
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

author:Agent in the box

As of April 2024, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days. However, after the war is fought like this, many people have realized that the Russia-Ukraine conflict may be an outright hoax against Europe, which is also one of the biggest victims of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Speaking of this question, we first need to know why Europe is desperately trying to aid Ukraine, as well as Russia's "European strategy".

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Russia-Ukraine conflict

Why is Europe aiding Ukraine?

The reason for Europe's assistance to Ukraine lies in its own geopolitical security.

Although Russia and Europe have been stable for decades since the end of the Cold War, the geopolitical game and diplomatic direction brought about by history are not so easy to change.

Historically, Russia has been the "gendarme of Europe", regularly intervening in European countries and participating in wars in Europe.

During the Cold War, the communism promoted by the Soviet Union continued to overthrow the original regimes around the world, and the original capitalist regimes in Europe were naturally afraid of the Soviet Union.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

States of the USSR

Although the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia was still a behemoth, with strong military strength and vast territory.

So when we look at the problem from the perspective of a small European country, we see that Russia is very threatening.

This country lies in its own east, and has historically been deeply involved in European politics and wars, and once wanted to hang all the capitalists in Europe.

Although Europe and Russia have experienced 30 years of peace after the Cold War, Russia's pressure on Europe has been much more than 300 years in history.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Tsarist Imperial Army

In this context, Russia took the initiative to start a war in February 2022 and provoked the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, so Europe will naturally be afraid.

Knowing this, it is not difficult for us to understand why Europe is desperately trying to aid Ukraine.

Because in the eyes of the Europeans, when Russia wins the war against Ukraine, it will be their turn next. For Europe, aiding Ukraine is not a strategic consideration, it is a matter of life and death.

Even if it goes all out to aid Ukraine, it will lead to serious inflation due to the loss of cheap energy from Russia, as well as various other problems. But compared to the result of "death", these costs are bearable.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Russian oil

Russia's European strategy

As for Russia's "European strategy," it has a lot to do with the industrial structure of both sides.

Russia is an energy exporter, while Europe is a group with a large population base and advanced industrial chains, and the demand for energy is also huge.

If Russia and Europe can cooperate, it will form a bloc that wants labor and labor, technology and technology, industry and industry, and energy.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Energy pipeline projects in Russia and Europe

It's a pretty standard economic model with a very high economic ceiling.

And for Russia, an "alliance" with Europe will not only increase its economic power, but also its international influence.

If Russia and Europe are working closely enough, why can't this be seen as a "new EU"?

Russia itself has a population of 140 million, and the European Union has 440 million. Together with the 70 million people in Central Asia that Russia can influence, that adds up to about 650 million people.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?


A bloc of such a size, coupled with the power of Russia and a huge "territory" across Europe and Asia, is a bloc on earth that is stronger than the United States and even NATO.

If this bloc is really formed, China and the United States will immediately abandon all prejudices and enter a new "honeymoon period."

And Russia, as a separate entity, can still gain a dominant position in this bloc. After all, Russia is the largest and has the strongest military power, and naturally has the right to speak in this bloc, just like the United States in NATO.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Russian army

The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a conspiracy against Europe

After understanding why Europe is vigorously assisting Ukraine, as well as Russia's "European strategy", we can also draw a conclusion, that is, this Russia-Ukraine conflict is a "conspiracy" against Europe.

Europe is the basic plate of the United States, and it is precisely by relying on the consolidation of the periphery of Europe as a group of "allies" that the United States can maintain its status as a developed country and even a superpower.

If Europe turns to Russia, the international influence of the United States will be halved.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

USA and Europe

Against this background, the United States will naturally find ways to undermine cooperation between Russia and Europe and prevent Europe from turning to Russia. And the final solution of the United States is this Russia-Ukraine conflict.

After a Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Europe and Russia broke directly.

Europe began to impose comprehensive sanctions on Russia, desperately trying to suppress its own inflation and not buying Russian energy, and instead bought high-priced natural gas from the United States.

In the process, the Nord Stream pipelines, which transport natural gas between Russia and Europe, were also blown up by "unknown forces", and it is no longer possible for Europe to resume energy trade with Russia in the future.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

Nord Stream pipelines

Russia, after cutting off trade with Europe, switched to China. By the end of 2023, China and Russia have completed a high degree of economic binding, China's industrial products have basically occupied the Russian market, and Russia is also actively selling energy to China.

When the conflict between Russia and Ukraine ends, Russia will have little incentive to resume trade with Europe. From the point of view of the United States, it keeps Europe.

And Russia and Europe are now also highly antagonistic militarily. Russia is now sending large armies to fight on the battlefield in Ukraine, and several major European countries are also actively expanding their forces to deal with the military threat from Russia.

It can be said that the atmosphere in Europe and Russia is now tense, and it is not surprising that they will fight at any time.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

NATO troops

In this way, the United States achieved its goal, which was to divide Russia and Europe, and further control Europe itself.

After that, the United States will further strengthen its control over Europe, and Europe will become more dependent on the United States.

As for the issue of Russia and China getting closer and closer, for the United States it really cannot be compared with the loss of Europe.

Judging from the situation that the United States is now facing in the world, it is a sure thing for the United States to engage in strategic contraction.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is either doomed? Or is it an outright hoax?

American hegemony

Since it is a strategic contraction, it is the right thing to ensure that Europe in its hands is the right thing to do, regardless of how China and Russia, which are destined to be uncontrollable, to develop.

To a certain extent, the Russian-Ukrainian war has been fought for more than 700 days, and the outcome is actually doomed, that is, Europe is very likely to still be unable to get rid of the control of the United States, and Ukraine may be the ultimate victim.


[1], "Sun Jialing: The Election Circle and the U.S. Strategic Contraction, Biden Is Difficult to Solve Israel's Double Dilemma"

[2] Xinhua News Agency New Media, "Solving the Situation|The "Three Kingdoms" Behind the Investigation of the "Nord Stream" Explosion