
Not long after Xie Na was born, her father contracted lung disease, and the family spent all the money

author:Pigskin Bully

Zhu Dan, the host who used to shine on the screen, may have faded out of people's sight now, but her life is full of a different kind of happiness. Do you still remember her who was once a smash hit? With her own efforts, her reputation once approached or even surpassed Xie Na and became the focus of attention. Unlike Xie Na, Zhu Dan's success seems to be more independent, without too much protection from the outside world, relying entirely on his own talent and sweat.

However, Zhu Dan's childhood was not as glamorous as her career. Her father developed lung disease shortly after she was born, which eventually led to lung cancer. For fear of infecting his daughter, he chose to send Zhu Dan to his grandmother's house in the countryside. Despite this, the disease ruthlessly took his young life. As a result, the family's finances were in dire straits, and Zhu Dan and her mother once survived by picking up cabbage and radishes discarded by others. It wasn't until my mother remarried that her life gradually took a turn for the better.

Originally, Zhu Dan never thought of getting involved in the hosting world, her dream was to become a teacher. But fate is always full of twists and turns, and by chance, she learned about the enrollment information of a newly established university in Hangzhou. With curiosity and desire for the unknown, she went to Hangzhou for an interview. With that bright smile and frank temperament, she was successfully admitted to Zhejiang Media, thus starting her career as a host.

Not long after Xie Na was born, her father contracted lung disease, and the family spent all the money

After graduation, Zhu Dan successfully entered Zhejiang Satellite TV and began her hosting work. In order to improve her hosting skills, she did not hesitate to practice her pronunciation with olives or stones, and even endured abdominal pain during menstruation, taking painkillers to insist on hosting. Her efforts and talent were gradually recognized, and her career climbed all the way.

However, just when her career was in full swing, Zhu Dan made an unexpected decision - to leave Zhejiang Satellite TV and switch to Hunan Satellite TV. This move caused quite a bit of controversy, and many people considered her ungrateful. But Zhu Dan doesn't seem to care about any of this, she just wants to pursue her dreams and career.

However, reality is often more brutal than imagined. On Hunan Satellite TV, Zhu Dan's hosting program did not achieve the expected response, and her hosting career encountered an unprecedented trough. Faced with such a predicament, Zhu Dan chose to temporarily withdraw from the hosting world and turned his focus to his own life.

Not long after Xie Na was born, her father contracted lung disease, and the family spent all the money

In the past two years, we have rarely seen Zhu Dan on TV, but her life has not been bleak because of this. Her relationship with actor Zhou Yiwei was blessed by everyone, and the two built a warm and happy family together. Perhaps for Zhu Dan, the ups and downs of her career are only part of life, and the happiness of her family is what she cherishes the most.

Today's Zhu Dan, although she is no longer the unrivaled host, her life is full of happiness and satisfaction. In her own way, she tells us that no matter how ups and downs your career is, as long as you have love in your heart, you can find your own happiness.

Not long after Xie Na was born, her father contracted lung disease, and the family spent all the money

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