
Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

author:Peach's new horizons

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Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

My name is Zhao Ming, I am 32 years old, and I am a middle-level manager of a listed company. My wife Li Xiaoxiao and I have been married for 8 years and we have a 6-year-old daughter. Although life is uneventful, we get along quite well.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

Until last year, I met a female colleague named Yang Li. She is 5 years younger than me, she is beautiful and generous, and she does a great job. We slowly walked into each other's lives, from a simple colleague relationship to an ambiguous relationship. We often met and chatted privately outside of work, and gradually developed a good feeling.

One day, I plucked up the courage to invite Yang Li to dinner with me. She hesitated, but finally agreed. We found a quiet restaurant and chatted while eating. We talked about our respective family situations and our work difficulties. I couldn't resist telling her about my marital status with my wife. Actually, my relationship with my wife is not very good, and we often quarrel over small things. I sighed, I felt a lack of communication between us, and a lack of passion.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

Yang Li gently shook my hand, I can understand your situation. Sometimes, life is like this, and there will be a lot of unexpected difficulties. But I believe that as long as you are willing to communicate, you will be able to find a solution.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

I chatted with Yang Li, and before I knew it, we had been chatting until late at night. We involuntarily approached each other and felt each other's body temperature. I looked into her eyes and saw concern and understanding. I plucked up my courage and slowly approached her, our lips touching softly.

This kiss made me feel more excited and guilty than ever before. I know it's wrong, I'm cheating on my wife and daughter. But Yang Li's gentleness and thoughtfulness made me unable to extricate myself. We cheated like this, and it was hard to control ourselves every time we met.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

As the days passed, I sank deeper and deeper. I started working overtime frequently and making up all sorts of excuses to cheat on my wife. It was getting harder and harder for me to meet the eyes of my wife and daughter. Sometimes, I blame myself in my heart, but I am soon confused by Yang Li.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

One day, Li Xiaoxiao discovered my abnormality. She asked me if I was hiding something from her. I humbly denied it, but she still saw through it. She asked me with red eyes if I was cheating. I stumbled on and on, and finally admitted.

I bowed my head guiltily and I knew I had done something wrong and I was sorry. But I really can't control my feelings. Our marriage has long since died in name, and I just want to find some solace.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I swear I won't do it again, please forgive me.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

I was stunned, and it took me a while to react Xiaoxiao, please give me a chance, I will really correct it.

Li Xiaoxiao said coldly No need, our marriage is over. You get out of here, I don't want to see you again.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

I looked at her pleading Xiaoxiao, please give me another chance, I will really change.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

When I left home, I felt helpless like a mountain weighing on my heart. I couldn't concentrate on my work and I couldn't look my colleagues in the eyes. I often sit alone in my office in a daze, thinking about my life.

One day, Yang Li took the initiative to find me and asked me how I was doing. I bitterly told her that my wife and I were divorced. Yang Li comforted me and said: Ming, I understand your current situation, but I believe that as long as you sincerely repent, your wife will definitely forgive you. The relationship between you is so deep, you will definitely be able to get through it.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

Yang Li held my hand and explained seriously, I will always be by your side to support you. The relationship between us is also precious, and I hope you will cherish it. Maybe this experience will be a lesson for you, and you will cherish your family even more in the future.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

A few months later, the divorce process was finally completed. I moved into a small apartment and lived on my own. I often dream of my daughter's innocent smile and my wife's warm hug. Whenever this happens, I will be sad and cry bitterly. I lost my most precious family member, a mistake I will never be able to make up for in my life.

In order to escape reality, I began to indulge in alcohol. Every day after work, I would go to the bar and binge drink until I got drunk. I was numb to the pain in my heart and also to my zest for life.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

One day, I was drunk at the bar and came back to my apartment when I suddenly saw a familiar figure. It's my daughter! She hugged me tightly and cried and said, Dad, what's wrong with you? Why don't you go home? Mom and I miss you so much

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

I shuddered and said sorry, baby, Daddy was wrong. Dad will definitely be fine in the future, you and Mom don't worry about me.

There was a long silence on the other end of the line, and I anxiously awaited her response. Finally, she whispered that I needed time to think about it. You stay outside for a while, and then I'll come back to you when I'm ready.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient

When I hung up, I was both expectant and apprehensive. I don't know if my wife will really forgive me, and I don't know if we'll ever be back together in the future. But I have to work hard to make up for my mistakes and rebuild our family.

So, I began the long wait. I spend every day in my apartment thinking about my past and future. I decided to quit drinking and smoking, and to take care of my body and mind. I know that my wife will only believe in my sincerity if I truly repent.

Finally, after three months of waiting, the wife called. She said, I want to talk to you. I want to give you a chance, but you have to prove that you have really changed.

The wife was silent for a while, and said that it would be so, you should come back first. Let's talk about it.

I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to get home. My wife looked at me coldly, and I felt a little scared in my heart. I cautiously said Xiaoxiao, I'm really sorry, I will definitely treat you and my daughter well in the future.

The wife sighed and said I knew you were telling the truth. But you have to prove your sincerity with your actions. Trust between us needs to be slowly rebuilt, and it will not happen overnight.

From that day on, I began the long road of rebuilding. I work hard every day and go home on time to spend time with my wife and daughter. I took the initiative to do housework and take care of my daughter. The three of us gradually returned to our former intimacy.

As the days passed, my wife gradually believed in my change. One day, she took the initiative to kiss me, and I felt extremely happy. We hugged each other again, as if we had gone back to the old days.

I swear that I will cherish this family and never make the same mistake again. I will spend my life winning back my wife's trust and rebuilding our happy family. This lesson taught me that family is the most precious thing and that I must never let down their feelings again.

Once a man cheats, he will inevitably suffer the following 3 kinds of retribution, without exception. ancient