
The "broken thigh" of the Americans will not be able to pick it up for 10 years?


The bridge in Balton in the United States was hit and collapsed by a container ship, it has been a week, I was not going to talk about this matter, even if the accident loss is huge, repair or reconstruction is far away, friends of this channel also know that the infrastructure of the United States is now at this level, but the situation in the past few days has gradually begun to develop in some unbelievable directions, party strife, racial discrimination, environmental protection and other issues have been engulfed, and the plot can be described as outrageous.

The "broken thigh" of the Americans will not be able to pick it up for 10 years?

On March 26, local time, a container ship crashed into a highway bridge at the Port of Baltimore, USA, and the bridge collapsed and fell into the water

First of all, if the bridge collapses and needs to be repaired, who will pay for it? As soon as the incident happened, US President Joe Biden said that the federal government would bear all the costs. Maryland was of course happy when she heard this, and began to follow the trend and advocate how important this bridge is, it is an important part of the Port of Baltimore, and it is very important to the economic development of the United States. But soon, the naysayers came, congressional Republicans.

These congressmen found experts to study and found that it would cost at least $2 billion and 10 years to completely repair the Baltimore Bridge, which is actually not much for the US government. The Republican Party believes that the federal government owes a huge debt of more than 30 trillion US dollars and cannot continue to spend money indiscriminately.

The "broken thigh" of the Americans will not be able to pick it up for 10 years?

Collapsed bridge

It's no surprise that the two parties would quarrel over this. Biden casually promised to canvass votes, and Republicans firmly opposed it because they didn't want him to canvass votes. Baltimore is a deep blue state, the iron plate of the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party has no voters here, whether your state government is in trouble or not, it's none of our business, if the Biden administration repairs the bridge, he will use it all day long to brag about his achievements, who can stand it.

This is one of the classic dilemmas of the American political system, where the tenure of officials at all levels is so short, resulting in both the state and federal governments focusing more on short-term gains than on long-term plans. Biden's promise of money will boost his approval rating in a short period of time, but if he fails to be re-elected, does the promise count? Of course, it's the same as if he didn't say it. Looking back now, all the promises made by Biden during the 2020 election campaign, such as embracing immigration, safeguarding the rights of blacks, and strengthening gun control, have not been realized.

The "broken thigh" of the Americans will not be able to pick it up for 10 years?


At the same time, because of the collapse of the bridge, a series of derivative problems have brought out a deeper understanding of the richness and diversity of American society. For example, environmental groups have argued that dangerous goods on cargo ships are leaking and polluting Baltimore's water quality, and that the state government must be held responsible. There are also animal protection organizations that warn that even if you clean up the wreckage and rebuild bridges, you must protect the animals, and the lives of mussels on the bottom of the sea are life, and if you hurt them, I will not finish with you.

Don't think these organizations are joking, they are quite serious, two years ago, Musk wanted to invest in building factories in Europe, just because the local area wanted to protect some trees and lizards was stopped, and last month, his factory in Germany was burned by extreme environmental protection groups to reduce the production of substations, resulting in a large-scale shutdown. These concepts, coined by Western countries, were originally used to cut the electorate in order to more accurately distribute information to canvass votes, and the Greens in Germany are typical representatives, but now they have grown into a terrible force that can stir up society and cause chaos in the government.

The "broken thigh" of the Americans will not be able to pick it up for 10 years?

Racism is a social cancer that is difficult to eradicate in the United States

As for what, the black governor of Baltimore was racially discriminated against, the overall infrastructure of the United States is backward, and it will cost more than 300 billion US dollars to fully repair the bridges across the country, which will take 75 years, etc., but it is not so strange, in short, when you see a cockroach, there is usually a group nearby, and the good days of the American people are still to come.

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