
The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

author:Pavilion said

When it comes to professors at Stanford University, many people will associate them with being rich and personable. However, no matter how sanctimonious you are, if your private life is not in order, you will still usher in a day of overturning.

Our Stanford professor actor, Andrew Huberman, calls himself "Mr. Perfect." Perfect)", there are more than 10 million fans on YouTube and Instagram together.

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

The theme of his channel is to discuss neuroscience in plain language and methods, so that fans can understand how our human brain and its connections to body organs control our perception, behavior, and health (such as anxiety, sleep disorders, efficient fitness, and other common human problems).

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

As a result, this blogger has attracted countless followers.

There is a saying that there are many people who are popular. But the current "right and wrong" is his own search, he has 6 girlfriends at the same time, until one of them found out HPV, the truth is revealed.

1 He insisted that he was not addicted to love, but to love

The self-proclaimed "Mr. Perfect" influencer regularly advises millions of men online on health, well-being, and self-discipline.

Dr. Andrew Huberman's YouTube channel has amassed billions of views around the world, and this person can be said to be on the rise.

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

But now, the Stanford professor is accused of having multiple partners at the same time, and he's on the verge of overturning.

The New York Magazine recently conducted in-depth interviews with a number of women who said they had been scammed, and each of them believed that they were in a normal relationship with the burly 48-year-old man.

A woman named Sarah said that she has been in a relationship with Andrew for about three years, that they have been having unprotected sex, and that she is undergoing IVF treatment with the intention of having a baby with him.

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

It was at the time of the test that she learned that she was infected with a high-risk type of HPV, and then, she began to suspect and investigate him.

However, Andrew's spokesman denied that the couple intended to have a baby together and clarified that they "decided to create embryos through IVF". The spokesperson also insisted that Andrew didn't have a one-on-one relationship with Sarah until late 2021.

However, the spokesperson also made a very interesting second half, although he seemed to hint elsewhere that he gave her the impression of "one-on-one".

Kind of interesting!

What is translated into human language?

It's that he has been fooling Sarah, and the two are a couple who have a normal relationship one-on-one, but there has been no official confirmation.

After listening to such a translation, does it feel even more human?

As part of her investigation, Sarah also discovers Andrew's other "one-on-one" women—Eve, Mary, Alex, and an unknown fifth and possibly a sixth person......

And these people have believed that they are his "one-on-one" for many years.

Moreover, Andrew and all his girlfriends are unanimous in saying that "my ex was a stalker, an alcoholic, and a compulsive liar".

It seems as if he is the pitiful one.

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

(Andrew, who is lecturing in a class at Stanford University)

2 The devil hides in the details, and he is unfaithful and controlling

In fact, Sarah had already noticed something "wrong" in her trivial daily life before.

For example, Andrew, despite saying some reassuring things, seems to have been unreliable for a long time, and he has been hidden for a long time, and he has been mysterious.

When Sarah finally debunked his trick, the professor went so far as to say:

"I've heard you say you're angry and hurt, and I'm going to listen to you as much as we need to. ”

When talking about whether people like him are addicted to love, he said: "I'm not addicted to love, but addicted to love."

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

As Sarah investigated and exposed, multiple women came forward to say that they were treated like this by the same man. They got together, shared messages, compared the time of the previous chats, and found that Andrew often sent the same photo to many of them.

Sarah also discovered that Andrew had slept with Mary the day before he moved in with her, and that another woman was also his guest when he was with Mary around December 2023.

One of the most amazing was one day when Andrew had Mary fly thousands of miles from Texas to Los Angeles to live with him in Topanga, California, about a six-hour drive from Sarah's residence in Berkeley. On the same day, he left Mary and his dog at home, and he drove to a coffee shop to meet Eve and talked about their relationship in a serious manner.

The Stanford professor is not only unfaithful to his partner, but also extremely controlling.

Sarah claimed that he would often lash out, dwelling on her past, including the man she had been with and the child she had with another man, and at one point likened their relationship to "swinging for love, like an apple in"

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

However, Andrew's team has denied such claims.

"I endured his outbursts," Sarah recalled, "for two or three days of yelling and yelling. When he is in this state, he will continue until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening, and sometimes it will start again at two or three in the morning. ”

Generally speaking, people who have a strong desire to control also have a strong ability to mind control. That is, the buzzword of recent years: PUA or CPU.

Andrew has also been suggesting that he believes in male polygamy and female submissiveness as good things.

"He told me that what he wanted was a submissive woman who could spank her in public and who would crawl on the floor for him when he got home," Mary said. ”

In addition, some netizens also analyzed that this Internet celebrity's dating of six girlfriends may be related to his obsession with the number 6, for example, he suggested that fans maintain 6 morning fitness behaviors and explain how to read 6 majors at one time. So, having 6 girlfriends at the same time may also be an obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Such a big Internet celebrity, so much material exposed, of course, is a feast for melon-eating netizens.

So, on Reddit, the world's largest forum, what do you think?

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

"I'm sick of these kinds of stories, but this one caught me. Excellent. ”

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

"To tell you the truth, I definitely wouldn't mind if he came out with a push on how to date a woman. ”

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

"He also dates his students."

3 Has the matter been reversed, and who should netizens believe?

The New York Magazine also interviewed some of Andrew's other former female companions, who said they had a friendly relationship with him and praised Andrew for his "incredible emotional abilities" and "a kind heart."

However, Andrew's six girlfriends refute the claims of more girlfriends who have told them that each person is unique to him and has them all agree to unprotected sex. They didn't know that he slept in someone else's house, and they wouldn't agree to let him sleep in someone else's house.

So, who should netizens believe?

In defending himself, Andrew used a trick that countless bad guys have used in recent years, and that is - "I was traumatized in my childhood, and I have a big shadow. ”

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

Andrew recounts how he grew up in a broken family that was "simply ignored", embroiled in street fights and spent much of his time in detention centres where young people often committed suicide.

However, many netizens did not buy his statement.

Born into a family of scholars at Stanford University, he grew up in a high-achieving school, and he was known for his skateboarding, although his father admitted that he sometimes "got into trouble."

Overall, the revelations have caused disagreement on social media, with a large number of netizens ranging from angry to confused, including, of course, his more than 10 million followers.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald scolded: "I've never heard Andrew Huberman speak and don't know much about him, but I've been reading this endless piece of gossip in this shit magazine." I waited for even an in-depth report on his private life as an adult that deserved public interest or exposé, but never found one. ”

Other netizens said that while the experiences of these women showed the failure of the professor's moral character, it did not eliminate his high prestige and reputation.

We also visited his YouTube channel just now, and all the videos are fine, not only have they not been taken down, but there are not even many criticisms (they are probably deleted).

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

His channel on INs is just as good.

The Stanford Internet celebrity professor and 6 women were infected with HPV at the same time and earned tens of millions of fans by teaching people self-discipline

One user on X/Twitter said, "He's not a good character, but he's given me a panacea for productivity planning." ”

Another said: "This whistleblower article shows that Andrew Huberman is a big jerk and very dishonorable in his treatment of women, although the description of his multiple girlfriends at the same time does not erase his reputation in his career." ”

At the same time, Professor Andrew's career at Stanford University has not been affected in any way.

A spokesperson for Stanford University told the New York Journal: "Dr. Andrew's lab at Stanford University is already operational and is moving from the Department of Neurobiology to the Department of Ophthalmology. ”

Andrew's spokesman said the equipment in his lab was in use until the last postdoc was transferred to a faculty position.

At present, Andrew's 6 girlfriends have formed a group by themselves, and they have asked each other to eat, drink and have fun, and they ignore him.

To sum up:

Such a big Internet celebrity, with huge financial resources and background support, and a strong legal team and working group, is easily unstoppable. For now, everything depends on more follow-up reports and more conclusive evidence.

However, even if all this is complete, I am afraid it will still not have much impact on the Stanford professor.