
Libo's "Righteous Heart" Reading Club held a Qingming commemorative event

author:Tianyan News
Libo's "Righteous Heart" Reading Club held a Qingming commemorative event

"The people of Libo will not forget that 100 years ago, Deng Enming was born in Shuipu Village in Libo. When he was still in elementary school, he asked in the poems he wrote, why 'the farmer can't eat, and the spinning man can't wear well?' shows his ambition to worry about the country and the people...... "On April 5, Deng Qingmei, the niece and granddaughter of the martyr Deng Enming, recited the prose poem "Enming, Deng Enming" by the famous writer Ye Xin, full of affectionate words, expressing the reciter's deep nostalgia for the martyr Deng Enming.

Libo's "Righteous Heart" Reading Club held a Qingming commemorative event
Libo's "Righteous Heart" Reading Club held a Qingming commemorative event


On April 5, representatives of the Yip Sim Libo College of Literature gathered at Enming Square in front of Deng Enming's former residence. Deng Enming, born in Libo, Guizhou Province in January 1901, is one of the founders of the Communist Party of China, a representative of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and a former secretary of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Shandong Provincial Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China. Together with Wang Jianmei and others, he organized the establishment of the "Lixin Society" and founded the semi-monthly magazine "Lixin", launched a general strike of Qingdao Jiaoji railway workers, and went to Wuhan to attend the Fifth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On April 5, 1931, he was generously righteous in Jinan at the age of 30. In 2009, he was named one of the 100 heroes and models who made outstanding contributions to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Libo's "Righteous Heart" Reading Club held a Qingming commemorative event

The famous writer Ye Xin expressed his praise for the great changes in Libo and the nostalgia of future generations for Deng Enming in the prose poem "Enming, Deng Enming": "What can be comforted by Enming is that your hometown Libo has torn off the label of poverty, and the people of Buyi, Miao and Yao, including the Shui tribe, have crossed the 'food and clothing line', lived a 'new life', eaten 'tourist meals', and lived a beautiful life that is becoming more stable and peaceful day by day." What can comfort Yu Enming is that the more you live a good life, the more we miss and remember the martyrs who sacrificed for the founding of New China, in the Red Boat Square in Libo, the Enming Memorial Hall, and the former residence of Enming in Shuipu, people come to visit and admire your glorious achievements and immortal life all year round......"

The commemorative event coincided with the second day of the Qingming Festival, organized by the "Zhengxin Qi Family" Reading Club, which took Ye Xin Libo Literature College as the position to carry out public welfare reading activities such as national reading promotion, red culture research, Chinese culture research, and ethnic culture research, aiming to cultivate the humanistic atmosphere of Libo, enhance the cultural taste of Libo, and help build a world-class tourist attraction. In addition to holding reading activities in the Faculty of Letters, the reading club will also go into villages, communities, and schools, and adopt a combination of online and offline learning, with offline learning once a week and themed activities once a month.

Text/Liu Xueting, Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Lu Qingjian

Photo/Libo County Rong Media Center

Editor/Chen Jiangnan

Second trial/Zhao Xiangkang

Third Trial/Huang Wei

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