
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!

author:Ping An Xuchang Demonstration Zone
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!

I just graduated and started working, and I only had less than 20,000 yuan in cash and deposits, but I was deceived by scammers of more than 800,000 yuan!

Here's what happened, I was resting at home that day, and suddenly received such a message: If you want to work part-time and want to make extra money, click on the link below, and the commission is as high as 30%.

I just happened to have nothing to do, so I clicked on the link in the text message, and then downloaded the "Yaqu Ge APP terminal real-time data online distribution order management system".

After the software was opened, a special customer service staff took the initiative to connect with me and sent me a picture and some operating instructions.

I thought that the amount was not big anyway, so I tried it first, and then I swiped the first order, and the principal and commission returned after a few minutes, and the first order earned more than a dozen yuan in commission, which gave me a taste of the sweetness of making quick money.

Immediately after that, the second and third orders were swiped, and from the third order, the income became more and more. For example, if you invest more than 300 yuan, you can earn more than 60 yuan in a few minutes, and you can return up to 20% of the net profit. At this point, I was already on the top, and the thrill of making quick money with a hot head defeated rational thinking.

Imagine that you can earn nearly 100 yuan with a few fingers in a few minutes, if it were you, would you continue to do it? The answer should be undoubted: continue! Because this money is too simple, and it can be withdrawn to the account.

In this way, I then swiped the fourth and fifth orders, but from the fifth order, I fell into the other party's scam trap. The argument given by the scammer is that the fifth single combined with the sixth and seventh single is a combination single, which means that if you want to do the eighth single, these 5-6-7 orders must be done together. The principal and commission will be returned together after all three orders are completed.

That is, starting from the fifth order, the amount is much larger than the previous one, and the amount of the brush order has been as high as 27,000 yuan, but in the same way, the commission will become larger at the same time as the principal is high, and the commission for this single order is nearly 8,000 yuan.

The sixth order needs to be brushed 48,800 yuan, and the commission is 16,440 yuan.

The seventh single brush is 7189 yuan, and the commission is 2457 yuan.

The amount of the three orders of the combination fluctuates relatively largely, and the seventh single has also become lower, it can be seen that the trick of the scammer is too detailed, so that the single person thinks that it is not that the further the amount of the single is larger, and not every single can earn so much, the opportunity for a large single is not always there, and this operation is too good for human nature!

The commission of the three combinations has been as high as more than 20,000 yuan, so the problem is, if you want to earn more than 20,000 yuan, the premise is that you must first have a principal of more than 80,000 yuan.

As I said earlier, I only had more than 20,000 yuan at the time, so I told the customer service that I didn't have so much money on me, otherwise I would forget about this order, and I would brush it again when there was a small order in the back.

Then several other group performers in the group began to play double reeds, and one of them said, if you don't take this, then I will take this list, and a few people are scrambling to take this combination list.

At that time, I saw that I was so lucky, so this list must not be missed, after all, such a good opportunity cannot be handed over.

Just when I was thinking of a way, the customer service began to ask, if you don't do it, I'll give this order to others, if you do it, think of a way as soon as possible, anyway, it will take ten minutes to come back with a single order, you can find someone around you to turn around or such as an online loan, anyway, this account is cost-effective, it depends on whether you want to make this money, you measure it yourself.

Hearing the words of customer service, I was already anxious, and then started the road of online loans.

Do you think this is the end of the scam? No, it's just begun! The operations behind it can be said to be interlocking, taking the greed and luck of human nature to the extreme, you can take a look at the picture above.

A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!
A college graduate with a deposit of only 20,000 yuan was deceived of more than 800,000 yuan!

This deception is not advanced at all, but it is precisely the greed of human nature, you can calculate, nearly 30% of the income, looking at the whole society, who has ever seen a higher return on investment than this? Definitely not! And this is money that can be earned in a few minutes! Leave you alone, you are not confused? Proper road to riches, at this rate, the ideal of achieving financial freedom and firing the boss squid will soon be realized!

Another point has to be mentioned, the psychological tactics played by scammers: scammers start to cheat when they are the fifth single, and the first four orders can make money. Because in ordinary people's cognition, the number 3 is a hurdle, for example, everyone often says: I count three numbers, give you three days, you are a three-year-old child, nothing more than three, this subconscious concept is very wonderful. So the scammer asks you to make four orders and still make money, which basically eliminates the suspicion.

After reading the attached pictures, you may think, am I stupid, I am still transferring money at this time. It can only be said that you have not experienced it yourself, or that you knew it in the first place and therefore did not fall into this scam this way.

But there will really be such a group of people, at this time, he just needs this part-time job, such as a mother who has nothing to do at home, such as a recent college graduate, such as an uncle and aunt who can't do farm work in the countryside and has no source of income, etc., etc., once they taste the sweetness of making quick money, it is difficult to withdraw.

Therefore, it is recommended that you watch more anti-fraud videos and articles, and look at more cases to improve your awareness of fraud prevention, and I sincerely hope that you will share the article with your family and friends, at least after reading the article, similar to all online scams can be avoided!