
This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: Rong Xiaochu

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The Houttuynia cordata in April is the most fresh and tender, this season can be found everywhere in the countryside, the growth ability of this wild vegetable is particularly strong, endless, whether it is on the ridge, roadside, field, a dig can dig a lot, fat and fresh;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

You see that the color of this leaf is super beautiful, this leaf and root are edible, cold salad or fried to eat are unique, my dish I am from the snack to the big, for this smell is very kind and like, just dug out of the smell is very fresh and rich, especially good smell;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

Houttuynia cordata is also known as folded ear root, it is known as the "natural antibiotic" on the table, in the spring of the flu outbreak, eat more of it helps to clear away heat, anti-inflammatory, anti-virus;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring
This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring
This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring
This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

1. After digging back fresh Houttuynia cordata, repeatedly scrub it with water, the roots are washed white, and each leaf is in the shape of a heart, which is particularly good-looking;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

2. I boiled the porridge first and then mixed this Houttuynia cordata, I soaked this multigrain rice in the morning.

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

It can save boiling time, and the taste is thicker, just pour the water directly into the casserole and cook it, if you want the taste of the porridge to be denser, the water must be added enough at one time, avoid adding water halfway, it will separate the porridge water, and it will taste the same as rice soup;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

3. We boiled the porridge first, and now we have mixed the Houttuynia cordata, which can greatly retain its freshness and crisp taste, especially with porridge and noodles;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

The whiskers of the root of Houttuynia cordata should be folded as clean as possible, although it can also be eaten, but it does not look beautiful, it is broken by hand and put in a bowl, and the leaves can be left to fry bacon and eat;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

4. Put a little salt to marinate for a while, put minced garlic, millet pepper, coarse chili noodles, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, season and put a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of aged vinegar, an appropriate amount of sesame oil, sprinkle some coriander leaves, and mix evenly directly with your hands, so that the root of the folded ear can fully absorb the flavor of the sauce;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

5. The practice of cold salad Houttuynia cordata is very simple, you can do it in a few steps, and now it is when the weather is slightly warmer, eat a little of this cold salad folded ear root, spicy and refreshing, very appetizing;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

6. Wait quietly for the multigrain porridge in the pot after mixing, this houttuynia is pickled for more time, the more flavorful it is.

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

About half an hour later, the porridge in the pot is also cooked, this porridge is very thick and sticky, it is full of coarse grains, like the common spring sleepiness in spring, the change of climate also makes people's appetite low, eat some porridge products can regulate appetite, easy to digest and nutritious, very good;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

Scoop it out just one bowl per person, with this dish of hors d'oeuvres, dinner is very suitable;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring
This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

1. People with Houttuynia cordata cold, spleen and stomach deficiency should remember not to eat too much, so as not to have diarrhea and abdominal pain;

This dish is inconspicuous, but it is called "natural antibiotic"! Anti-inflammatory and antiviral, it is a pity not to eat it in spring

2. Before boiling any porridge, soaking it in advance can reduce the boiling time, and the taste of the porridge will be thicker;

3. Houttuynia cordata does not need to be blanched, and it is better to retain the crisp taste;

4. When eating Houttuynia cordata, it should not be eaten with crab and coffee.

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