
The daughter who married far away called her father and said that she was homesick and her family drove 800 kilometers overnight to visit her daughter

author:A small forest that loves life

Thousands of miles to find relatives


It was late at night, and the moonlight outside the window shone on the quiet town like a thin layer of frost. Xiao Ya curled up in a room in a foreign country, holding her mobile phone tightly in her hand, tears flashing in her eyes. She dialed her father's phone in her hometown, and her voice was choked and gentle: "Dad, I want to go home." On the other end of the phone, the father's voice was warm and firm: "Child, if you are homesick, we will go to see you." ”

The daughter who married far away called her father and said that she was homesick and her family drove 800 kilometers overnight to visit her daughter

Xiaoya is the only daughter in the family, and has been regarded by her parents as a pearl since she was a child. When she grew up, she chose to marry far away for love and left that home full of warm memories. Although her married life is happy, the loneliness of a foreign land and the difference in culture make her often miss the grass and trees in her hometown, especially the love and care of her parents.

The daughter who married far away called her father and said that she was homesick and her family drove 800 kilometers overnight to visit her daughter

That night, Xiaoya's mind drifted far away. She told her father on the phone about the bits and pieces of life and the unspeakable homesickness. As my father listened, a surge of determination swelled in his heart: "Tomorrow morning, we will set off." ”

The daughter who married far away called her father and said that she was homesick and her family drove 800 kilometers overnight to visit her daughter

The next day, as soon as it was dawn, Xiaoya's parents began to prepare for the pack. They decided to drive to their daughter's city, even if it was a long way, to give her the warmest hug. My mother packed up my hometown's souvenirs, and my father checked the condition of the car to make sure it was safe all the way.

As the morning dawned, they set out. In the car, Xiaoya's favorite songs when she was a child were played, and each song carried the memory of home. Along the way, the two alternated driving, day and night. Despite the exhaustion, every time I think of the moment I am about to see my daughter, all the fatigue seems to disappear.

At the same time, Xiaoya waited anxiously at home. She knew her parents were coming, but she didn't expect them to come so quickly. She busily cleaned her room and prepared a hearty meal, hoping to make up for her regret not being able to go home.

Time passed minute by minute, and Xiaoya's mood became more and more nervous as the clock ticked. It wasn't until late evening that the familiar sound of footsteps could be heard outside the door. She slammed open the door, only to see her parents' faces full of dust, but their eyes were full of joy. At that moment, Xiaoya's heart melted, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

"Mom, Dad!" she threw herself into her parents' arms and hugged them tightly. The three of them hugged each other and cried, and all the difficulties and thoughts were released at this moment. At dinner, the family sat together, sharing the taste of hometown that they had not seen for a long time, and talking about each other's lives.

That night, Xiaoya listened to her mother's snoring and looked at her father's peaceful sleeping face, feeling unprecedented peace of mind. She knows that no matter where she goes, home will always be her strongest backing. And her parents' actions gave her great courage and strength, and made her understand that no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, she is no longer alone.

The next day, the parents did not rush back, but spent the whole day with Xiaoya. They went for a walk in the local park together, tasted the food of Xiaoya's city together, and even went to the market to buy vegetables together, as if they had returned to the ordinary life of the past. Xiaoya took her parents on a tour of her home and introduced her husband and friends. Every detail is a relief for the parents that their baby daughter has put down roots here and has a new life of her own.

At parting, the sky glowed with a faint morning light. Xiaoya hugged her parents tightly and was unwilling to let go. The father patted her gently on the back and said softly, "Child, no matter where you are, we will always be your strong backing." Remember, home is always your direction. ”

The car gradually moved away, and Xiaoya stood in front of the door for a long time and was reluctant to leave. She knows that this reunion is not only a simple reunion, but also the power of family affection to tell her that no matter the wind or rain, the harbor of home will always be open for her.

Since then, Xiaoya has cherished every minute and every second with her family. She knows that no matter how far away she is, the warmth of home will always reach her heart through thousands of mountains and rivers. And that night of running around with her parents will become the most precious memory in her heart, reminding her that the love connected by blood is so powerful that it can cross any distance.

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