
Do you understand the insomnia caused by "emotional cold"?

author:The Adventures of Lolo

"Emotional insomnia exploded! You don't know yet?"


Do you often experience poor sleep, and emotional problems such as depression and anxiety may be quietly affecting your night. But did you know that insomnia, known as the "emotional cold", is becoming a common health hazard in modern society. This article will give you an in-depth understanding of the relationship between mood and insomnia, and how to deal with it effectively.


1. Emotions are closely linked to insomnia

Do you understand the insomnia caused by "emotional cold"?

Mood swings are a normal physiological response in humans, but when the mood is in a state of tension, depression or anxiety for a long time, it can lead to insomnia problems. This is because emotional problems affect the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain that are involved in sleep regulation, which in turn affects the quality of sleep.

2. Insomnia is a problem that should not be underestimated

Insomnia not only affects the efficiency of work and study during the day, but also aggravates emotional problems, forming a vicious circle. Long-term insomnia may also increase health risks such as cardiovascular disease and weakened immune system function.

3. How to relieve mood-induced insomnia

To alleviate emotion-induced insomnia, you first need to learn effective emotion management skills. For example, reduce stress and soothe emotions through exercise, relaxation techniques, good social relationships, etc. At the same time, maintaining a regular routine is also an important way to prevent insomnia.

Do you understand the insomnia caused by "emotional cold"?

4. Integrative Chinese and Western medicine treatment

In addition to psychological adjustment, integrative medicine is also an effective way. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that insomnia is mostly related to emotional discomfort and poor qi, and can be used to regulate qi and blood through traditional Chinese medicine to improve insomnia.


With the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of social pressure, insomnia caused by emotional problems has become a common phenomenon. How to maintain mental health in a fast-paced life is worth pondering. In your opinion, how can we deal with emotional insomnia effectively?

Do you understand the insomnia caused by "emotional cold"?