
When is the suitable planting period for spring sweet potatoes? What problems should be paid attention to in planting?

author:Funny half peasant

Sweet potato is a food crop comparable to rice, wheat, and corn. Planted more extensively, and the yield is higher, it was once the life-saving food in the Central Plains, known as the red taro rice, red taro bun can not live without the red taro. Sweet potatoes have a deep relationship with people, especially the elderly over 70 years old.

When is the suitable planting period for spring sweet potatoes? What problems should be paid attention to in planting?

Sweet potatoes are the highest in spring sweet potato yield, generally more than 6,000 catties per mu, and the yield per mu is available in 10,000 catties of high-yield areas. So, when is the best time to plant spring sweet potatoes?

First of all, look at the temperature requirements for the growth of sweet potato seedlings, according to relevant data, the optimal temperature for sweet potato growth is between 24~30 °C, and the temperature is too low or too high will have a certain impact on the growth and development. If the temperature is below 20 degrees, the plant will grow slowly and be susceptible to diseases, which will also affect the yield in the future. If the temperature is too high, more than 35 degrees, it will cause the plant to grow too vigorously and the root system will flourish, although the yield will increase, but it will affect the quality of sweet potatoes.

From this, it can be seen that the temperature of spring sweet potato planting is stable after 20 degrees. Due to the geographical relationship, the temperature rise rate in the north and south is inconsistent, with the south in the morning and the north in the evening. Taking Anhui, northern Jiangsu, eastern Henan, and southwestern Shanxi in the Huaibei region as examples, the time is after Qingming, and then north may be around the valley rain. That is to say, in the Huanghuai sweet potato production area, the spring sweet potato is planted after mid-April, and the planting is completed at the end of the month, and the summer sweet potato is planted after the beginning of summer in May!

When is the suitable planting period for spring sweet potatoes? What problems should be paid attention to in planting?

Spring sweet potatoes are recommended to be planted at the right time, but pay attention to the right time, rather than trying to get better as soon as possible. Especially in early April before and after Qingming, the temperature is extremely unstable, and sometimes the north wind overnight, that is, two seasons, the temperature drops to single digits. If the sweet potato is planted in the ground at more than 20 degrees, and the temperature is lower than 20 degrees for more than two consecutive days, the sweet potato seedlings will be frozen, and "cold seedlings" will be formed, because sweet potatoes are temperature-loving and frost-tolerant crops and are particularly sensitive to temperature. Once it is cold, it becomes a stiff seedling, and the delay in sprouting after the temperature rises affects the seedling spinning and branching. Therefore, when planting spring potatoes, it is necessary to pay attention to the medium-term weather forecast, grasp the cold tail and warm head, and plant under suitable temperature conditions. You can't think that you will plant it when the solar term arrives, regardless of the temperature.

When planting sweet potatoes, the following problems should be noted: First, it is necessary to make ridges, and raise large ridges, and plant dense planting. It is an indisputable fact that the large ridge has a high yield, and the reason will not be described here, but only the specific general specifications. According to the relevant test data, the ridge spacing is about 60~90 cm, and the density is 4000~6000 plants, and the ridge spacing is about 70 cm, and the density of 5000 plants is the highest. Second, the planting method, change the oblique planting to flat planting, high yield experience proves that flat planting can increase the yield by more than 20%, flat planting is conducive to receiving sunlight, high soil surface temperature, conducive to sweet potato root seedlings and potato swelling. Flat planting means that the seedlings are horizontally into the soil, changing the previous habit of obliquely entering the soil, and the depth of the soil is about 5 cm, which should not be too shallow or too deep. The third is to use detoxification and high-cut seedlings to prevent the spread of diseases. Detoxified potato seedlings are sold by professional units or individuals, and the seedlings must be cut high when purchasing seedlings. Fourth, cover the soil after watering first, and then water after planting. The last watering causes the soil to be "rigid", which is not conducive to the emergence of seedlings.

When is the suitable planting period for spring sweet potatoes? What problems should be paid attention to in planting?

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