
Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

author:Tea eyes look at Shaanxi

Zhang Jizhi's "Book Du Fu's Poems" on paper, large characters in regular script, size 34.6x128 cm, collection of Liaoning Museum. This volume is 34.6 centimeters long, only two words, the font should be larger, it is rare in the calligraphy works of the Song people, which has a lot to do with his learning Yan Zhenqing calligraphy, Zhan Jingfeng said that he: "Lu Gongfa in the letter of the book, Fang Jin is clumsy, cut to the core, and then pass on the ear."

It can be seen from this calligraphy that Zhang Jizhi is very spicy with a pen, with a brush, but sent to the place, when the pen is closed, it can be seen that it has been affected by Mi Fu. There are light and heavy brushstrokes between the strokes, alternating between them, which is particularly vivid. But on the other hand, Zhang Jizhi's calligraphy has "the pen is sophisticated and vulgar, lacking the interest of antiquity." Gai Qi wants to be ancient, but it is ancient and shallow, wants to be blue, and loses the sky and wet, wants to be clumsy, and clumsy and humble, the disease is not beyond the world, and it is deliberately used to use force for the ear" (Zhan Jingfeng).

This volume is a high-headed volume, written by Du Fu's "Slogan of Zichen Palace's Retreat from the Dynasty" and "Gift to the Nasi Living Field", written in the tenth year of Chunyou of Emperor Lizong of the Song Dynasty (1250), when the author was 65 years old. Zhang Jizhi's trip is wonderful Southern Song Dynasty, this volume is light, heavy, Xu, and sick reflect each other, dot painting Gu Pan Sheng, under the drape, familiar but not vulgar, healthy but not stiff, suddenly feel full of fun, can be called Zhang Ji's list of the representative masterpieces.


"The Slogan of the Retreat of the Purple Palace" outdoors shows the purple sleeves hanging down, and the double look at the throne leads to the court. The incense flutters in the spring breeze of the hall, and the flowers cover the scenery of thousands of officials. The day leaks are rare and heard of the high pavilion newspaper, and the sky is happy and close to the ministers. Every time the palace returns to the Eastern Province, it will send Kui Long to gather phoenix pools.

"Gift to make the living field and the house Cheng" dedicated to the rain and dew, and the land is clearly distinguished. The house retreated from the food and received the seal, and the palace maid opened a letter near the royal feast. Xiao Leak pursues the green trivia, and the clear window checks the white clouds. Yang Xiong is even more Hedong Fu, just waiting to be bragged and sent to the sky.

::紫宸(zǐ chén)宫殿名,天子所居;泛指宫廷;

::昭容(zhāo róng)汉代舞乐名;

:: 昼漏 (zhòu lòu) daytime time;


::夔龙(kuí lóng)相传舜的二臣名。 夔为乐官,龙为谏官,喻指辅弼良臣;

::献纳(xiàn nà)为无代价地把东西献出;

:: shè rén basically means the owner of an inn;

::清切 (qīng qiè) 清贵而切近;refers to the official position of 清贵 and close to the emperor;

::函 (hán) box, envelope, letter (ancient letter of mail);

::晓漏(xiǎo lòu)拂晓时铜壶滴漏之声;

::闼 (tà) door;

::Checkpoint (jiǎn diǎn) view;checkpoint;

:: To boast (chuī xū) to be excessively touted about a person or thing;

Commentary · Welcome to correct the outdoor Zhaorong purple sleeves, double look at the throne to lead the court. The scene of the retreat of the court is described, and the Zichen Hall is the place where the emperor lived, and Zhaorong here refers to the palace maids. The poem depicts the palace ladies hanging down their purple sleeves and looking at the emperor's throne, showing the solemnity of the court. The incense flutters in the spring breeze of the hall, and the flowers cover the scenery of thousands of officials. The spring breeze flowed through the palace, the fragrance of flowers overflowed, covering many officials, and everything seemed so beautiful. The day leaks are rare and heard of the high pavilion newspaper, and the sky is happy and close to the ministers. The time of the day passed quietly in the leaky pot, and only the close ministers could perceive the emperor's joy. Every time the palace returns to the Eastern Province, it will send Kui Long to gather phoenix pools. Whenever he came out of the palace and returned to the Eastern Province, he would send those auxiliary ministers who were as virtuous as Kui Long to the Phoenix Pool. Dedication to the rain and dew, the ground is clearly divided into talents. This poem was given to a priest named Tian Cheng. The poem mentions that the position of the consecrated envoy is by the emperor's side, responsible for receiving and arranging various recitals, and is an official position that is noble and close to the emperor. The house retreated from the food and received the seal, and the palace maid opened a letter near the royal feast. After the sheren retired from the court, they would deal with these concerts, and the palace ladies would also open the envelope and deliver the concertos to the emperor's imperial feast. Xiao Leak pursues the green trivia, and the clear window checks the white clouds. In the early morning, the Sheren had to rush to the palace and wait in front of the green and zodiac. By the clear window, they scrutinized the various documents. Yang Xiong is even more Hedong Fu, just waiting to be bragged and sent to the sky. Finally, the poet mentioned Yang Xiong's "Hedong Fu", hoping that Tian Cheng could write excellent articles like Yang Xiong, and be appreciated and promoted by the emperor.

Shudu Poetry Scroll

Zhang Jizhi / large character regular script

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[1] Outdoor

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0


Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

【3】Purple sleeve

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[4] Vertical, double

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[5] Zhan Yu

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[6] Seat citation

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[7] Chaoyi.

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[8] Chaoyi. Fragrance

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0


Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[10] Courtyard

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[11] Spring breeze

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[12] turn, flower

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[13] Cover thousands

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[14] Guan Shu

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[15] Scenery shift.

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[16] Daytime ejaculation

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[17] Rare

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[18] High Court

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[19] Newspaper, day

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[20] Yan has

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[21] Yan Youxi is near

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[22] Kichika

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[23] Ministers. In the palace

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[24] Every time you go out to the east

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[25] Province, 会送夔

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[26] Dragon set phoenix pond.

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[27] Offering to the Salvation of the Priest

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[28] Rain and dew, ground

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[29] Distinguish between the cut and the task

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[30] Talented. Sacrifice people

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[31] Retirement and closure

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[32] matter, the palace maid opened

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[33] 函近御筵。

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[34] Xiao Leak Pursuit

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0


Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[36] Window inspection point white

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[37] Cloud Chapter. Yang Xiong

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[38] There is also Hedong

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0


Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[40] Lie Sent Heaven.

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[41] Junsuke 10 years August

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[42] Xiaqiao Liao, when the year

Zhang Jizhi's large-character regular script "Shudu Poetry Volume" HD Commentary Version 1.0

[43] Sixty-five writes.


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