
Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

Author: Sasha

This article was originally written by Sasha and is not allowed to be reproduced by any media

Sasha is serious nonsense No. 489

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

There is still a big difference between not lacking money and being rich.

We can see that the richest in "Liancheng Jue" should be Wanzhen Mountain.

He was a wealthy man in Jingzhou City and had a large mansion.

After Wan Zhenshan's original wife died, he was taken care of by a concubine and lived a comfortable life.

And Wan Gui is the eldest young master, and later Qi Fang became a young grandmother.

These affluences are only the standard of ordinary people.

Wan Zhenshan must have done a lot of bad things in private, such as killing the brother of Lu Tong, a thief in Taihang Mountain, and swallowing 6,000 taels of silver, which is only the level of an ordinary landlord, not to mention being rich and rich.

From Qi Fang's rustic jewelry and clothing, she is just the wife and children of a wealthy family in a small place.

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

Why is this happening?

After all, Wan Zhenshan is not a bandit of the underworld, he is a character of the white road on the surface, a serious landlord.

Therefore, even if he secretly did a lot of bad things and took away people's property, he didn't dare to do it in the open, and he had to prevent gangsters.

In this way, Wan Zhenshan will be tied, and it is impossible to grab too much wealth.

For example, Wan Zhenshan probably hasn't done this kind of thing many times, and the family only has tens of thousands of taels of silver at best.

And what is the concept of the treasure of the city?

It was the wealth of the treasury of the Northern Wei Dynasty and a huge amount of money at the national level.

The big golden Buddha in Tianning Temple alone is made of at least tens of thousands of catties (note that it is not two) of gold. According to conservative estimates, this gold is equivalent to millions of taels of silver!

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

That's not all, the Great Golden Buddha has countless jewels in its belly, and its value is much higher than gold.

This wealth is worth at least tens of millions of taels of silver, which is very staggering.

For ordinary people, a few hundred taels of silver can buy a beautiful woman as a concubine, a table of banquets is only a few taels of silver, and buying a top mansion is only tens of thousands of taels of silver.

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

With this wealth, it goes without saying that your generation can be arrogant and indulgent every day, and future generations can do the same.

In the middle of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the state's annual fiscal revenue was only 40 million taels, which could be the income of a large country with hundreds of millions of people.

Giving the country's financial revenue for a year to someone will really not be used up by squandering it for ten or eight generations.

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

It's like what was said above.

If you like beautiful women, you can easily buy 100 or even 1000 beauties as concubines, great Yanfu.

If you like food, you can eat Manchu Han banquet every day, hire the most famous chef in the country, and purchase the best ingredients in the world.

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

If you like luxury homes, you can buy a variety of villas with beautiful scenery and beautiful architecture all over the country.

If you like power, you can easily buy a big official to do it, you can buy a hereditary title, so that others will be afraid to see you.

Why are the masters of "Liancheng Jue" willing to risk their lives and the lives of their families for the sake of treasure?

Any hobby you have such as collecting famous horses, collecting cruises, collecting all kinds of exotic beasts, you can easily hold it.

For example, the wife of the Philippine president has thousands of pairs of high-end shoes because she loves shoes;

The Saudi king's toilets are all gold because he loves gold;

Gaddafi was surrounded by all virgin bodyguards because he liked beautiful women.

For people with strong desires, getting this wealth gives everything and can satisfy all desires.

The characters in "Liancheng Jue" are almost all bad guys who only care about satisfying their own desires, desperate and even their own flesh and blood.

It's not unusual for them to do anything for the sake of treasure.


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