses, focusing on the following aspects of work:

According to the sales situation and market changes in xx years, I plan to divide the focus of work into regions:

First, for old customers and fixed customers, we should always keep in touch, and send some small gifts or banquets to customers when there is time and conditions, so as to stabilize the relationship with customers.

Second, while having old customers, we must continue to get more customer information from old customers.

Third, in order to achieve good performance, it is necessary to strengthen business learning, broaden horizons, enrich knowledge, adopt diversified forms, and combine business learning with communication skills.

1. To add more than 1 new customer every month, there must be several potential customers.

2. Before meeting the customer, we should understand more about the customer's status and needs, and then make preparations so that we will not lose the customer.

3. We should continue to strengthen the learning of business, read more books, consult relevant information on the Internet, communicate with peers, and learn better ways and methods from them.

4. The working attitude towards all customers should be the same, but not too low. Make a good impression on customers and establish a better image for the company.

5. When customers encounter problems, they must do their best to help them solve them. We must be a person first and then do business, so that customers can believe in our work strength, in order to better complete the task.

6. Self-confidence is very important. Always say to yourself that you are the best and that you are unique. Only with a healthy, optimistic and positive work attitude can we better complete the task.

Summary of the work of the class representative 3

The 20xx year is coming to an end, thanks to the care and cultivation of the company's leaders this year, the next is a summary of this year's work:

First, the sales of automobiles

In 20xx, the sales volume of each model was Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, and Taiwan. Among them is the sales desk. The number of sales units increased compared to last year.

Second, marketing work

In order to improve the company's visibility and establish a good corporate image, we will build a platform for mutual communication, communication and friendship with customers, and attract more customers to the exhibition hall and collect more sales leads.

In 20xx, the department held xx times of large-scale auto shows and test drives, published xx hard advertisements in newspapers, x soft articles, xx times of newspaper flowers, radio broadcasts for many times, and organized automobile sales consultants to actively return to users who have purchased cars, so that customers can feel our care through return visits.

The company was officially promoted and appointed as the marketing manager of the XX hall in 20xx. During the working period, submit the marketing form on time every day, perform due diligence, and contribute to the company's marketing work.

Third, the information report work

Report is a cycle of repeated work, the position is important, related to the xx company in the future audit and acceptance of the company, in order to be able to complete this work well, in 20xx x month appointed as an information reporter, to carry out the report work of the xx company, during the work of hard work and grievances on time and accurately completed the xx company delivered the report, daily check of the inventory, the vehicle sales work has been contributed.

Fourth, file management

In 20xx years, in order to improve the file management work, the archivist was specially arranged, and the main work was to collect the user files for car purchases, vehicle purchase and sales registration, the sending and receiving of certificates, and the summary of user files reported to the xx company, etc., during the work in accordance with the company's regulations, the company successfully completed the work tasks assigned by the company.

The above is a brief summary of the work of automobile sales consultants in 20xx. Recently, the company arranged for me to consult and learn car sales work for a long time, as the saying goes, a good threesome must have my teacher, after studying I combined with previous work experience, learn from each other's strengths, and now make the following arrangements for the work plan for 20xx:

1. Learn more about the business policy of the company, and use it reasonably to create favorable conditions for the sales of vehicles in terms of price.

2. Coordinate the work with various departments of xx company, strive for preferential policies and strengthen our market competitiveness.

3. Hold a morning meeting every day to understand the sales of vehicles, arrange daily work, accept different opinions of sales staff, and learn from each other.

4. The training of automobile sales consultants is regularly 4 hours of training and learning every month to improve the sales skills, service skills, team awareness, etiquette, etc.

5. Increase and develop secondary sales outlets, formulate a complete secondary outlet sales policy, and dispatch the company's automobile sales consultants to achieve breakthrough development in marketing and make our sales work to a higher level.

Finally, on the occasion of the arrival of the New Year, on behalf of all the car sales consultants of the store, please allow me to thank the company's leaders and all colleagues for their strong support and help to our work in 20xx. I would like to express my deep gratitude. In the new year of 20xx, we will continue to work hard, learn with an open mind, and thank the leaders and everyone for their support with better results!

Summary of the work of the class representative 4

Is this part of the transition between the old and the new, the end of the year, or the prelude to the new year, the end or the beginning? It doesn't matter. The important thing is that in the old year, I have experienced so much, I have lost and regretted, and I have gained and fulfilled ...... And for the new year, I still have dreams in my heart. If the dream is there, there is hope.

This year is gone, and I haven't done a good job personally in the past year, maybe I haven't worked hard enough. I didn't have much experience either, but I had a little bit of a trick up my sleeve. All of you here should be more experienced than me, and I hope you don't hold it back. Take advantage of today's opportunity for everyone to speak freely.

In fact, being our medical representative does not mean that we need a lot of sales experience, but as long as we master some skills, I think it is not very difficult to succeed in our volume, but it is also different from the regional environment where we are located, but these skills should be each of us can, doing sales is very important to be a person first, but when making products, we should first have an in-depth understanding of our products, in what we call skills, we must do five diligent, five fast, as for the five diligent is the brain, legs, eyes, mouth, hands; For example, before we go to bed every day, we think about where I am going tomorrow morning, what I should do, where I should go in the afternoon, what should I do? And if I have something to do today, do I need to call the customer, but when we call the customer, we should generally call before eight o'clock, so as not to be too late to affect the rest of others. In fact, calling doesn't mean that our things can be done, doctors are also people, they are not so scary, even if you say a small greeting, maybe he will feel good.

The second leg is that we think of what to do, as long as we do it, whether you succeed or not, but you do it psychologically, when there is something to do or when you are more empty to go to the hospital to go around, in fact, it is also very fun to chat with them, in fact, it is not necessarily something to go to them, nothing to do without it, this is not good, to put it bluntly, we should care about them. The reason why you do this is to more or less move them and make them think that you are a hardworking person.

The third eye is to observe more things around them and understand some of the things they need to do, such as going to the office and seeing that they are very busy, and the desk is very messy to see what their department can do. In case everyone puts him in their minds, he can do it next time. I'll give you an example, like when I was doing business, it was very hot in a hospital, in the summer, I used to bring them a watermelon or something fruit every time I went, and then it was a long time, they said Xiao Tao, don't be so polite next time, but when I saw them eating watermelon, I had to look for knives everywhere, I used to only know how to eat every time, anyway, I brought it, you got it, I will eat some, I think I buy watermelons every time, why don't I bring them a knife, and then I go to help them bring it, in fact, it's not very expensive, but he brought me somethingSince then, I have become a regular customer of their place, and I don't have to buy food every time, I have to eat some food by myself. It's a small thing, but it's a big deal for them!

The fourth mouth is to think of seeing, to say that the end is going to do, people always like to listen to good words, you say a few more words is nothing, but he feels comfortable, here I have to be wordy again, for example, we often go to other places, just buy local 'specialties to bring back to important customers, then as for how to say I don't say that everyone knows.

I remember every time I went to the pharmacy department of a hospital, I would never go empty-handed, even if it was a bottle of drink, I would bring it, because I liked these little things very much, I basically went once a week, but every time the director was there, she didn't want it, and she didn't give me anything nice. Although he said no, he finally accepted it. A few days ago, I went again, I don't know what to buy, I heard a friend say that there is a shop in Ningbo to buy Huangyan oranges is very good, I ran over to buy two boxes of past, the director is also in me I went in, he saw me take things again, he said you are like this, next time you don't come, I took it and said that the director is a little bit of my mind, I went to Taizhou to bring you some Huangyan oranges are very good, you bring back to reward, she looked at it at the time and said you don't want to be so polite every time, your medicine has been selling well recently, as long as you have normal sales, nothing is wrong。

You don't have to come often, I'll call you if there's something, or you call me. Whether he said this or not, but my psychology has collapsed a lot, I will dare to communicate with him boldly next time, and I brought her two boxes of dried radishes back last time I went back from Xiaoshan. Sometimes, these lies are white lies. No way, for work! In is the hand service, usually when there is nothing to send more messages to customers, some words can not be expressed in words, it will be better to express in words, what holiday greetings, information dime may also play a result you expected, at Christmas I sent a message to all customers, although only 30% of customers sent me a message back, but I am already very satisfied. In the end, the five fast is the front of the five diligence, think about it to do, we will make persistent efforts if we succeed, failure is not terrible, I remember I read a sentence of a successful person; strong, with the strength of the heart to cheer for yourself; people's life can not be smooth sailing, so from the moment you have self-awareness, you must have a clear understanding, that is, a person's life must have wind and waves, absolutely impossible every day is a good day, every year is a good year, so when we encounter setbacks, do not feel surprised and frustrated, but should try to take it for granted, and then calmly look at it to solve it。 Although I haven't had a lot of success in my work in the past year, that's what I've learned from my leadership.

In the new year, I want to use a little skill I have mastered, I hope that with the support of your leaders, and the help of your colleagues, I have assigned myself a plan, in the completion of the current sales of our main products at the same time to develop some new products, the current hospital I do have a certain sales, try to increase sales, in the hospital that I have not developed, I will try to develop as soon as possible, in the development of new varieties, the specific plan I will report to my direct boss。 I hope that in the new year, with the support of the leadership, let us go to the next level, for the individual, for the company we work together, all the colleagues who are fighting in the front line of medicine, do not feel at a loss for the difficulties they are currently facing, believe in their own efforts, and create a brilliant tomorrow.

Summary of the work of the class representative 5

First, the start of the xx market in the early stage

When I first took over in August of xx year, the sales of the market in tertiary hospitals were blank. In order to quickly start the market, in addition to learning from the old employees with an open mind, at the same time, coordinate the relationship with the salesmen of other companies in the market, through various forms of the corresponding departments, outpatient rooms, patient group structure, consumption habits, doctors' hobbies, Personality and other aspects of detailed understanding and analysis, preliminarily determined, with the second hospital of Hebei Province as the key terminal, supplemented by other hospitals for department development and maintenance, running around between the eight major and tertiary hospitals, from the subtleties to care for considerate doctors, although the clinical cost is relatively small, but their own women's meticulous, gentle specialties, do a good job, so that the limited funds play the greatest role.

Especially during the Spring Festival of XX year, during the meeting of the company, according to the hobbies of the doctors I have learned, I purchased local specialties such as root carving, wax dyeing, gastrodia, Moutai and other local specialties to doctors at different levels, and through the development of these work, I have established a deep friendship with the doctors, and established a mother-daughter relationship with individual key doctors. The doctor's recognition of our company's products has been further strengthened, and the sales of our products have also been steadily improved.

Second, the re-launch of xx and the next step

In the spring of XX year, the winter cold did not fade, and I went to Hebei with a spring-like mood to start the difficult reconstruction work of the rest of my life after the XX market disaster. At this time, the Hebei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Provincial Hospital, and the Provincial Fourth Hospital, which I originally managed, had been handed over, leaving only the Provincial Third Hospital, the Provincial Second Hospital, the Heping Hospital, and the Provincial First Outpatient Hospital. Among them, the third hospital of the province is an orthopedic hospital, a clinic directly under the provincial government, a health center with a daily outpatient volume of less than 50 people, and a new hospital for the development of the hospital, the total sales of the above three are less than 100 boxes, only the second hospital of the province is slightly better, but the sales volume is about 100 boxes, and the overall sales are only 6,000 yuan, and the annual task issued by the company is as high as 240,000 yuan, and the entire market is full of holes and waste.

At this time, under the guidance of Manager Wang Honggang, I established the LDQUO according to the actual situation of the market, focusing on the Second Provincial Hospital and the Peace Hospital, and the terminal goal is directly aimed at killer doctors, focusing on improving pure sales, grasping the pharmacy department and pharmacy at any time, keeping abreast of the inventory, ensuring that the channels are unblocked, and the work idea of the RDQUO has begun, and has started the revival of the xx market. Easier said than done. In the face of huge task pressure, as an old employee full of love and sincerity for the company, carrying the ideal of realizing the pursuit of the career, and enjoying the passion of enjoying the joy of work, I have returned to the doctor I have never broken off, with sincerity and perseverance, as well as endless care and respect, and hard work. During this period, whether it is when the company's maintenance funds are tight, I pay out of my own pocket, or when the clinical expenses are not in place, I borrow money everywhere, whether it is the national government to crack down or the hospital security guards to chase and intercept, whether it is to greet the doctor in the wind and rain at seven o'clock in the morning, or to knock on the door in the lights at night to visit my home, I am so confident, so happy, happy, I really pay confidently, I will get the return after paying.

Where there is a will, there is a hard work, and the sky is worth it. When most of the drugs were affected by national policies, sales declined, and in May, Shumian capsules sold more than 600 boxes in the second provincial hospital, second only to Wuling capsules, ranking second among similar varieties. This is mainly due to the increase in the sales of the original target doctor Li Lijuan, the godmother and others whom I recognize for work, and at the same time, a capsule killer has been excavated, and after repeated and large emotional and material investments, he sold more than 200 boxes in May and more than 300 boxes in June. In June, the Second Provincial Hospital can exceed 800 boxes. Heping Hospital also rose from 50 boxes in April to more than 200 boxes in May, mainly to capture the famous Chen Liqian and Li Yan in the Department of Neurology in Hebei Province, these two people were originally killers with the name of medicine, after the visit found out that Chen Liqian likes root carving and bonsai, I have sent him six root carvings and bonsai six pieces, in June, he can sell 250 boxes, after learning that Li Yan suffers from pharyngitis, I have asked someone to buy British fisherman's treasure from Hong Kong, and supply him for a long time. The pharyngitis that had not healed for many years had improved significantly, and in June he was able to sell 200 boxes. Overall, the hospitals managed by our institute sold more than 700 boxes in May, accounting for more than 30 of the sales in the Hebei market. It can exceed 1,000 boxes in June.

In the next step, I will continue to work hard under the support and guidance of the company's leaders, tap the potential, and stabilize the sales at 1,500 boxes when the peak season arrives in September, so as to successfully complete and strive to exceed the sales target issued by the company. Standing in the scorching sun of June in the north of the country, I have been in the company for more than 700 days and nights, in the past two years I have only been a one-star representative, in the past two years I have worked hard, setbacks and joys, but never flinched. Now my sales have exceeded 30,000 yuan, and I have established a solid hospital sales network for the company. I believe I can already be a two-star representative. I implore the company to give me confidence, give me motivation, give me the opportunity, let me do more and better, I will continue to move forward with enthusiasm on the road of promoting the company's high-quality products such as capsules, without regrets.

The year-end work summary channel of the work summary home hopes to solve your problems in writing, and also hopes that our creation and collection of the content of "1000 Words of the Year-end Work Summary of Medical Representatives" will help you. At the same time, if you need more summary examples, you can visit the special topic "Year-end Work Summary of Medical Representatives".

Summary of the work of the class representative 6

In 20__ years, with the strong support of the company's team, I led the majority of financial personnel to closely focus on the annual financial work ideas, constantly consolidate the financial foundation, standardize the financial business process, innovate financial management methods, reform the financial management system, and strive to strengthen the stable and controlled operation, and made due contributions to the full completion of the company's goals.

1. Successfully completed the on-site audit work of the National Audit Office.

In the audit process of the National Audit Office, we went all out, self-examination and self-improvement, follow-up feedback, and timely coordination to ensure the smooth progress of the audit work.

First, each unit of the company has set up an organizational structure headed by a leader, with finance as the main coordination office, established a smooth communication mechanism, and resolved more than 10 problems found in the on-site audit stage in a timely manner;

Second, according to the deployment of the company's pre-trial work meeting, timely arrange and require the companies and offices of the three provinces to strictly self-inspect according to the internal control system, and rectify more than 200 non-standard items;

the third is to jointly review and jointly check the information submitted before the trial and audit process with the companies and relevant departments of the three provinces;

Fourth, in response to the 32 audit records fed back by the audit team, the financial departments and relevant departments of the three provincial companies were immediately organized to carefully check and study carefully, repeatedly discuss and revise the replies of the three provincial companies and departments, and made reasonable explanations from the perspective of laws and relevant policies and regulations.

Through the work of "strict, solid, meticulous and thorough", the company has accepted the strict test of the Audit Commission and has been highly praised by the audit team.

Second, new breakthroughs have been made in the construction of financial informatization.

In terms of the reform of the accounting system, with the focus on "promoting the launch of the financial and asset 7.0 system", the business backbone of the headquarters and the three provinces was organized to actively learn the management and operation procedures of the financial 7.0 system, and actively changed the accounting process, 30 people lasted a month, completed the setting of nearly 100,000 pieces of information and the initialization of accounts, and successfully realized the parallel of the 6.0 and 7.0 systems. After the parallel financial accounting workload cost increases, on the basis of the original tight staff and large workload, the financial staff work overtime, hard work, and solid work, which lays a solid foundation for further improving information transparency, optimizing the accounting process, and improving the monitoring of the grassroots level.

In terms of retail expense quota management, we actively deduce, deduce and extend the construction industry quota management concept, and have been at the leading level in the sector in the three stages of research, summary and software development, which has been recognized by the sector, and entrusted our company to implement software development and system promotion. At present, the system has been successfully developed, and it is expected that the sales system will be fully launched in the first quarter of 20__, which has laid a solid foundation for the sales company to fully implement the low-cost development strategy, innovate cost control methods, and realize the extension of management to the grassroots level.

In terms of the construction of the fund management system, through nearly a year of research, development and promotion, the real-time monitoring of the funds of the warehouse station has been basically realized, the information sharing and system automatic control with the business system and retail system have been realized, and the automatic remittance of funds, the automatic generation of receipt and payment vouchers, and the real-time monitoring of account balances have been realized. It provides a convenient and fast information platform for further reducing capital positions, improving the speed and quality of accounting, and reducing capital risks, which is a leapfrog change in the process of fund management.

3. The ability of capital and asset management has been steadily improved.

In terms of fund management, we focus on "reducing redundant funds and strengthening on-site audits" to ensure that there are no major capital security accidents throughout the year.

First, we will continue to promote the door-to-door collection of banks, the promotion of POS machines and the management of bank accounts, which have effectively reduced the funds in transit and ensured the safety of funds, and the number of gas stations that have achieved door-to-door collection has reached 1,241 by the end of the year, an increase of 147 over the same period last year, and the door-to-door collection rate has reached 87%, an increase of 2 percentage points year-on-year, and an increase of 73 percentage points over 20__; The settlement amount of POS machine card was 890 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.5 times; 39 redundant accounts were cleared and merged, and the number of accounts was maintained within the minimum to meet the needs of production and operation.

The second is to actively implement the long-term mechanism of fund safety inspection, and the self-inspection of gas station fund management by local and municipal companies has reached 100%, and the coverage of spot checks and reviews organized by provincial companies has reached 60% on average, and according to the requirements and overall deployment of the "Notice on Carrying out Special Inspection of Gas Station Funds", a leading group and office for special inspection of gas station funds have been established, with a total of more than 1,500 inspection stations and 99% inspection coverage Above, more than 500 problems have been found and rectified, and the capital inspection tasks issued by the plate have been completed, which have been highly praised by the company's inspection team.

In terms of asset management, by clarifying the transfer process and form, organizing the formulation of pre-transfer unit price standards, combined with the audit results of the National Audit Office, urging the three provincial companies to further improve the speed of capital transfer, as of the end of __ year, the balance of projects under construction was 615.96 million yuan, compared with the beginning of the year, the proportion of projects under construction in total assets decreased by 0.67 percentage points. At the same time, relying on the asset 6.0 system, the problem of information asymmetry was effectively solved, and the internal allocation of fixed assets of 6.95 million yuan was completed throughout the year, and the compilation of more than 50,000 asset cards was completed, giving full play to the use value of stock assets. And organized the three provincial companies to conduct a comprehensive inventory of various assets, conducted a detailed survey of the situation of inventory loss, damage and scrapped assets, and determined 335 assets that meet the conditions for scrapping, providing data support for the next step of optimizing the asset structure and revitalizing inefficient or ineffective assets.

Fourth, pay attention to the process, strengthen monitoring, and steadily improve the level of budget management.

First, the monthly rolling budget and capital linkage control have been further strengthened, and the companies in the three provinces have realized the transformation from passive acceptance to active implementation, effectively ensuring that the expenses are reasonable and balanced, and the annual cost indicators are controlled within the scope of the indicators issued by the plate;

Second, through the collection and sorting of first-hand information, in-depth implementation of the management intentions of the superior units, the 20__ budget has been highly praised by the leaders of the sector, and the budget report has been a complete success.

Fifth, the awareness of the legal system has been gradually improved, and the environment for taxation and enterprises has been further optimized.

Good results have been achieved by strengthening coordination, strengthening internal management, and improving the professional quality of tax personnel.

First, through efforts, the VAT pre-levy rate in Hubei has been reduced again, and the annual profit and tax savings are more than 800 yuan;

Second, through vigorous coordination, the tax departments in Huangshi and other regions of Hubei Province have corrected the illegal policy of levying stamp duty in proportion to income in the retail sector, saving more than 200 yuan in stamp duty annually, getting rid of the situation of passive tax payment by enterprises, purifying the tax environment, and improving the right of enterprises to speak in the distribution pattern of tax enterprises;

Third, it realizes the use of PetroChina's title machine to print invoices, which provides a superior platform for further improving the internal management level and enhancing the corporate image, which is a historic breakthrough in the relationship between tax and enterprises;

Fourth, a major financial and taxation inspection was organized, more than 20 rectification problems were investigated and dealt with, and according to the results of the inspection, measures for the management of invoices were formulated and issued, the use of bills was standardized, and tax risks were reduced.

On July 9, 20__, Yingzhong Media Company was formally established, and was appointed as the chief financial officer with the approval of the general manager and other senior executives. During his tenure, under the leadership of the general manager, he was in charge of the company's accounting, reporting and budgeting. For the general manager's business decisions, I insist on obeying orders from a financial point of view, obeying commands, working with one heart and one mind, carefully planning, and trying my best to complete. Organize the relevant departments of the company to carry out the analysis of economic activities, organize the preparation of the company's financial plan and cost plan, and strive to reduce costs, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and improve efficiency. At the same time, it also supervises the company's compliance with national financial laws and regulations, discipline.

During his tenure, the focus of the work is as follows: the company has signed cooperation agreements with Zhongying Automobile Club, Yuanhang Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. and Haihai Shanghai International Hotel and other companies, and the financial department has followed up the whole process and strictly controlled the whole process, raised funds, and controlled costs to strive for the maximum profit for the company. We have communicated and coordinated well with the company's senior management, and cooperated with other departments to complete these projects.

Deficiencies during tenure:

I can't grasp the overall situation well;

Financial supervision and enforcement of financial laws and regulations are not strong enough;

Staffing is not sufficient.

In view of the above-mentioned problems, I will definitely pay special attention to strengthening and improving in the future, and earnestly do my own work in the following aspects:

further cultivate their own strategic vision, make overall arrangements, and grasp the overall situation;

further strengthen the concept of the legal system, strengthen financial supervision, and enhance the consciousness of managing money according to law;

Pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees and rationally allocate manpower.

If there are any omissions and inappropriateness in the above positions, we sincerely ask all leaders and employees to criticize and correct. Thank you!


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