
【Health】Soak in water with "it" in spring to drink and nourish your body all year round!

author:Shanghai Changning

There is a folk proverb: drink flower tea in spring, green tea in summer, green tea in autumn, and black tea in winter.

Spring is a good time to drink flower tea for health, and the following 4 kinds of "flowers" are changed to drink, and the whole body is comfortable~

Chrysanthemum tea: nourishing the liver and eyes

Chrysanthemum has a sweeter taste, a little bitter cold, belongs to the lung and liver meridians, and has the effect of evacuating wind and heat, flattening the liver and brightening the purpose.

Modern people live a stressful life, always insomnia and stay up late, irregular meals, drinking and smoking.

These bad habits will slowly crush the liver and cause a series of health problems.

Drinking some chrysanthemum tea in spring can take care of our liver.

Goji berry chrysanthemum tea

Ingredients: 10 grams of wolfberry, 3 grams of chrysanthemum.

Method: Brew with boiling water, drink with brewing.

Efficacy: Evacuate wind and heat, clear heat and detoxify, calm the liver and eyes, help relieve eye fatigue or dry eyes.

Addition and subtraction: For people with slight constipation due to fire or lack of fluid in the body, 10 grams of cassia seeds can be added to achieve the effect of clearing heat and expelling fire, moistening the intestines and laxative.

Reminder: People with spleen and stomach deficiency and physical weakness should not drink a large amount to avoid the cold injury of chrysanthemums and the middle coke.

Orange red: dissolves phlegm and relieves cough

Orange red, is the Huazhou pomelo after drying, directly slice or press the fruit into medicine, its taste bitter, pungent, warm, can regulate the qi and disperse cold, dry and damp phlegm, because of its effect is remarkable, the ancient doctors believe that it "cures phlegm like a god".

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Orange red products are more effective than other medicines. ”

It moistens the lungs, relieves cough and dissolves phlegm in one step, and can eliminate food, regulate qi and improve the appetite of patients, ranking first among the eight Lingnan Chinese medicinal materials, and is also known as "southern ginseng".

Dandelion: Clears away heat and detoxifies

Dandelion can be used as medicine, return to the liver, stomach meridian, is a traditional medicine to clear heat and detoxify, dissipate stagnation qi, can expel fire but does not hurt the spleen, has the reputation of "the queen of herbs".

Many people have oily hair and skin, acne, bitter mouth, dry mouth and even bad breath, yellow tongue coating and other problems, mostly caused by poor liver qi and damp heat, and dandelion dehumidification also has a good effect on acne caused by damp heat!


Dandelion tea drink, don't drink it at will. First, people with spleen and stomach deficiency should use it with caution, especially do not drink alone. If you need to take it, you can add mild things such as roses, red dates, ginger slices, etc.; the second is not to drink too much (generally 3~5 grams per day is appropriate), and it is not suitable to drink for a long time; third, it is not suitable to drink cold; fourth, it is not suitable for physical weakness, long-term illness, old age, maternity, infants and young children.

Rose: Beauty and beauty

As a drink of tea, rose has a mild sexual taste, suitable for both men and women, can ease emotions, balance endocrine, replenish blood qi, and can also beautify skin care.

Rose jasmine tea

Ingredients: 12 roses, 12 jasmine.

Method: Brew with boiling water, appreciate the shape and color of the flowers, and smell the fragrant fragrance of the flowers before drinking.

Efficacy: Relieve liver and depression, regulate qi and neutralize, invigorate blood and regulate menstruation, and also help regulate mood and fresh breath.

Reminder: Women can add jasmine and brown sugar during menstruation, and stop drinking when they have excessive menstruation.

【Health】Soak in water with "it" in spring to drink and nourish your body all year round!
【Health】Soak in water with "it" in spring to drink and nourish your body all year round!

Source: Wellness China

Editor: Zhu Jiaru

Editor-in-charge: Wang Bo

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

【Health】Soak in water with "it" in spring to drink and nourish your body all year round!

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