
A far-sighted mother reminded her son: If a woman does not have these three things, no matter how beautiful she is, she cannot marry

author:The Adventures of Lolo

"If a woman lacks these 3 things, no matter how beautiful she is, she is not worth marrying"


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be happy but suffer in their marriage? Perhaps, in addition to love, marriage needs more diverse support. Today, let's talk about whether a woman lacks these three things, no matter how beautiful and moving she is, she may not be worth marrying.


A far-sighted mother reminded her son: If a woman does not have these three things, no matter how beautiful she is, she cannot marry

1. Ignorance of society

In reality, if a woman does not know anything about society, it is often easy to lead to many problems in marriage. Such a woman may have some naïve ideas and lack the ability to correctly judge and deal with family finances and social relationships. For example, if a woman holds the household finances in her hands but lacks a deep understanding of society, she is likely to invest her family assets in unrealistic places, leading to financial problems in the family. On the contrary, a woman with social experience will handle family affairs more rationally and avoid unnecessary financial risks.

2. Lack of mental independence

Marriage requires both parties to have the ability to be mentally independent, otherwise it is easy to have the problem of spiritual dependence. If a woman is overly dependent on her husband after marriage and always expects the other person to be the whole of her life, then such a marriage is likely to bring stress and contradictions to both parties. On the contrary, if a woman can maintain a certain level of spiritual independence and have her own life and hobbies, then she will be able to better balance her needs in marriage and reduce her dependence on her husband, thus creating a healthier and more stable family relationship.

A far-sighted mother reminded her son: If a woman does not have these three things, no matter how beautiful she is, she cannot marry

3. Lack of rational consumption concept

In marriage, money issues are often one of the important causes of conflict. If a woman lacks a rational concept of consumption and does not have the correct understanding and management ability of money, then it is likely to bring financial pressure and unnecessary conflicts to the family. For example, if a woman pursues luxury goods and famous brands excessively after marriage, and neglects the family's financial situation, then it is likely to lead to a financial crisis for the family. On the contrary, a woman with a rational consumption concept will pay more attention to the economic stability of the family and manage the family's finances rationally, so as to create better conditions for the development of the family.


Therefore, when we choose a marriage partner, we should not only look at appearance and love, but also pay attention to the other party's social adaptability, spiritual independence and rational consumption concept. Only when both partners perform in these aspects can a stable and happy marriage be established. In the end, the happiness of a marriage depends on whether both parties can understand, support and tolerate each other.

A far-sighted mother reminded her son: If a woman does not have these three things, no matter how beautiful she is, she cannot marry

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