
Chen Xiaozhu planted konjac and had a "new prescription"

author:Tianyan News

In the morning, the first rays of sunlight shine down on the fields, and the golden light spreads across the land. In the fields, the fresh smell of the earth is mixed with the fragrance of the newly renovated fields, telling the story of spring.

Since the beginning of spring, the climate of Panzhou is less rainy and arid, the soil is dry, and the development of agriculture has been inhibited to a certain extent. Wearing a straw hat and wandering around the base, Chen Xiaozhu dragged his heavy steps and muttered silently in his heart: "Where are you?"

Chen Xiaozhu planted konjac and had a "new prescription"

The technical team inspected the land preparation of the konjac planting base

What Chen Xiaozhu never forgot was the konjac pest control technology group established by Gao Anhui, the science and technology commissioner of Liupanshui City and the head of the Panzhou Plant Protection and Plant Inspection Station. "The technical group often brings medicine to the countryside to carry out pest control guidance services, and now it is the spring planting season, and the technical group will also carry out demonstration and guidance of pesticide seed dressing technology. Chen Xiaozhu looked into the distance while pacing and pondering.

In the planting base of Xiao Chengbang of Panzhou Hengkun Agricultural Planting Co., Ltd., the technical service team is bringing medicine to the countryside to carry out a demonstration of guiding konjac seed dressing. More than 50 acres of land after finishing a reddish-brown, climb high and overlook, even a piece of standardized land in full view. Villagers are taking advantage of the fine weather to sow konjac, digging pits, sowing seeds, fertilizing, and covering soil...... Get busy and sow the hope of a good harvest.

"The base is mainly planted with flower konjac and Hubei taro No. 1, and the seed dressing agent is Gaoqiao (imidacloprid) + Qi Meixin (jingjia fludioxonil) produced by Bayer, and we should pay special attention to the usage and dosage of the seed dressing agent. ”

Chen Xiaozhu planted konjac and had a "new prescription"

The technical team provides on-site guidance on the actual operation of pharmaceutical seed dressing: seed selection, drug blending, and seed dressing guidance

"To plant konjac, from seed selection, sowing to pest control, each link can not be ignored, pay attention to seed dressing technology at the same time, but also pay attention to environmental protection, we must remember that the packaging waste after use can not be discarded in the field at will, to clean 3 times after centralized collection to the designated recycling point for unified treatment." ”

With the continuous expansion of konjac planting area and the increase of planting years, problems such as underground pests, soil-borne pests and diseases such as root rot, and soft rot at the seedling stage are becoming more and more serious, resulting in a reduction of 30% to 70% of konjac yield, which seriously restricts the development of the industry. "The question is in the land, and the answer must be in the land. In order to solve these problems, Gao Anhui and her colleagues decided to set up a konjac pest control technical team to go to the countryside to show farmers, take farmers to do it, and help farmers make money.

In order to ensure the orderly progress of konjac planting and improve the enthusiasm of planting farmers, the technical team will also go to large planting households for technical guidance after touring publicity and training guidance in the konjac planting base. Seeing the figure of the technical team from a distance, Chen Xiaozhu grinned non-stop. After checking the situation of spring ploughing and land preparation, Chen Xiaozhu ushered in the most important task of the day - to ask the technical team for the technology of pesticide seed dressing.

Chen Xiaozhu planted konjac and had a "new prescription"

The technical team provides on-site guidance on the actual operation of pharmaceutical seed dressing: seed selection, drug blending, and seed dressing guidance

"In the past few years, I have planted too much, and underground pests and root rot are getting more and more serious?"

"Konjac traditional planting pursues yield, does not pay attention to seed treatment and reduced fertilization, does not pay attention to the scientific prevention and control of underground pests, especially maggots, root rot, etc., through improving the field ecological environment, scientific selection of disease and insect prevention herbs and other comprehensive measures, to improve the survival rate of konjac, konjac stable yield, reduce planting risks, increase planting benefits play an important role. ”

The technical team gave accurate replies to Chen Xiaozhu's questions, and the 200 bottles of medicine distributed gave Chen Xiaozhu a "heart booster", "With the prescription, I just have to plant konjac with peace of mind, send technology and medicine to the door, and publicize and train to the ground, hoping to have a season every year!"

Chen Xiaozhu planted konjac and had a "new prescription"

The technical team inspected the land preparation of the konjac planting base

It is reported that konjac is one of the main characteristic cash crops in Guizhou Province, and the planting area of the province has reached more than 50 million mu; Panzhou City has planted 3-50,000 mu, accounting for about 10% of the planting area of the province, with a yield of 1,000-2,000 kilograms per mu and a net income of 2,000-3,000 yuan/mu.

As the sun sets, the figure in a straw hat is embedded in the sunset...... As the cultivation deepened, patches of neat ridges gradually appeared on the field, and on both sides of the ridges, tender green seedlings poked their heads out of the soil, as if to say hello to spring......

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Lu Yuan

Edited by Xiang Qiuyue

Second instance Liu Dinghui

Third trial Sun Qin