
Borrowing an arrow 2...

author:The rain passed over the Harukawa

Borrowed Arrow 2

There is a lot of air like a butterfly, everywhere

A tiny gap of fatalism is drawn out of it.

I'm passionate about getting involved like this today.

The number of the watch hands, the knock comes out,

Weak for trying, and finding nothing.

For the beauty of the form, the evening is leisurely

Like a wild beast preparing to descend the mountain.

I'm fatalistic too: now,

And I want you to determine for those who have been determined,

Find that place for things?

For thinking is like another self, green jujube

Grow tall and tall, through the clouds and spitting fog, the world

As soon as it shattered, it came out. The next day is its deadline.

You pick it up on a small stool, and you can reach it,

Like kings and concubines, that was also placed

Things that can't be kept away from them anymore

So fresh.

Borrowing an arrow 2...
Borrowing an arrow 2...
Borrowing an arrow 2...
Borrowing an arrow 2...